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Discussing The Future

Posted on Thu Jan 24th, 2013 @ 10:54pm by El'Shar Blackhorse

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Capt. Blackhorse's Quarters
Timeline: Current

El'Shar and Marie had spent the last day poring through the interview information and every scrap of information that they'd obtained from the scans of the anomaly, and what the science staff had attempted. All in all, El'Shar had interviewed twenty people directly, and indirectly, involved in the incident. She didn't feel the need to speak to anyone else.

"So, Marie, what is your decision on this incident? Temporal or not? And if so, do we need to quarantine the area for further investigation?"

Lieutenant O'Donnell sat on the floor, her legs crossed and piles of PADDs stacked around her. She put the PADD she was looking at down and pursed her lips, thinking. "Temporal? Definitely not. And I don't think we need to do anything else that the science crew here isn't already working on. Other than the potential loss of several good crew, which is a tragedy in and of itself, there's nothing else that T.A. can do here."

El'Shar regarded her aide and smiled. "My thoughts exactly. Other than all of the work we had to do, this was an open and shut case from the beginning. But we had to do our jobs like always."

Marie began to frown. "Does that mean that you're going to resign now?"

"Wow, you don't pull any punches do you?" She stood and crossed the room to the replicator. "But to answer your question, that was the deal I made with the boss. I finish this job and then I'm done. But don't worry, Marie, I'll put in a good word for you."

"Screw the good word, El," Marie replied, standing, then buckling. "Ow, damn! My leg fell asleep." Wobbling around the room she continued. "I don't give a rip about moving up--I mean, I'll take it, sure, if I've earned it, but why do you have to quit now? You're the only person in Temporal that's ever really tried to teach me anything! I want to work with you more."

Returning her tea to the replicator she ordered two wine glasses and a bottle of cabernet. "Here you go, kiddo," she said, handing a glass to Marie and filling it. "I think we can safely say that we're off duty now. And about your instruction," she said as she sat and filled her own glass, "I don't think you need much more help from anyone. Something that I failed to tell you about this particular investigation was that I was also ordered to find out if you were able to be let out on your own."

Marie was silent for a moment as she recounted everything that had happened on this particular mission. She'd noticed that El'Shar had been giving her more responsibility and letting her take lead in several of the interrogations. She chalked it up to the Captain wanting to resign and just letting Marie do all of the work, not that Marie cared. She had enjoyed being more hands-on with the investigation than usual and was happy to be doing more than just waiting in the shadows.

"So...did I pass muster or am I bound to be an aide forever?"

El'Shar was silent for a bit as she sipped at her wine and smiled over the rim of the glass.


"Yes, Marie! Of course you passed. And I have it on good authority that you will be promoted when you return to HQ, so you'll also have that to look forward to." She laughed. "Imagine it, more responsibility and more rank! I'll send you a box of antacid to celebrate."

With a squeal Marie jumped up and down. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" she said as she ran over and hugged El'Shar. "This is fantastic! On my own? Oh, man, it'll be great! I can actually teach someone else like you taught me."

"Easy, easy," El'Shar said, laughing. "We're spilling precious wine all over the place! And I have no doubt that you'll be a good teacher for some young, up-and-coming newbies. At least you'd better be, young lady."

"I promise." And just like that Marie's celebration stopped. "But wait...what are you going to do? Where are you going to go?"

"Don't you worry about me, m'dear. I'll probably hang out around here for a while since I've never been in the Delta Quadrant before this, do a little travelling, see what I can get into."

"By yourself? How boring."

"Don't start with me, Marie," El'Shar said with an eyeroll. "I'll find someone eventually, when the time is right. And you will too, but I'm sure your someone is back in the Alpha Quadrant."

"Yeah, I guess."

It was quiet in the room as they both considered where their lives were going and how quickly they might get there.

"Hey, El," Marie finally said, "aren't they sending the Hammond after the CO and XO now? Think we can we go and watch?"

They had been drinking but neither of them had finished their first glass. "I can always ask," she said as she rose and took both of their glasses back to the recycler. "Freshen up a bit and we'll head up. I'll ask Commander Sakkath if he would object to our being spectators."

"Awesome!" Marie said as she quickly began straightening up her uniform and ran her fingers through her shoulder length hair. "Well, you look gorgeous as usual, so I think we're ready to go."

"Lead the way, then, chickie," El'Shar said with a wink.

Captain El'Shar Blackhorse
Temporal Investigations

Lieutenant Marie O'Donnell
Temporal Investigations


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