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Ivor In The Lion's Den

Posted on Wed Apr 17th, 2013 @ 3:50pm by Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Raymond Benson & Lieutenant JG Ivor Biro & Suresh & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Tog
Edited on on Wed Apr 17th, 2013 @ 3:54pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Lt. Benson's Office

* * * JAG Offices * * *

It was not Ray’s day. As his department was, at the moment, the only Starfleet JAG department in the Delta Quadrant, everything ended up on their desks, meaning eventually his desk. He gave a rumbling growl as he dropped yet another padd from his hand.

“Is it too much to ask to have one person with two brain cells and some cojones out here to assist me??” He paused only a moment before calling out, “do not answer that Chelsea, it was rhetorical.”

In the outer office, Chelsea rolled her eyes and bit back a sarcastic response. She thought it, however. Because no one else could stand to work for you. Aside from us and we have our days....

The silence didn’t disillusion Ray. He knew she was thinking something and he had to chuckle. “What I meant is someone with cojones like yours,” he called out.

“Oh gee, Ray, thanks. Lots.” The sarcasm was evident in her tone, but now she laughed too. It was impossible to hate the man, though the fates knew he certainly gave his staff reason too. As she continued to laugh softly, the outer doors opened and she looked up.

“Oh, hello Ivor.”

"Hey, Chel," he flashed her a grin that implied he'd have given her a different answer, a lewd one, if Ray weren't there. "That bed of yours still empty?"

Her expression spoke volumes as she looked up at him, her eyebrows raised. “I thought about calling you but then a Kazon looked more alluring.” Her tone was dry. “Is yours?”

"As if," he scoffed, though, in truth the only living body in his bed was his own. Before she could make a smart response, he asked Ray, "Is anything on the agenda besides Suresh?"

“Nope. Come on in, have a seat. I understand you and that slug Tog have worked out something you want to present to me?” Ray looked across the desk at Ivor, his gaze intent.

"Ugh, yeah, I've had to recycle three uniforms thanks to the slime that little troll leaves behind. But we hammered out a plea."

“Okay, let’s hear it and then tell me why I should agree instead of waiting for time to hammer him at trial?” Ray laid the padd in his hand aside. “Or why I shouldn’t just go below the equator and hire someone to disintegrate him?”

Ivor shifted from one foot to the other. Taking a seat, he hoped to hide that particular fidget. "As for disintegrating him, there are laws about that sort of thing, Sir. As for taking him to trial, well, he's nuts. And he'd get off on a couple of technicalities. I've gotten Tog to agree to five years in Elba II."

“I saw Counselor Swift’s report. I think the term he was looking for but was prevented from using for professional reasons was batshit crazy.” Ray shrugged. “Obsession runs deep and I don’t get that. I mean the XO’s a looker but she scares me.” He grinned a moment and his eyes narrowed. “Fifteen years.”

"Yeah," Ivor licked his lips, "she's... Right, well, there's no way he'll take fifteen. Unless we house him here."

Ray shook his head. “No way in hell, the Admiral would make a new throw rug out of you and Suresh both. Twelve.”

"Seven," he countered. "He's off his rocker and, really, what he did? All induced by that woman, Isha, our XO's alter-ego. Things she did to him would come out in court and I doubt she really wants that."

“It’s all there in her reports, turned over to defense as is proper. You know as well as I do that the list of charges is as long as my leg and yours put together. Nine, take it or leave it.” Ray tossed the padd aside. “Or do you want to tell the XO when she gets here that you don’t approve?”

"Nine, then," Ivor sighed as if giving up. Really, he was relieved. "You'll take that to her, then?"

“I won’t have to, she’ll be here in just a few minutes, along with Lt. Gilroy representing Security. I’ve arranged for Suresh to be brought up as well, which means Tog will be here. We can get this finished in short order and get Suresh’s ass on a transport in two hours.”

"Good." Ivor tried not to worry about having Suresh in the same room. At least Zeferino wouldn't be there.

Ray turned to his terminal and sent the order that it was time to get Suresh to his office. “The party’s about to start, help yourself to something to drink in the meantime if you need to.”

Taking the hint, Ivor got himself a highly caffeinated beverage, the better to blame should his hands shake or his voice crack for any reason. No sooner had he sat back down and taken a first sip, the door of the conference room opened, admitting two grim-faced Security officers. Behind them was Suresh, bound in the modern version of manacles, waist chain and leg irons. Two more officers entered behind him and then Lieutenant Gilroy came in and took a seat next to Ivor.

He looked around the table and explained, “Commander Zeferino is on leave so I’m here in her stead.”

Ivor nodded, “Good to know. Just waiting on Captain Hawke and the little troll, Tog.”

One of the four Security officers pushed Suresh into a chair and then the foursome arrayed themselves around him, just in case he felt the need to test the strength of the chains on him.

“Welcome Lt. Gilroy,” Ray greeted him. “Let’s hope this doesn’t take long and that we have no trouble during the meeting.” The look he turned on Suresh now was pure ice. “You got that?”

Suresh merely nodded, continuing to watch the door. It opened a few moments later to admit Li. “Hello Lt. Benson, Lt. Gilroy, Lt. Biro, Suresh.” She crossed to the conference table where they were sitting and took the chair beside Ray. “I trust this meeting will be brief? Where is Tog?”

Rolling his eyes, Ivor shrugged. “He’s probably stopped for a latte along the way, all on Suresh’s tab,” he laughed and eyed Suresh, who was watching Li’s every move. He shook his head.

“I can see how important you are to your attorney, Suresh.” Sarcasm dripped from Ray’s voice. “Captain Hawke is on a tight schedule, let’s hope he gets here soon.”

“It would be foolish for him not to,” was Suresh’s answer.

Ray shook his head. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that. Otherwise, it might spoil my generous mood and that would be a bad thing.”

A few minutes late, Suresh’s attorney arrived, looking cool, calm and collected. He smiled, baring his pointed teeth, at those present and toasted the room in general with one of the two lattes he held. The second, he placed in front of Suresh. “Client Service, it’s what I’m all about, Suresh. How are you holding up?”

Gilroy, who had bared his teeth right back at Tog, only without the accompanying smile, grumbled and muttered, “Shakespeare had it right: Kill all the lawyers.”

The comment drew sharp looks from Tog, Ivor and Ray, who cleared his throat. “Let’s get to this, shall we? Suresh, you are aware of the very long list of charges against you?”

Without a word, Suresh nodded. His attention was still on Li, which Ray found more than a little creepy.

“Very well. I have been informed that you, through your attorney, have agreed to a plea bargain. Was this done of your own free will and without coercion?”

Again Suresh nodded.

“Very well, the terms are as follows: sentencing is set to a term of nine years, which I should impress upon you is extremely light, given your activities. Based on the assessment done by Counselor Swift, he has rendered the opinion that you are to be declared incompetent and thus your term of confinement will be carried out at the Elba II asylum colony. This has been found satisfactory by your attorney and the prosecutor, with final approval by me and Captain Hawke. Is there anything you wish to say?”

Silence reigned in the room for only a split second and Li tensed, sensing the rage that exploded within Suresh.

“Gilroy--” she warned, but was interrupted by a loud, inhuman growl as Suresh lunged at Tog.

Suresh’s words were garbled and given he was shackled, his only available weapon was his teeth, which snapped at Tog. The one phrase that was understood, however, was not one to help his case. “I’ll kill you!”

Gilroy stayed seated, but the four around Suresh moved quickly. One grabbed Tog, who was yelping and shouting, “Such gratitude!”, and hauled him away from Suresh; the other three yanked on Suresh, hauling him in by his hair, his clothes and his chains. One administered a dose of something from a small hypospray.

Ivor, on his feet and ready to run for the hills, if there had been hills on the Starbase, joined in the shouting and yelled, “What did you just drug him with?”

Gilroy answered for the junior officer: “It’s a mild sedative that causes a person’s extremities to freeze up for a few minutes. It’ll give him a few minutes of quiet time to think before he can make another move. His mentally capabilities, if he had any to begin with, are unimpaired.” As he spoke, the officers put Suresh back in his chair while one of them helped Tog to a new chair further down the table from Suresh. Tog was glaring at Suresh.

Ray, who’d sat unperturbed through all of this looked around at the group, then to Suresh. “Alrighty, then. I think we are done here. Security, his transport is waiting. Suresh, your possessions will be packed and shipped out to be kept in storage for you at Elba II until your release.” He nodded to the security officers. “Get him loaded up.The rest of you, thanks for coming.”

Suresh, unable to move at the moment, could do nothing but stare at Li, a man getting one last look at his heart’s desire.

Frowning still, Tog waited till the Security officers had carried Suresh out then, with a jaunty salute to those remaining, he followed them. He would stay with his client - the one who’d just threatened to kill him - till he was safely on the transport away from SB900. Tog wanted to see that happen with his own eyes.

Gilroy stood once Tog was gone. “Well, that was quick. I’m glad we did not disturb Commander Zeferino’s leave,” he said then looked at Li, “You are aware that they were married on the planet, correct?”

Li sat up straighter and blinked at Gilroy. “Ahh, no, but I am both surprised and not surprised.” She smiled brightly. “I’m glad though. It’s about time Oz got what she wanted.” She paused a moment, then motioned to the chair Gil had just vacated. “Stay a moment, Gilroy. There’s something I need to address with Ray that concerns you and Lt. Biro as well.”

“Oh,” Gilroy put his butt back down just as Ivor started to fidget.

“What is it, Captain?” Ivor asked, going for an attitude full of bluster and guff and hoping that whatever Li was about to say it didn’t involve Suresh or Tog.

“First, I want to commend you all on getting this taken care of with all speed and lack of trouble. It’s one blight off the station and a big one. It’s also something of a personal relief for me, given his issues and his previous attempts where I am concerned.”

Ivor relaxed: the hot XO just wanted to compliment them.

“Glad to have it out of the way, to be honest,” Ray commented. “Perhaps you’ll sleep a little easier at night now.” Though he doubted that anyone could sneak up on Li at any time, even asleep. “So what can we do for you?”

“I had a visit with Suresh before I arrived. He’d put in a formal request to see the XO and we had a most interesting conversation.” She looked over to Ivor now. “Regarding Lt. Biro.”

Freezing his expression in place, Ivor worked to keep his sphincter from loosening up and soiling his pants. A long, silent moment passed before he was sure he’d won that particular battle. He then blinked and looked at Li. “Re--,” his voice cracked slightly and he cleared his throat, “Regarding me?” He managed a chuckle and shifted in his seat, seemingly getting more comfortable. “Whatever did he say? That I was a bastard about his case and he would make sure I paid for prosecuting him?”

Li’s gaze was unreadable as she looked back at Ivor. “From what he claims, you were already getting paid, and very well. He claims that there’s a witness as well.”

The temperature in the room seemed to drop ten degrees as Ray leaned forward in his seat. “That’s a very serious accusation, Captain.” He shifted his attention to Ivor. “What do you have to say?” Ray wanted to hear from Ivor but he knew, deep down, that Li wouldn’t bring it up unless she had proof. In her case, she could simply read Suresh and know if he spoke the truth.

“A witness?” His voice cracked again. “He’s nuts! There’s a reason why we’re sending him to Elba II instead of Tantalus V! You saw him just now - he’s completely fixated on you and will do anything to get in your pa-- good graces.”

Li raised her eyebrow at Ivor’s near slip of the tongue. “I’m not arguing that. But this doesn’t concern me personally, but it does concern this station and your duty. I can call in the witness if you like, as well as having Suresh’s records brought up. He’s a very thorough businessman in that regard.”

Everyone in the room was watching Ivor carefully and Ivor was feeling the pressure. Still, he tried to be casual and laugh it off. “What? Have his made-up records brought in? He’s claiming I’m on his payroll? To what end, Captain? I still prosecuted him. He’s going to the nuthouse!”

Gilroy’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Ivor. “This time, sure. But in the past, there have been charges you’ve refused to file against him, saying there was no way the charges would stick because of who our witnesses were or citing a lack of physical evidence.”

“Don’t blame me for Security’s shoddy work!” Ivor shot back.

“And this time, while I agree with getting him out of here quickly, it’s still a good thing for you too if you are on his payroll, before he could spill the beans if you were lucky.” Ray’s smile was chilly. “As you apparently have not been. Do we really need to bring in the witness or have Captain Hawke pick your brain Ivor?” He slammed his hand on the table, the sound echoing around them. “Do we really need to drag this out?”

Looking from one to the other then back again, Ivor knew he was caught. And it wasn’t like he could dash away and hope to escape to somewhere else. He clenched his teeth and said, “Fine, we don’t. What now?”

Ray sighed aloud and rubbed his face. “Well fuck me. Gilroy, would you please escort Lt. Biro to the brig while I decide what to do with him?” He glared at Ivor. “You can interpret that as ‘until I schedule his court martial.’ Get the hell out of my office.”

Gilroy, stunned that a man Security had worked so closely with, would betray them, nodded and made a quick commcall. In just a minute, two more officers were present and the three of them took Ivor into custody. The former prosecutor went without a word.

In the wake of the departures, the office was quiet for several seconds, but finally Li spoke. “Sorry to spring that on you but I just found out and wanted it handled and him removed once Suresh’s case was wrapped up. I know this leaves you in a bit of a bind Ray, but I’ll find a replacement just as soon as is possible.”

Ray nodded. “Thanks. We’ll make do, Monique can do the prep work in his place if needed till then. I owe you one for removing the infection, as it were. He’s never given any indication, really, aside from his hesitation regarding Suresh, but it was one we all shared. Evidence was almost nonexistent till recently.”

“No need to blame yourself, it’s done. Given his confession, it should be a quick matter to dispense with.” Li rose and flashed Ray a smile. “Now, get out of here and enjoy your evening. He can sit there till tomorrow. You deserve some downtime. Take care.”

Ray rose as Li exited his office and even after the doors closed, he still stood looking at them. She might be intimidating but now he could understand Suresh’s obsession. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. It had been a hell of a day and he needed dinner and a drink.

Lt. Raymond Benson
If It’s Not One Thing It’s Another

Lt (JG) Ivor Biro
Sacrificial Lamb

Latte Troll

Lt. Gilroy

Captain Li Hawke
Bearer Of Bad News

Exit Stage Left


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