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Coming Together...And Torn Apart

Posted on Sun Dec 29th, 2013 @ 7:59pm by Vic & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Julisa's Quarters

Solis stretched and let out a good long yawn as he slowly awakened. Little by little, he realized that he couldn’t feel the subtle vibration of the shuttle. Well of course not, his mind spoke up. You’re on 900 now. A station. That meant he was staying put for a while and he uttered a grateful groan. He was here. He had no idea what time it was, or even what day it was. He’d stayed awake the whole trip from Gorn space to 900 and while Vulcans could do that, eventually he had to crash and recover. Eyes still closed, he sniffed the air and

Good food.


“I think I’m gonna like it here,” he mumbled.

In the kitchen, Julisa was doing something she rarely did anymore: she was shaping bread dough. Already there was bacon sizzling in the oven and cut fruit sitting on the counter. Once the bread was in the oven, she'd have a few minutes to herself. Which she dreaded. With the bread done and rising once more, she fidgeted about the kitchen, cleaning what was already clean.

She knew what her problem was: Solis was here. In her space. In her bed. It worried her, even though she loved him. And now he was awake, she could sense him.

He emerged from the shower a few minutes later, wearing a pair of shorts, his long hair still damp. Now more awake, he moved to the kitchen, kissed the back of Julisa’s neck as she wiped off something or the other, then reached for a mug.

“Good morning.” The brief contact was enough to read her agitation, but he let it go for now. “How long was I asleep?”

"Oh, long enough," she smiled at him. "The bread takes a couple of hours to get to this point. I knew you needed the sleep." She drank in the sight of him. "I'm glad you're here."

“Here but not here.” He smiled back at her and reached out to touch her cheek. “I do have quarters assigned. It’s been a while, Jules. We need to get used to each other again.”

"Having you here makes me nervous, yes." She leaned into him. "It's been how long since we were last together?"

“Six months, three weeks, four days and….I could continue this if I had a clue what time it is.” He grinned and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s okay, I understand. Besides, my quarters are not far away.”

"That'll be too far away, soon." She kissed him and pulled him close. "That bread needs at least twenty minutes...," she hinted.

“I’m all yours.”

"I like that."

* * *

“Do you know how nice it is to see your face instead of Earl’s?”

She laughed as she brushed a lock of sweaty hair away from her face. "I would hope you weren't seeing Earl's face as up close and personal as this!"

“Well...not exactly,” Solis joked. “It’s a good thing I like him though. It was a long trip.”

"Yes, it was," she said, holding him tightly. "We left behind the craziness of your ex. Are you ready for new craziness here?"

“Always. I take it things are less than settled here?” He settled back into his arm with a frown. “Out of the frying pan and into the fire as they say.”

"I've read some of the files here, love. Weirdness abounds: there's a cartel whose former leader was - is - obsessed with the station's XO; the CSEC's brother died, but came back to life - you should talk to the CMO, Harding, about that one - and there's a talking spider running around here. Not to mention that the Admiral took a side trip to another dimension and now people are seeing ...people who aren't really there."

“A talking spider. Seriously? And it’s loose?” He shuddered just a little. “And we thought the Tholians were bad. I will get with Harding, though. I need to report in and offer my services if needed while I am on layover. What’s he like?”

"I haven't met him yet, but I hear he's a nice guy, intensely smart."

“Good. I’ll get to that later today, once I’m coherent. What do you have planned for today?”
"Making bread," she kissed him as she spoke. "And love. I don't have any plans that take me outside these quarters."

“Perfect. I’ll just --” Solis stopped as Julisa’s comm badge chirped. “Wait till you get that.”
Sighing with irritation, Julisa reached up to the counter and tapped her badge. "Bajun here. Go ahead."

“Lt. Bajun, it’s Ray. Please report to our offices, an emergency of sorts had come up. You’re needed to handle the charges. I know Solis has just arrived and I’d handle it but I can’t, since both Chelsea and I are the victims in this case.”

"What? No," she started to protest then realized she was saying 'no' to her boss and stretched out the word, "O-o-oow, ah... there's gotta be someone else...," she whined.

“If there was, I’d be on the horn with them and not you. I’m sorry to drag you out but this one’s a goodie. One of Suresh’s goons trapped us in the holodeck and tried to kill us. You’ll have fun with it.”

Yes, any other day, she would have had fun with this. But now, this was interrupting her time with Solis. On the other hand..., an attempted murder case. "Fine, I'll be in in an hour," she told Ray and tapped the badge again to cut off the communication. To Solis, she said, "You heard. I gotta go."

“No rest for the wicked.” His smile was nothing short of wicked as well. “Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere, and it will give me a chance to see my quarters and get something decent to eat.” He drew her close once more. “Go.”

"Decent?" She pushed away from him, shoved the bread in the oven and said, "Just see if I invite you for dinner, then!"

“Oh, no no! I was referring to the food on the shuttle. This? I’ll pack it up once done and save it for when you get in. How’s that?” He gave her his most bewitching smile.

The smile worked, giving Julisa cause to smile back and kiss him. "It shouldn't take me long to get this defendant settled and stored away in a cell. I don't want to leave you," she said, kissing his cheek, obviously reluctant to head off to her office.

“Have fun with your murder,” he called after her, then peeked into the oven to look at the bread.

Lt. Commander Solis
Glad To Put His Feet Up For A While

Lt. Bajun Julisa
Nervous, but Thrilled


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