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Interesting News

Posted on Sat Dec 28th, 2013 @ 3:51pm by Suresh & Seyla

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Promenade / Saturnalia

* * * The Promenade * * *

All around him people surged as they moved along the Promenade. From restaurants to bars to shops and cafes, it was a sea of beings of every kind. It was the busy time of day and Suresh had chosen it purposely. In such a crowd, one lone monk would hardly be noticed as he sat alone at a table in the coffee shop in the middle of the concourse.

A few familiar faces passed as he sipped his tea. Jackson appeared, stopped at a flower stall to buy a large zebra-striped flower, then continued on to the Nexus. The main sickbay receptionist, Kiere, sat down a few tables away and ordered coffee. He smiled for a moment, recalling a night back on his world at their version of the Wormhole. Too much alcohol had seen him and Kiere slow dancing till the wee hours. From what he know of this world’s Suresh, he suspected she would run the other direction if she saw his face.

“Can I get you a refill, Father?” It was the red-haired young waitress that usually had the day shift here. He nodded, the movement little more than a shift of his hood.

“Thank you, my child.”

She smiled and moved away, off to another table. Turning his attention back to Kiere, he noticed she’d been joined by a man. The CMO to be exact - Dr. William Harding. The man was a puzzle on this side. In the other universe, Harding had been revealed as an operative for the same organization that had relied on Li’s brother for inside help. In fact, when Harding was exposed, they thought they’d found the traitor and it was over and done with. Oh, how wrong they were. He had been only one head of the hydra.

Here, however, everyone seemed to think Harding walked on water, especially since he had been the one to figure out that Oz’s brother was not, in fact, dead. It was interesting at the differences between the worlds. The Suresh here had had an obsession that eventually proved to be his undoing, but it was also that obsession that had paved the way for this Suresh to escape to this reality. He was grateful for a moment, but wondered what about the station’s XO had been so mesmerizing. He’d made sure to keep his distance but if Seyla was right, his path and Li’s might cross sooner rather than later.

Movement at Kiere’s table caught his eye once more and he watched as the doctor rose, saying he’d see her later. The waitress waved and Harding continued on, browsing at a few of the open market stalls, picking up a few things here and there. He, too, stopped to buy a flower, a bright purple orchid which he didn’t take away with him. Interesting. the orchid brought Li to his thoughts once more and with it came a frown.

* * * Saturnalia - The Cherry Pit * * *

Suresh emerged from the turbolift and moved along the hall, his pace unhurried. He wore a long hooded robe that effectively hid his face. For now, he didn’t want to reveal himself and cause a stir before he was ready. His presence here was still largely unknown and that was just fine with him. Even Lazan had no idea yet but he would soon enough. He had other contacts to renew as well, and one that (he hoped) was long gone.

He reached Saturnalia and stepped inside, letting the noise of the place wash over him. It was welcome after the desolation of his own 900. A few glanced his way but, fully covered, he was an unknown and so they went back to their drinks and deals. He moved over to a table and sat facing the door.

Few things truly irked Seyla. Of those few things, though, being summoned like a common servant ranked right up there with deadbeat clients and people who thought she had no intelligence because she earned her living on her back (and her knees). In other words, at the top of the list. She strolled into Saturnalia, slowly, letting her clients admire her and making sure her girls knew she was there, watching them. She stopped at several tables, murmured appropriate words to those at those tables and moved on. At some point, she acquired a drink. Her rounds done, she approached the table at the back and glanced back at the other tables. Everyone took a noted disinterest in her now and she slid into the booth next to the hooded male. "How do you intend to pay me?"

The question got a snort from the depths of the hood. “Pay you? For what?”

"For showing up, for one. For coming at your call for another. I don't do charity, Su--," she cut herself off, unable to call this man, despite his looks, by that name.

He shrugged and a soft laugh escaped him. “And yet you came anyway. With your tongue as sharp as ever I see. “

"Would you rather I bring something else that's sharp? I can, you know. There are a few things on you that bear cutting off," she growled, one hand making it clear by its placement just what parts she meant.

His fingers tightened around her hand in a vise grip. “Be careful Seyla. No one wants a one-handed playmate. Especially me. So why did you come anyway? Lonely night?”

"To check in on them," she lazily gestured with the hand he wasn't holding and the gems in her bracelet glittered, "And to check up on you. Why did you summon me?"

“Boredom.” His gaze was caught by the sparkle of her bracelet. “That’s rather indulgent. Business must be good.”

"Business is, but this was a gift." She smiled at the bracelet. "Let me alleviate your boredom: our beloved Oralia Zeferino was in Suresh's quarters today."

Suresh grew still and it was a moment before he answered. “Why? So far, you’re the only one who knows I am here.”

"Not any more, I'm not. As for why... We didn't get that far." She shrugged.

“Tell me what happened. Now. I want to know everything.” His tone had grown as sharp as Seyla’s tongue had been.

She glared at him. "What do I get in return?"

“What do you want?” He stopped as a waitress approached with a small box which she placed before Seyla. Once she was gone, Suresh motioned to the box. “What’s this?”

Again, she glared at him. "I'm not a superhero. I don't have x-ray vision," she snapped sharply. Sliding the box in front of him, she ordered, "Go on, open it. Find out for yourself." Her tone implied there was a derogatory comment left off at the end of that.

“Fine.” He opened the lid, carefully, and looked inside. Then he began to laugh, softly at first, but then it grew until he had to wipe his eyes. Turning the box around to face Seyla, he revealed a pair of earrings made from Spican flame gems. “Well, well….”

They matched her bracelet, a fact that made her both exceptionally pleased and extraordinarily irritated. Lifting one out, she testily asked, "What's so damned funny?"

“This is what you call a fortuitous circumstance. You tell me what I want to know, I’ll tell you sent these.” His gaze dropped to her wrist. “And likely that too. Marabeth says those aren’t the first gifts either.”

"They aren't. They're more than you - Suresh - ever gave me," she said. "How do you know who sent them?"

“Sorry he was such an ass.” Suresh shrugged. “But have you forgotten that I knew just about everything that happened on that station, and thus do here too?”

"You - Suresh didn't know everything here. I find it unlikely you knew everything there. Besides, there were some differences. So, spill it, who are these from?"

“Not so fast. You first, then I will tell you. You have my word, and don’t judge me based on him.”

Grinding her teeth and growling for a moment, Seyla debated before rolling her eyes and telling him about Zeferino's visit. "Now, spill it!"

The news concerned Suresh, but not overly so. They had nothing on him and so there was nothing Oz could do to him. The thought of revealing himself to her just to see her reaction amused him. For now, however, he had Seyla to deal with. He motioned her closer and leaning in, whispered in her ear.

Letting him lean in caused mixed emotions for Seyla: he looked and sounded like a man she might have once liked, and her brain couldn't quite keep her body from reacting to him. Listening to him, her eyes went wide. "You. Are. Lying! Bastard, I should know better than to trust anything that comes out of your mouth."

He raised his hands as he sat back. “I swear to you it’s the truth. What you do with the information is your choice. I, however, have to go as I have things to do.”

"Get out, then. You'd better find a new place to bunk, too, since Zeferino locked down Suresh's place." She smiled unpleasantly at him, paying him back for his lie. The name he'd given her... it wasn't possible that that's who was giving her these gifts. It just wasn't.

“You don’t believe me...oh well. Find this person and ask. See you later.” He reached out to touch her cheek, the caress surprisingly gentle. “You know, on my world, we were friends. Close friends.” Without another word, he slipped out of the chair and glided off through the tables.

She watched him leave and frowned pensively. They had been close friends here, too.


A Madame with an Issue

A Man With A Secret


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