Six Of Ten
From Starbase 900 Wiki
Department | Science |
Last name | |
First name | Six Of Ten |
Image | ![]() |
Homeworld | New Providence Colony |
Species | Halanan (Reclaimed Borg) |
Gender | Female |
Birth | 2366 |
Age | 22 |
Height | 5'4" |
Weight | 110 lbs. |
Hair | Black |
Eyes | Dark Brown |
Affiliation | Starfleet |
Posting | Starbase 900 |
Rank | ![]() |
Played By | Hawke |
Contents |
Father Garen Lin - Whereabouts Unknown
Mother Niara Lin - Whereabouts unknown
General Description & Personality Overview
Six is slender and very fit. She has long black hair and dark eyes, along with a deep olive complexion. Her ears are similar to Vulcan ears but with two small points. While most of her implants were removed following her reclamation, two remaining ocular and cranial implants had to be left in place to avoid irreversible damage, and the standard tubules are still in place in her left hand.
Six is something of a loner. She spent her whole life as part of the Collective and now she craves a social life and company to replace the voice she was so used to hearing in her head. That has been hard to come by since so many are wary of a former Borg. She’s friendly but not always outgoing. Once she is close to someone she is more relaxed and open. She is still learning what it means to be ‘individual’, however.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths: As a result of a life spent in the Collective, she has a vast command of languages and technologies, all from assimilated cultures. The nanoprobes in her system give her a greater strength than her size might indicate.
Weaknesses: She has had trouble at times getting close to those she works with because of her past and her hesitance to open up. She fears rejection, which has come often for Six. She also gets frustrated because, while she has great skill with computers, she has faced some lack of trust which has pushed her into less technical, ‘safer’ positions until she has time to prove herself.
Her most immediate ambition is to prove that she is not a wolf in sheep's clothing, i.e. not out to assimilate everything in sight. She also wants to transition into her specialty, perhaps either in Science or eventually Operations.
Hobbies & Interests
While at the Academy, she really didn’t have time for hobbies. As a result, she is just now delving into the idea and learning what a good thing they can be. She is a long distance runner and uses the time to relax and unwind as well as keep in shape. Since she missed a real family life growing up, she spends a lot of her free time trying to catch up on all the normal everyday things she missed. Movies are a special favorite. She is also learning to cook and has befriended the chef at The Nexus Club, who is teaching her.
Personal History
Six was born Nailini Lin in early 2366 in the New Providence colony on Jouret IV near the Neutral Zone. Later that year, the colony was scooped from the planet’s surface en masse and its inhabitants assimilated. This attack would prove to be the beginning of Borg invasion that led to the Battle of Wolf 359. Since she was taken so young, Six never knew any other life besides the Collective. She was eventually assigned to Unimatrix 325 in the Delta Quadrant.
In 2383, a conflict with a Borg ship at the edge of Krenim space resulted in Six’s abandonment on a Starfleet vessel when her home cube was destroyed. DNA scans were matched to her birth record from the New Providence colony. The discovery was relayed to the New Halanan government , who authorized her restoration at Starfleet Medical in San Francisco. She spent six months being re-integrated to a non-Borg life and was accepted to Starfleet Academy, where her specialty was computer systems.
She graduated in 2386 and was assigned to the USS Evariste, a diplomatic ship in the Delta Quadrant. Despite her area of specialization, she was assigned as a language specialist. The reason given was an extreme need given the Evariste’s mission. She suspected that it was really due to her Borg past and fear that she might revert back if contacted by the Collective, so she was put in a ‘safe’ occupation until she proved herself to the Fleet. In 2387, the Evariste was recalled and Six was assigned to the Science Department on Starbase 900, to be loaned to the Diplomatic Corps as needed
Service Record
2384-2386: Starfleet Academy; Specialty: Computer Systems
2386-2387: USS Evariste - Delta Quadrant
2387: Starbase 900; Science Department – Language Specialist