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Full Authority

Posted on Tue Apr 2nd, 2013 @ 5:50pm by Seyla & Tog
Edited on on Tue Sep 22nd, 2015 @ 10:34pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground

* * * The Arboretum * * *

Ivor arrived at the Arboretum, glad he’d settled on the late hour. He suspected he’d interrupted Tog and one of the dolls for hire that hung out at Palaxia’s Playground but right now he didn’t care. Meeting in his office was making him just a little too nervous, so he’d opted for the Arboretum. This conversation was one he didn’t want even a record of Tog visiting his office to reveal. He was dressed casual tonight and as he entered the park, he slowed his pace, strolling along one of the more secluded paths.

From an alcove made private by artfully arranged plantings came a snarl then a laugh and a woman, only partly dressed stumbled into Ivor’s path. It had been her laugh and now, as she looked up at Ivor, her smile died quickly. “Oh, you. He’s waiting,” she gestured at the alcove.

“Uh, thanks.” Ivor rolled his eyes and pushed his way through the foliage. “I can’t take you anywhere Tog, I swear.”

“Whatever,” the Ferengi grunted. In the dim lighting of the alcove, there was the sound of a zipper and a rustle of cloth. “What’s the urgency, anyway?”

Ivor sat down on the bench, leaving space between himself and Tog and turning so that he could see through the leaves in case anyone came by.

“Our little problem. I didn’t want to do this in the office. You saw Suresh?”

“I did.” Tog nodded. “Have you spoken with any of Security or with Captain Hawke about him?”

“Not yet, though the XO is on my list.” Ivor gave a low, rather lewd laugh at that. “I wish. But I am going to talk to her. Why?”

“Ask her whether Suresh is sane. She came in while I was talking with Suresh. You should have seen him - the way he just...,” Tog shook his head. “Any man that looks at a woman like that just isn’t in his right mind.” He was pretty sure Ivor would see where he was going on this. “I have full authority to enter into a plea bargain.”

“Really....” Ivor’s smile was slow and satisfied. “She flips his switch huh? He’s not the only one. I'll make a note of that but what is your opinion on his mental state?”

“Absolutely out of his head.” He twirled a finger by his earlobe. “He just told me that he could feel that she wanted him, as in read her mental state. Crazy talk.”

“As I understand it, she spent quite a bit of time in his thoughts, perhaps it’s not so crazy, Tog.” Ivor paused a moment. “Then again I could be wrong there. What else?”

“He’s delusional and believes that she would have chosen him over Sakkath, given a bit more time. That and he begged her to let him touch her one more time. He’s over whatever bend, just insane.” He sighed. “One more thing: he doesn’t want to be in Tantalus Colony. It’s ‘too’ far away. The funny thing there? Elba II is, technically, closer.”

“That’s just fucking creepy, Tog. He wanted to touch her? It’s obvious he really doesn't know her too well. No one in his right mind touches her without permission. Unless he has a death wish. I hear things you know.” Ivor shrugged. “Too far? He could be down on DS15 for all the good it will do him. It won’t matter if he’s ten feet or ten light years away. Or a thousand. Off his nut, I’d have to agree. So, Mr. I have Full Authority. What’s it going to be?”

“Five years with rehabilitation and therapy at Elba II. The crime is not that big and, really, no harm came of it.”

“Ten and you’ve got yourself a deal. Ten I can sell to Ray, five? He’ll laugh me out of his office and you know it.” Ivor smiled once more. “How’s our boy going to deal with being sent to an asylum?”

“Eight, and you know that if he starts raving about us, while in an asylum? Who’s going to believe him?”

“I see your point. Nine and consider it done. Ray may have an addendum of his own but I think I can get this through. He’ll have to see the Counselor you know.” Ivor checked his line of sight and satisfied no one was there, glanced back at Tog. “It would be in Suresh’s best interests to be as forthcoming with Robin and we should be home free.”

“Please, all the counselor needs to do is get him on the topic of Li and he’ll see the crazy shine right on through. Nine it is, then.” He smiled, pleased that they’d be able to keep this out of the courtroom. “And when we have the meeting, I don’t suppose you could get Captain Hawke to wear something less than a uniform?”

Ivor just blinked at Tog. “Have you ever seen her out of uniform besides at the Nexus?”

“In the Wormhole. Suresh’s quarters. One of the prostitutes’ hovels in Saturnalia.... Though, no, I haven’t actually seen those last two, with my own eyes. I’ve simply heard it.”

“Pity, a little description would be nice.” Ivor stood and brushed off his pants. “I’ll see Ray tomorrow and then send you word, as well as let you know when he’s to see Counselor Swift. I’ll let you deliver the news to Suresh. Good luck with that.”

“Eh, I might leak the deal to Zeferino, let her break the news by gloating over his sentence. Just one more reason for him to hate her.” The Ferengi’s laugh was a cackle.

“You are an evil little man, Tog. Don’t ever change.” Ivor turned to go, then looked back. “One more thing - his last payment’s due before he ships out. See that it’s done.”

“I’ll make sure you get your last payment, don’t worry your crooked little self about that,” Tog said. He had a list of people who would be happy to take the prosecutor’s payment to him. Of course, none of them would deliver latinum to the man; they’d take cold steel or hot phasers to him.

“Good. You’ll hear from me soon. I’ll leave you to go back to your whore. Goodnight Tog.” Ivor stepped through the foliage and his footsteps could be heard moving off down the path.

“Least I’m gettin’ some,” Tog muttered and laughed, thinking of Suresh languishing all alone in his cell. With Ivor gone, his paid friend returned and went back to the task she’d been doing before.


Exercising More Than His Authority

Lt.(jg) Ivor Biro
Making Deals With The Devil


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