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Only Dreaming

Posted on Tue Mar 12th, 2013 @ 5:12pm by Suresh & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Seyla & Marabeth

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: The Brig / Suresh's Quarters

* * * Detention Center * * *

Suresh prowled his cell behind the force field like a caged tiger. The comparison was fitting, as low growls rumbled forth from Suresh as he paced. Thirty-nine steps across. Twenty from front to back. It never varied. Rage boiled white hot within him and it wasn’t helped by the man who was on the other side of the barrier.


Unlike the caged, pacing tiger, Darwin stood stock still, watching. His slight grin was all that signaled that he was enjoying this; indeed, he was just on the edge of laughing at Suresh’s impotent rage.

Suresh paced the length of the cell once more then stretched out on the bunk, trying to force some calm in the hopes that Darwin would get bored and leave him alone. He despised the man and so began a little mental game, enumerating the many ways he could end Darwin’s miserable life. Finally, however, the stress and exhaustion of the jaunt to the alternate universe took over and Suresh felt himself begin to drift......he could swear he heard Seyla’s voice, asking to see him and Darwin answering.

“Let me in, Darwin.”

“Sure, I’ll even drop the force field, if you just let me....”

“Hey! Whoa, Dar!” Seyla happily laughed as Darwin’s hands closely skimmed over her, feeling her up in her softest parts.

“ you,” he whispered into her ear. “And you’re good,” he winked at her, not caring whether Suresh could see it or not. He was pretty certain Suresh would have seen the various places he’d just touched on Seyla. Stepping back, smiling slyly again, he ordered, “Computer, disable the energy field on Cell H19. I’ll wait here, Seyla.”

“Fine,” she smoothed the wrinkles Darwin had just put in her dress and turned towards Suresh. “Suresh!” She hurried to him.

The expression Suresh turned on Darwin was livid, but as soon as Seyla was in the cell and the force field back up, he swept her up in his arms, not caring if it annoyed Darwin. He pressed a kiss to her throat and finally, he smiled.

“I wondered if I’d ever lay eyes on you again.”

“And I, you,” she whispered back, hugging him tightly. “Are you okay? Are they treating you right?”

“I’ve not been in here long, but so far I cannot complain, aside from the barrier blocking my exit. I may be here for some time, Sey.”

Her gaze slid to Darwin and she frowned before looking at Suresh and kissing him. "Too bad our reunion is here, with witnesses."

“I could have him douse the lights, Sey. He’d still hear but I can’t help that. He lost and I have you.”

"Do you think I care if he watches?" She laughed brightly. He'd verbally struck her funny bone. "Did you go away and forget what my business is?" Slightly louder, she called to Darwin.

"What, Seyla?"

"Could we have some privacy?" She smiled at the Lieutenant.

He, in turn, rolled his eyes. "There is no such thing as conjugal visits! Particularly when you're not married! Ugh," he grunted and turned away, shaking his head. Still, at a signal from him, Suresh's cell dimmed and the field turned opaque.

After that, Suresh stopped talking altogether.

* * *

A low moan escaped Suresh as he lay in his bunk and a smile crossed his face. Darwin looked up at the sound but before he could get curious, he heard footsteps approaching. When Seyla appeared, Darwin smiled and drew her into a hug, “Seyla! You’re looking lovely, as always.”

“Darwin!” She hugged the tall male. “It’s good to see you, and to know you’re back.”

“I am. But you’re here to see... him?” Darwin indicated Suresh with a nod of his head and gave her a look that seemed to question her sanity.

Seyla’s voice pulled Suresh from sleep and he sat up in an instant. He realized now that Seyla being in his cell, the feel of her body beneath his had been nothing more than a dream. He ran a hand over his face, then stood and moved to the force field. His dark eyes seemed to burn as he watched her but he remained silent.

“It’d be strange to visit you in the Brig, Darwin,” Seyla said in jest. “Now, give me a minute, will you?”

Darwin motioned her over to the cell, then sat back down. He was still watching closely, but was far enough away that their soft tones were little more than an indistinct babble.

“Seyla! You have no idea how much I’ve missed you. I take it you’re aware of what’s going on?”

“Yeah, I know. I talked to Tog. Soon as the Hammond was back in range, a ton of forms listing the charges and evidence against you were delivered to him. He said it doesn’t look good. At least he got rid of one problem, though.”

Suresh drew as close to the force field as he could. “What is that my darling?” He kept his voice low.

“A certain loose end,” she leaned in and spoke quietly, telling him about Chance and the Hazari.

Suresh rolled his eyes and groaned softly. “That wasn’t supposed to happen yet but then again, I didn’t expect to be missing. What else have I missed?” he whispered.

“Beyond Zeferino stridently calling for your head on a pike? A lot. Chance... survived the attack, though not initially,” she blinked and shook her head, “Don’t bother trying to put that together. And... Tog didn’t tell me anything about this, but you know how scuttlebutt runs around here. The Hazari escaped custody, and was killed in the attempt to recover him.”

“So he cannot talk.” Suresh gave a relieved sigh and leaned his head back against the wall. “At least one good thing has happened.”

“I suppose,” she shook her head. “I missed you,” she said then her tone shifted, “What were you thinking anyway! That was a stupid move! You could have been killed!”

“A momentary lapse of reason, my darling. It will not happen again.” He smiled for a moment, having no intentions of letting Seyla get the least hint of his reason/obsession with Li that made him do it. “She was Isha. I could not let such toying with me go unanswered.”

“You could have made her miserable like you have with others on this station,” Seyla hissed at him. “You’ll have to let all of that go, Suresh, if I’m to stay around.”

HIs grip on his pants’ leg tightened instantly. “Seyla, please, you won’t leave me? I’ve already sworn to you how I feel, what this is.”

“Yeah, and then you went and did something that could have killed you! Or, at least, backfired, like it has, and landed you in prison! You know that there’s no avoiding that, right?”

A slow smile spread over Suresh’s face. “We will see about that. Besides, even if I am here for a while, it won’t stop me from overseeing my affairs, or seeing you.”

"Yes, and seeing me would be the same as overseeing your business," she made eye contact with him, "Wouldn't it? Or would you expect Lazan to maintain your interests?"

“That is his job isn’t it? But I’d like you to keep an eye on him. My reasons for seeing you are far more personal.” He knew Darwin was watching and he didn’t give a rat’s ass if he pissed off the security officer. in fact, it gave him a little thrill knowing he probably was doing just that.

"I'll watch Lazan, for you," and for herself, for the sake of her own power and for claiming some of Suresh's as hers. Glancing back at Darwin, she noticed that he had turned away from the cell. "I think you should be wary of him, though. In your absence, things may have shifted."

“Of Lazan?” Suresh smiled and leaned in to whisper at Seyla. “I never put all my eggs in one basket, as that old saying goes.”

They were two of a kind there. "Okay. Just... worrying over you."

“He’s taking it rather well, I must say,” Suresh observed, still speaking softly at Seyla’s ear. “There are times being a telepath would be extremely now. But we do what we can. I missed you. Try not to worry.” He paused as Darwin called out that visiting hours were over. “Remember your promise, Sey.”

* * * Seyla’s Quarters * * *

Marabeth made her way along the corridor to Seyla’s. She’d heard that Suresh had returned and she was curious to hear what Seyla had to say about the current state of affairs since he was going to be in the long-term detention center for the foreseeable future. Reaching the door, she rang the chime and waited.

Seyla, looking slightly more harried than - well, ever. Seyla was never, if ever, rattled or ruffled or harried or hurried. She was simply calm. But not at the moment. Right now, as she drew Marabeth into her apartment, she had ruffled feathers. Most of them were due to having sex in a brig cell and exiting the cell to several knowing smirks from Security NCOs and to Darwin's avoidance of her. That, plus she needed a few minutes to clear her calendar and prepare for her night with Harding. “How have your clients been, Marabeth?”

“The night’s been busy. Nothing like starting off with a bang, if you’ll pardon the pun.” She eyed Seyla a moment and frowned. “Are you alright? You look like you just got chased around the block but something scary.”

“Yes, yes, I’m just running a little behind, which is uncommon for me,” Seyla waved away the girl’s inquiry. “Suresh is back and I’ve been visiting with him,” she said, flashing a smile at Marabeth.

“Was he happy to see you?” She watched Seyla hurrying around before she spoke again. “Look, I can take whoever you’re late for if you want.”

“No,” Seyla answered the second question first, “This client is ...delicate, and requires my attention. As for Suresh, he seemed happy. He was certainly pleased when I took my leave of him.” She paused, looking around her as if she’d just lost something. “I’ll tell you what you can do,” she found what she was looking for and passed it to the girl, “Check with my scheduled clients for the next few days and see if any will accept a substitute. If they will, find someone to go; if not, apologize and cancel the date. With a promise that I’ll reschedule later.”

“Consider it done. You just get along to whoever you need to see and I’ll settle this part. Marla’s due in for her break in about an hour, I’ll let her know too.”

“Thank you,” Seyla hurried into her bedroom and spent a few moments showering and redressing and packing before she came back out, wrapping her hair into a bun at the base of her neck. “All right, you girls can come and go as usual. I’ll be around, but unreachable till tomorrow,” she announced and looked over Marabeth. “That’s a good color on you. Keep that in mind.” She smiled and waved as she headed out the door.

“Have fun.” Marabeth waved her off and once the door closed, her smile shifted to a look of speculation. “Computer, locate Seyla, Orion civilian.”

=^= Seyla is in her quarters =^= came the reply.

Slowly the smile returned and Marabeth moved over to check her hair in the mirror. “Just as I suspected,” was all she said.

Lieutenant Michael Darwin
Not Rising to the Bait

Sought After Kitty

A Not So Welcome Home

A Curious Cat


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