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Behind The Scenes

Posted on Fri Feb 21st, 2014 @ 2:37pm by Captain Li Hawke & Lazan

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Palaxia's Playground

Holiday Special! Two for one drinks at Palaxia’s Playground. Join us for Happy Hour tomorrow at 1900 hours!

Lazan had stared at the message for a long moment before draining the last of the scotch from his glass and extinguishing his cigar. He rose, straightening his jacket and pulling greying black hair out in front of his ear. It had been quite some time since a summons of this nature had appeared, he thought. Whatever it was must be urgent.

"Computer," he said, as he made his way from the room, "delete that message."

***Palaxia's Playground***

Li often wondered how it was that Sakkath could go for such long periods without sleep and remain coherent. It was, of course, part of his Vulcan heritage but try as she might, she just had her limits. And she was about there now. The noise level inside Palaxia’s bordered on overwhelming tonight. She needed to get in, get things done and then go get some sleep. A stop at the bar got her a drink and a nod. After a sip, she carried the drink along as she moved to the back and the holosuite that always carried an ‘Out Of Order’ sign. She slipped inside to the cool darkness and gave a sigh of relief as the casino’s noise faded.

Lazan's path to their usual meeting place was similar: procuring a scotch at the bar, nodding a few hellos and then slipping unseen into a supposedly broken holosuite.

"Well, well," he mused, "it's been some time since I garnered your attention. Tell me, to what do I owe the pleasure of the Executive Officer's company?"

“Good evening, Lazan.” She smiled for a moment, then sipped her drink. The warmth felt wonderful as it blazed its way down. Li settled down on the floor with her back against the wall. “Maybe I missed you?” She laughed for a moment before continuing. “I have some news and I think you’d better sit down as well.”

Lazan frowned. "I think I'd prefer to stand," he admitted, already not liking this. He knew full well she didn't miss him. This had taken a turn for the very serious.

She nodded slowly. “Yes, it is serious. You know about our trip to the alternate dimension of course, and Suresh’s incarceration after it. Well, things have taken a little turn, my friend. When the Hammond brought us back, we brought home an extra - their version of Suresh.”

Lazan visibly paled, his grip on the crystal glass in his hand tightening until his knuckles turned white and he threatened to break it. "And he's here?" he managed to ask through clenched teeth. Everything Lazan had worked to build, in solidifying his power base, could come tumbling down in light of another man wearing Suresh's face. As he had said to Nine some time ago... there were those loyal to the organization, and then there were those loyal to the man. It was enough to break his usually calm demeanor.

“He is, though we aren’t sure where. Oz and I were at the Nexus when drinks arrived with blue fish swizzle sticks. You can understand why that got our attention. We checked Suresh’s old quarters and there were signs of habitation, recent habitation, and entry of his codes in the terminal. That led security to Seyla, who was most enlightening.”

"That bitch has been displaying a disturbingly independent streak since I took power," he observed, quaffing his drink. It was a pity he couldn't order another in here, so he simply let it fall to the floor, shattering in a multitude of crystal shards.

"What did she have to say?" he wondered, already considering how best to deal with eliminating his old -- new -- employer.

“She confirmed his presence here. Apparently he’s laying low. His genetic structure must be just a little off so the scans aren’t turning up anything. Neither is facial recognition. Yet. That’s why we are here now. I figure it’s only a matter of time before you spot him or he comes looking for you.” She passed her nearly-full glass over to Lazan. She sensed he could use another.

Lazan hesitated only a moment before accepting the beverage with a nod, and took a long sip while considering his reply.

"I'll dispatch some feelers of my own, see if we can't locate him first... There are men here more loyal to me that I can trust. Perhaps I'll pay Seyla a visit as well." He knew she wouldn't like that. He had purposefully kept a hand out of her affairs until now, but if she was partaking in activities that might supplant him... Well, oversight was the least of her concerns.

"What could you do with him," Lazan wondered aloud, swirling the drink in his hand, passing his grey eyes over the Betazoid Captain. "If we find him, of course."

“Do with him?” The question momentarily stumped Li. “So far, he’s done nothing besides stowaway and we can’t send him back. What’s interesting, Lazan, is that on the alternate station? Isha was a separate person. A crazy one who thought she’d killed this version of Suresh. He has no attachments, or obsessions, as the old one did and I have to admit to relief about that. I would, however, like to speak to him when you find him. Is that what you mean?”

"What I mean?" he asked, lifting a brow in a curious manner before taking another drink. "Certainly. Was it what I wanted to hear? Certainly not." He quaffed the rest of the beverage, but managed to deposit this one gingerly on the floor. The libation was calming his nerves, if only just so. "You might have suggested executing him. But when I find him, I will make every effort to ensure he can speak to you. I am an exemplar of restraint, after all..."

Those words brought a smile to Li’s lips. “You do have your moments. I suppose executing him would make things simpler for everyone, especially if he were to just disappear. The problem is that he’s now known and his vanishing would raise questions and end up roasting my ass for obvious reasons. But the syndicate is yours now. Everyone knows Suresh was shipped out so it’s your game to lose."

"Don't remind me," he grumbled. "What's that human expression? Playing hardball?" he wondered aloud. "I suppose I can't sit back and let consolidation come to me any longer." He turned to face her, his dark eyes glinting in the low light. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention."

“My pleasure..or something. To quote another human expression, nature abhors a vacuum and you can bet he will want to fill it. Neither of us wants that.” She stood and smiled at Lazan. “Keep me posted. I’ll send someone in to clean up the glass.”

“I can think of a vacuum I’d like to have him fill,” Lazan muttered, his thoughts turning to an airlock. Shaking free of his reverie, he gave a short nod to Li before their staggered exit. “I’ll let you know when I have something.”

A cornered animal will turn and bite

Captain Li Hawke
Pulling Strings


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