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Nico At Science

Posted on Sun Feb 23rd, 2014 @ 10:47am by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Galileo Science Center

****** Galileo Center ******

Commander Leroy’s departure had left Tess with quite full hands on the Galileo Center.
Heaving a sigh he leaned back on the seat watching the messages scroll on his terminal, a certain number of projects and jobs were falling behind in schedule or had literally sloughed down to a halt.

A thing that would have irked Leroy’s skin and make them have a bad day in turn.
Scratching his head with both hands Tess was on the verge of desperation, but he had to do something to get out of the situation.

It was a matter of priorities, as the Commander always said. Single out the most important ones and get people tasked to them.

If necessary… Blow all shoreleave requests.”

A thing more easily said than done. No matter, he thought, starting to check all the list.

“Let’s see. Requests from Ops should have priority… There’s this Integrity Diagnostic to be carried out…” Tess mumbled to himself.

Out in the main area, the doors slid open and Nico stepped inside. He was dressed today in casual pants and shirt, his long hair loose. His non-regulation appearance drew the attention of several of the crew at work there and he gave a casual wave.

“What’s up?” He looked from one to the other as they stared back. “I’m looking for a stone, left here by the Counselor?”

Looking up from the monitor Tess noted the newcomer and the quizzical looks on the members of the staff closest to him. He stood from the seat and walked to meet the stranger.

“Is there something I can do for you? Mr…”

“Nicolao. Intel but on leave. I’m looking for a blue stone.” He looked Tess up and down briefly. “Counselor Swift brought it in this morning.” He resisted the urge to check his zipper to see if it was, perhaps, open, given the stares. He could have simply read them but he has closed that ability off for now.

“Well… It’s not that anyone can just walk into the main laboratory and leave with material left in our custody like that.” Tess replied serious. “Intel you say? I’ve never seen you while I know Mr. Swift very well. Do you mind if I check your status?”

“If you wish. The stone is mine, he just wanted ot scanned to see if there was anything odd about it.” Nico frowned slightly.

Rutheridge nodded slightly and went to the closest terminal. Eyeing him he typed some commands and waited for response.

Response that came slowly. In the end a picture followed by the name came up on the monitor as the service jacket materialized on the screen. Almost all informations, though, showed up as classified aside the name and the status of enlisted in Starfleet.

That was enough for Tess as he knew that those kind of guys can’t have their whereabouts displayed under the eyes of everyone.

“It seems you are what you say.” he commented returning to the Enaran. “No tests have been made on the stone as we are a little busy right now and our Commander is abroad.”

Then he nodded to a crewmember. “Bring him the stone.”

Nico watched as one of the crew stood and hurried off to a side room visible through a large window. He turned back to Tess and gave him a brief smile. “I appreciate this. I’ve had it a long time and I don’t like to be without it. You understand.”

“I think I understand. Everyone need their mementos from time to time.” Tess responded looking at the Enaran. Oddly enough he could have seemed anything but being sentimental about people or... Things.

Nico nodded. “I suppose it is that, yes, though I was never the superstitious sort. If the Counselor thinks it important, I can bring it back when you have more time.”

“At your leisure.” Tess replied looking down at the stone. He was in no hurry to have it back as he still remembered not so recent events about stones and crystals around the laboratory but, of course, this was in no way worth mentioning.

“Of course.” Nico held out his hand, palm up, for the stone. “I doubt you’d find anything, though. It’s just...a stone.” At least as far as anyone else was concerned.

Tess handed the stone over in the Enaran’s hand “Who knows. Many a marvel are dwelling within little objects.”

The image of the old woman rose in his mind and he smiled. “You can say that again, lieutenant. But I’ve taken up too much of your time. Thanks.”

“No problem. I hope that it can bring some relief now.” Tess ended hinting at the stone in Nico’s hand while accompanying him to the exit of Galileo Center.

Or something…., Nico thought.

Lieutenant Tess Rutheridge
Trying To Keep Strangers At Bay

One More Thing Off The Day’s List


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