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Cover Your Ass Is The Order Of The Day

Posted on Thu Feb 7th, 2013 @ 7:22pm by Aegina & Admiral Ricky Wegener
Edited on on Thu Feb 7th, 2013 @ 8:27pm

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Archadia III

Prime Minister’s Private Quarter’s - Archadia Prime

Aegina paced across her living room, reached the door, and turned setting a course for the window. Tension mixed with anger approaching rage vibrated off her in waves as she waited for her other aide to arrive. The intel that had reached her had left her in a very dangerous state. The hunter had fallen victim to either Veist or his new mate. Her unknown assistant had found the woman’s body in the floor of a house that had obviously been Veist’s secret residence.

And on top of that, Veist and his plaything were gone. Aegina had no idea what to make of that situation. Veist had always been hard as nails, completely devoid of emotion. And then suddenly, he’d laid eyes on this woman and fallen head over heels for her. Aegina had seen the footage from their meetings in the palace square but she’d been shocked beyond all reason to watch the scene of Veist kneeling down and offering this woman an arrow. By Archadian law, they were mated and Aegina thought she’d never ever see that day come. From those who’d seen them, he seemed to actually have feelings for this...Imara. Aegina finally pulled the name from memory. Well, now the lovebirds had to be found. At least the rooster half of that pair. A noise came from outside and Aegina turned her head away from the window as the door opened and a woman rushed in.

“Prime Minister,” Solaana, the aide, said. “I have news from the flight operations center.” She secured the door and walked closer to Aegina. “Two shuttles are enroute here. A transmission was intercepted from a female sounding very much like the woman Veist was with stating that they were to be given access to the Queen upon their arrival.”

Aegaina’s eyebrows shot up. “Now why do you suppose the love of his life would be requesting an audience with the Queen? And was there any word on Veist himself?” Dread settled in the pit of Aegina’s stomach like lead. Something was changing and she didn’t like it. She also had a sinking feeling it was time to start covering her ass and that seemed to be starting with Veist’s mate.

“There was no word from, or about, Veist. They are still too far for us to scan them but it was reported that a shuttle from the Federation starbase left in quite a hurry over an hour ago.” She paused. “Could they have bested him, somehow?”

“For what reason though? We are on friendly terms with them, they have no reason to attack my aide. It would be a very bad idea. The problem is, what if he lost his mind and started talking? Went to them for protection?” Aegina ran her hand through her hair which she’d not had time to style yet.

“I can’t speculate on why they would pursue, but if he’s gone to them to give up what he knows, that will cause some problems, but...” she asked if she could sit and, after a nod from Aegina, she sat and continued, “I don’t see that as a major problem.”

“No, it will be easy enough to remove him as a potential problem. And his new mate, just in case he told her anything. I suspect he may have, otherwise how would he explain a hunter in his house trying to kill him?”

“And she’s convinced him to get an audience with the Queen to tell all?” Solaana asked. “Surely he knows that it’s simply his word against yours. And who would believe a supposed Archadian male over you?” She scoffed. “That would be ludicrous. He must have something else up his sleeve, but what I find curious is why his mate is doing all the talking. Despite his being male, his position as your Aide gives him quite a bit of sway. And knowing him like we do, I don’t see him allowing her to control what he does.”

“That’s what I wish to know too, Solaana. I never thought he was the type to lose his head over a woman. I’d have sworn to anyone he had no emotions at all, aside from lust, and that only on occasion. But you need to see this.” She moved over to a desk in the corner and pressed the panel. A large viewscreen on the wall came to life, showing Veist and the woman in the square the day he’d offered her the arrow.

“He...he gave her an arrow?” Solaana said, hardly believing what she was seeing. “And she obviously accepted it. Wow. And we think this is genuine, not just some ploy to get into her skivvies for a while and then dispose of her? He’d easily be able to get rid of her in some way that would make her death look like an accident.”

Aegina nodded. “I do think it’s real. Even Veist isn’t that good an actor. Besides, if he just wanted a bit of fun, he always had plenty of offers. As my aide, he was most desirable, for obvious reasons. And look at her. She’s utterly enthralled. What concerns me is that this was all very sudden.”

“You’re thinking maybe she was a plant? Someone trying to infiltrate and find out what’s been happening? Even the Archadians that have begun working on their base are still very loyal to us, Prime Minister. Surely it couldn’t be one of our own?”

“As near as I can determine, she’s the genuine article too. Her name is Imara. She lives just a few blocks from here. The only female that we are aware of that might be with 900 Intel was someone completely different. Veist had a run in with her not long ago and she was withdrawn from this planet.” Aegina keyed in another command and an image of Nenita appeared. “Lt. Nenita Quidley. Discovered in the royal kitchen. Veist captured her and someone assisted in her escape. She is no longer aboard 900.”

Solaana nodded. She knew the inner workings of espionage and intelligence, even though her work had been solely on Archadian held planets and not throughout the galaxy. “That would make sense. She would be of no use to them any longer now that we know who she is, but if she was snooping around does that mean that Starfleet suspects something? If so, we may need to put our plan B into effect. We cannot have you under any suspicion or compromised in any way.”

“That is what I intend to find out. First, the moment those shuttles are in range, I want life sign scans. When they land, I want to know who’s on them. And when they get here to the palace, I want to see Veist and Imara. I want him brought back into the fold and I am about to become her new best friend.” Aegina’s orders came in a tone that brooked no argument.

“As you wish, Prime Minister. I will have a security detail from the Queen’s guard escort them here prior to their engagement with the Queen.” She smiled mysteriously. “I have several friends on the Queen’s guard that will have no problem doing that for me.”

“Very good.” Aegina nodded as she turned off the video screen. “We need to be prepared, however, in case he did spill what he knows to his blushing bride. I’ll know soon enough. If so, she will meet with an unfortunate accident, Veist will be blamed and put to death as per Archadian law, thus closing the circle. Any questions?”

“None, except...” She hesitated. They both knew that Zoudin Veist was no Archadian. Solaana couldn’t remember what race he said he was but she knew that he held mental powers that could easily overtake both of them. She tapped the side of her head. “What about Zoudin’s abilities? Whatever we do, we should be able to incapacitate him quickly, before he’s able to use those abilities against us.”

A malicious smile settled on Aegina’s face. “Oh we have that, Solaana. A few words to Veist is all it will take. If he thinks I will have his lovely Imara harmed? He’ll behave.”

“Then I have no other questions,” she said and stood. “I will go make the preparations, Prime Minister.”

“Thank you. Notify me when you have the scans and then the moment they land,” Aegina ordered. “In the meantime I have to finish dressing. That will be all for now.”

Aegina, Prime Minister, Archadia III
Covering Her Bases As Well As Her Ass

Aegina's Other Lethal Aide


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