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When You Hear Footsteps Behind You...Part Two

Posted on Sun Dec 29th, 2013 @ 10:08am by Lieutenant Raymond Benson & Senior Chief Petty Officer Chelsea May

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Holodeck Three

Hunkering down, Chelsea huddled beneath a swath of branches. She tried to recall where the access panel in this holosuite should be. Of course, for all she knew, she was dead center in the suite. She flinched: dead wasn't a good word right now.

Ray crept along, moving from tree to tree. He’d grown up in snowy terrain like this and could move in it as well as any wolf. He took care to breathe down into his coat collar to avoid tell-tale puffs of visible breath in the cold. He didn’t have long to wait. Further back down the trail, a dark-clothed figure came into view. His name escaped Ray for the moment, but he knew the face well enough. He could also see the man was not used to such terrain or weather and that would be to their advantage. He retraced his steps back to the cave.

“It’s humanoid and I know his face. One of Suresh’s men. Security tagged him a few months back and he was on the visitor’s log while Suresh was in the brig.”

"Suresh? But he's gone, locked away on Elba II and without contact with the outside world!" Chelsea frowned. "Can we take him? Create some kind of trap?"

“We’ll have to unless we want to get roasted by a disruptor. He’s moving slow though, not used to the elevation and snow. Our best bet is back at the top of the trail. More rocks to use as weapons.” Ray frowned a moment, then rested a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll figure out something.”

"Can't we lure him here, then... throw rocks at him till he gives up?" She wanted to stay hidden, to just crouch down and hide. But as Ray beckoned to her, she moved to his side and looked out with him. "Towards the top of the rock? Okay."

“Then we’ll do just what you suggest. Rocks.” He helped her out of the cave, then they began the trek back up to the peak. “How do you feel about being a decoy?”

"Decoy? Have you already forgotten he's got a weapon?" She shook her head, even though she knew she'd end up as a decoy. He was only asking how she'd feel, not whether she'd do it - that part was assumed.

“I promise you, he’ll be down before he can hit the trigger. And if we play our cards right, he’ll never have a clear shot at you either.” they’d reached the large rock at the top and now he pulled her down behind it. “We’ve got a minute or two before he’s in sight. The trees are thick enough here you can move from one to another without him getting a clear shot. Keep moving so he’s busy trying to spot you. Got it?”

"Okay. I can do that." She had an image of an old carnival game in her head: one with ducks moving along, waiting to be shot by a 'hunter'. "Hey, just so you know, the first part of this was really nice. This part? Not so much."

“Yeah, I hear ya there. My guess is someone’s completing an old order. We’re not exactly everyone’s favorite people all the time.” Ray’s voice was a whisper as they crouched behind the boulder, waiting.

"Speak for yourself, Mr. Prosecutor. People love me," she hissed in his ear. "Fucking Suresh. It'd be just like him to set up a dead man's order, triggered whenever he's caught and sent to prison." She risked a peek over the boulder. "Ready to head for the trees?"

Ray nodded. “Be careful, Chel. If you get your ass shot, I’ll never hear the end of it. Just keep moving so I can get behind him.” He turned and slipped off ahead of her, moving in the direction of the enemy.

She waited a moment but then moved, knowing that if she didn't, she'd freeze up. Crunching through powdery snow, she headed for the trees. As she did, she saw a flash of dull brown leather off to her left. "Shit," she muttered and dashed for the nearest tree, rueing the fact that she'd worn red. An energy beam hit a tree near her, making her whimper. "Who are you?", she shouted.

Her only answer was another energy beam.

Ray paused until the man was occupied with Chelsea, then continued to circle around behind him. Either whoever-he-was didn’t know there were two of them in here, or he wasn’t smart enough not to get too distracted. Either way, it was likely what would save them. Ray now had a good view of the man’s back and began to inch closer.

Chelsea dashed to another tree, hitting the ground and rolling as if she were in a bad action movie, like the ones Darwin had made her sit through. Now, as another blast from the hunter's weapon just missed her, she credited that move with saving her skin. "Come on! You can do better!", she taunted and silently added a prayer that Ray was sneaking up on the guy.

Chelsea’s taunt brought a smile to Ray’s lips. The girl had grit, he had to give her credit for that. As he moved along, his foot hit a stone and Ray scooped it up. It was large enough to dent anyone’s skull. Perfect. Chel’s call had angered the man and he was getting sloppy, not paying attention. With one good deep breath Ray struck, leaping out from behind the tree, the large stone raised overhead. With a roar, for Chelsea’s benefit, he brought it down on top of the man’s head, thanking his father and good genes for his height. The man stopped moving, stood frozen for a moment, then toppled over.

"Is that all you got!" Chelsea was still taunting the guy when she heard Ray's shout and then a sound like timber falling. "Ray?"

“Out like a light,” he called. “Come on out.” While he waited for her to join him, he rolled the man over.

Out she went and joined Ray. "Hey, isn't that Marty? Big brick of an idiot?"

“It is.” Ray nodded. “He never did fire on all cylinders. If I was going to send someone to handle a ‘problem’, I wouldn’t send him outside to see if it was raining. You okay?”

"Yeah," she nodded quickly. "We're sure he was alone?" She glanced around at the trees surrounding them. "Does he have something on him that's knocking out our comms and the computer?"

“Likely messed with the controls from outside.” Down below, the whoosh of the holodeck doors could be heard, and a voice calling their names. “Looks like the cavalry is here.”

"Oh, thank whatever gods!" Chelsea turned and ran towards the door, even as the snow and forest disappeared. In the doorway, she saw two security-gold uniforms and an engineer tech.

"Ma'am?" The younger-looking of the two security officers caught her as she flung herself at him. "Is everything all right in here?"

Ray hurried over to join them, then pointed to the prone figure on the ground. “Take him into custody. My office will get with you on the charges but they will start with attacking two Starfleet officers.”

"Yes, sir," said the one being held by Chelsea. He nodded at the other, who moved forward and wrapped cuffs around his wrists. "We'll take it from here."

“Thanks.” Ray nodded to them, then turned to Chelsea. “Well, that stress relief didn’t work out too well. How about dinner instead? I’ll have Lt. Bajun take care of this mess.”

"Good. Call her. I hear she likes to nail bastards to the wall by their...," she stopped as the officer she was still holding onto cleared his throat. "Oh, right." She released him and the two dragged the unconscious Marty away. "Dinner. On you sounds good. Lao's dumplings and sake?"

“You’ve got it.” He motioned to the open doors. “After you.”

Lt. Ray Benson

CPO Chelsea May


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