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The Right to an Attorney... Who You Hope is on Your Side

Posted on Tue Jan 15th, 2013 @ 10:17am by Suresh & Seyla & Tog
Edited on on Tue Sep 22nd, 2015 @ 10:31pm

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Brig

* * * The Brig * * *

The Enforcer sat in his cell trying to wrap his brain around the mind-boggling events of the day. First his compulsion to go to the cadet’s quarters, then hearing himself swear his love and that kiss....what the hell had he been thinking? He was repulsed by the thought and yet, when the young man had come to visit, there had been a moment when he’d wanted to break through the force field to get to him. It had faded and he’d yelled to be left alone.

But what was it he’d said? Something about killing someone named Chance? That’s why he was in here but he had no idea what that was about and no one was giving him any answers that satisfied him. He thought someone else had come to visit too, but he couldn’t recall who now and the more he tried to remember, the more it refused to come until finally, he was sure no one had. Rising now, he approached the force field and yelled at whoever was listening.

“Let me out!” He dropped his voice to a mutter. “Believe me, when you do, it will be your worst nightmare come to life for keeping me in here.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, Mr. Enforcer, or, should I say, Mr. Engels?” Tog strolled into the frame created by the cell door. “I see why you prefer ‘The Enforcer’. Compared to ‘Engels’? It sounds so tough. Ooo,” he shivered playfully, “I got chills and they’re multiplying.”

The Hazari glared at Tog. He knew the man’s face of course, and his name. Suresh spoke of him often, usually in sentences made up of four letter words. He also knew, though, that this man was a big reason that Suresh was still running around scot-free.

“What do you want?”

“Oh, just to introduce myself. I am Tog, your defense counsel, courtesy of Suresh, but no one else should know that. So, tell me... what’s with the professions of love for a young boy named Eli?”

The Hazari growled and turned away from Tog, moving back to sit on his bunk. “Everyone knows who you work for Tog.” Then he shrugged. “Got me. I don’t know. There’s just something in my head that keeps wanting to see him. I don’t want to even but when he was here earlier, I wanted to break down that force field to get at him. And I’m not even sure who he is.”

“He’s the boyfriend of the man you murdered,” Tog said and paced in front of the cell’s forcefield. Attorney-client privilege meant that no one was listening or recording this, so they could speak freely.

“Murdered...yeah right. People keep saying that. If I did it then why don’t I remember it?”

Watching him for a moment, Tog tried to read the Hazari’s expression. Was he serious? If he was play acting, then he was doing a damn good job. “Yeah, sure, just keep that up. That and the ‘oh! Eli, I love you!’,” he said the phrase in a high falsetto, “and we just might get an insanity acquittal. But we both know you killed the kid. Chance Conradi. Little brother of the Chief of Security here.”

“Who knows?” The Hazari rose and moved back to stand before Tog. “Who knows?? Because I sure as hell don’t have a fucking clue! And don’t make jokes about Eli.” The second the words popped out, his mouth fell open, so stunned was he.

Again, Tog watched him; this time, his thoughts ran more towards the ‘what the flaming hell?’ end of the spectrum. He shook it off and mocked his client, “Don’t make jokes about my boyfriend! Wahwahwah! Whinewhinewhine! Really? You’re going to stay in character even with me? Even when there’s no one else listening? By the great Nagi! Stop it and give me something I can use in your defense! Besides insanity.”

The Enforcer shrugged. “I have nothing. I don’t even remember it. All I know is...screw it.” He shrugged and ran a hand over his face. “I don’t know. What do you want me to say?”

“An alibi? Something? Otherwise, I’ll just talk to the prosecutor and have him enter a guilty plea. You do know what will happen then, right?” Tog pinned the Hazari with a glare.

“I’ll be stuck down here for good.” He sighed and looked back at Tog. “So can’t we have some mind reader look in my head and see that I didn’t do this? Or maybe figure out what’s going on with this Eli? Is he coming back?” Again he looked surprised at his own words.

“Yeah, yeah, I’ve already gotten a notice from Security that they’re bringing in a reader. As for Eli: he shouldn’t be back, ever.” The attorney frowned; what was with the guy? Asking about Eli and seemingly wanting him to come back? “But no, what will happen is that Suresh will have someone kill you, considering how much you know about his assignments to you.”

“Even in here? How would he ever get to me?”

“Have you taken leave of your intelligence?”, Tog demanded. “Stop being stupid! Even in there, Suresh can reach you!”

The Hazari’s shoulders sagged. He knew Tog spoke the truth and suddenly the reality of his situation became crystal clear. He was truly and royally fucked. Even if he swore he didn’t do it, and he didn’t remember doing it, something had happened. That Eli had been in his head and even he was sure about the murder. So then why couldn’t he remember? He shook his head finally.

“So what do I do?”

“I could have an ‘expert’ come in and erase things...,” Tog paced while muttering options out loud. Slowly, he turned to look at the Hazari. “Have you had a visitor besides me and besides Eli?”

The Hazari thought about that one and finally shook his head. “No. And I haven’t been asleep so no one could come then either.”

“Fine.” He knew it was highly unlikely Starfleet would let him bring in his own mind-reader, particularly if the reader was an Enaran or Mari, with the ability to remove and add memories. “You can expect to do a good amount of time, probably here or, if you’re lucky, maybe we could get you sent somewhere else. The New Zealand Penal Colony, perhaps. I’ll talk to the prosecutor.”

“So that’s it? Just ‘you’re going to do time’? What happened to the fact that I don’t have a clue what happened to that kid?” The Hazari slammed his hand into the forcefield and it sizzled blue for a moment. “I’ll tell you one thing. You don’t get me out of here so I can get back to work? I’s a sitting duck. You’re right, he’ll find a way to kill me so if I’m stuck here? Starfleet is going to hear every single thing Suresh ever even thought of doing before he takes me out.”

Holding up his hands in a placating manner, Tog said, “Okay, okay, we’ll argue that it simply wasn’t you, or, if it was, you did it out of insanity over this Eli kid. Not the first time that love has driven someone insane....” He paused and looked at the Hazari. He then named the date and time of Chance’s murder and asked, “Is it worth asking you where you were on that night?”

Confusion flashed across the Hazari’s features. “I was --” He stopped and frowned. “I went to Saturnalia I believe.”

“Tell me you hired one of Seyla’s girls. Or boys. Either one. Just someone who could verify that.”

“Boys?” The Hazari grumbled in disgust, but then the image of Eli rose in his thoughts and a flash of desire ran through him. He growled and pressed his hands to his temples. “The waitresses should remember...what the hell is happening to me?”

Keeping one eye on the Hazari, Tog keyed in a message to his assistant. If all went well, he’d have the Hazari’s alibi confirmed by the time he got back to his office. “You’ve gone insane, that’s what’s happened. Other than claiming to be in love with Eli Ziyad, you got anything else to confess?”

“Not unless you can’t get me out. That happens, it’s Suresh’s ass.”

“That happens and you’ll sit tight. Give me a day, maybe two, after that happens, with your mouth shut. Understand? I’ll work something out,” Tog stared at the Hazari.

“Two days, that’s it. I hope you’re as good as he thinks you are. Otherwise, I’m sure Security would love to hear about his orders to sabotage a certain shuttle....” The Hazari smiled finally.

Tog’s teeth showed as he sneered. “I’m better than Suresh thinks I am. Don’t be concerned about that. I have a defense to make up. Enjoy your stay in the brig,” he snapped and turned on his heel to leave.

“Hey, deliver a message for me?”

Stopping in mid-stride, Tog turned slightly. “Depends. To whom and what’s the message?”

“Tell Eli that I’m waiting. That’s all.”

It was a full minute before Tog could move. When he finally did, he was shaking his head.

Slick, but Not Quite Greased

The Enforcer


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