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Partners in Crime

Posted on Tue Jan 22nd, 2013 @ 7:08pm by Seyla & Tog
Edited on on Tue Sep 22nd, 2015 @ 10:32pm

Mission: The Struggle Within

* * * Saturnalia * * *

Ivor entered Saturnalia, now off duty and out of uniform, making him much less noticeable in the crowd. He made his way to a table towards the back and ordered a drink before sitting down to wait, watching the entrance.

His watchfulness paid off, after a time, and after a sorts: Tog entered the poorly lit bar and was greeted by shouts from several other patrons. He grinned and waved, like a sharp-toothed celebrity. As he glad-handed his way past several tables (and clients), he caught sight of Ivor and his smile chilled a little. Patting one more client on the back, he found himself standing before the Prosecutor’s table. “Drinking alone or looking for company... of the male and non-sexual variety?”

“Yes and yes, but you’ll do. Have a seat Tog.” Ivor waved over the waitress to get more drinks ordered.

Pausing for a moment, Tog tried to work out just what Ivor was saying ‘yes’ to, but there were more inquiries than answers and he shook his head, leaving the puzzle alone. He took a seat instead and nodded to a passing waitress, knowing that, in a moment, she’d bring him his ‘usual’. “What brings you to Suresh’s slum?”

“I’ve just been to see Suresh’s knife.” He drank the last sip from his glass and pushed it to the outer edge of the table for the waitress to pick up. “Interesting little visit there.”

“How many times did he ask to see the kid?”

“Two or three, but it was his last request as I was leaving.” Ivor paused as the waitress brought their drinks. “He’s giving us an ultimatum, a tight time frame Tog. Now why is that?”

“Ugh, yeah.” Tog rolled his eyes and sipped his drink. “I’m working on that. Give me a day or two, and there’ll be no more ultimatums from him. But we can’t have him blabbing about Suresh’s other contracts. Weird that he can’t recall this one.”

“That seems to be the way the wind is blowing if he’s not out in two days. Unfortunately, while I agree this lack of memory is strange, it’s not going to save him. He either has to be silenced altogether, or broken out. Because you and I both know that if he starts talking, we’re dead meat.”

“I was going to leave you out of the break out. Deniable plausibility, isn’t that the term? There are plans afoot. Leave it to me and the Hazari will be silenced. One way or another.”

Ivor smiled finally. “Thank you, I do need to be ignorant of this one. Two days, otherwise, you and I may be taking a nice long holiday. But it does bring up something we need to think about - this Eli. What does he know?”

“Too much, but I thought you’d know that by now,” Tog looked over his adversary. “Haven’t you heard what Eli has told the great and all-knowing Oz?” He spread his hands, wiggling his fingers as he said that.

“Oz had been a little preoccupied with our missing crew and the recovery team. What should I know?” Ivor shook his head at Tog. “Good thing I like you, don’t ever do that again.”

“Good thing I have another source besides you. There’s a crazy rumor out there that has it that Chance’s head is inside the Hazari’s. That and that Eli ‘saw’ the Hazari’s memories of killing Chance. See? This is why I’m working with that deadline.”

“He’s fucked, Tog. If that cadet really is in his head, they won’t rest till they get him out. And likely as soon a possible.” A sudden thought struck Ivor and he smiled widely. “Then again, perhaps that’s what we need to happen. If it goes bad, the Enforcer will be left with the mind of a rock, thus solving our problem.”

“Perhaps. I’d rather bank on the idea that he’ll come through just fine and have plans laid in case that comes true. Then, if he’s a rock at the end of it, we’re golden,” Tog smiled and toasted Ivor with his drink. “Do you have a better plan?”

“Not at the moment, no.” He clinked his glass to Tog’s. “But maybe if they are successful, he’ll stop pining for Eli.”

“Let’s hope for the hopeless and pray that isn’t us.”

“I’ll drink to that.”

Lt.(jg) Ivor Biro
Mired In Duplicity

Mucking About


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