Bussard Collectors
From Starbase 900 Wiki
Named after the 20th century physicist and mathematician Robert W. Bussard, the Bussard Ramscoop in capable of collecting low-grade interstellar matter trough a series of high energy magnetic coils. A Bussard Collector is found at the forward end of each of the warp drive nacelles. The Assembly consists of three main elements: an ionizing beam emitter IBE, which charges neutral particles in space; a magnetic field generator / collector MFG / C, a set of coils that cast a magnetic "net" ahead of the ship and pull in the charged particles; and the continuous cycle fractionator CCF, which separates the incoming gases (see below for an image of this process). The interstellar matter collected can be used as fuel in the event a deuterium tanker cannot reach the ship for normal refueling.