William Harding

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|Last name=William
|Last name=William
|Middle name=Harrison
|First name=Harding
|First name=Harding
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|Hair=Dark brown, some grey
|Posting=Starbase 900
|Posting=Starbase 900
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Janelle - Married 2361, divorced 2366
==General Description & Personality Overview==
==General Description & Personality Overview==
Will has approached what is popularly called middle age, a term he despises. He is tall with prominent vivid blue eyes and dark hair with just a hint of grey. He keeps himself in top shape to fend off 'getting old'.
At first meeting, and usually second and third, Will appears to be a man with definite standards and strict expectations. He is. In the performance of his job he does in fact have stringent standards and expects just as much from those he works with as he does from himself. He’ll do whatever it takes to fix up or save the crew he’s sworn to care for, no matter the personal effort. He’s something of a loner when off-duty, however, and keeps his private life very private.
==Strengths & Weaknesses==
==Strengths & Weaknesses==
Strengths: Will has a strong work ethic and isn’t afraid to do whatever it takes in the performance of his duty. He is determined in looking out for his friends.
Weaknesses: His loner tendencies means he is often lonely when he’s away from work. He has few close friends as he’s had a long tendency to keep people at arm’s length personally. His abundance of empathy on the job, for his patients, often means he’s tapped out when it’s his down time.
To see to his patients and crew in the best manner possible. He had no command ambitions, but would eventually like to get into research full-time.
==Hobbies & Interests==
==Hobbies & Interests==
Will loves to read, actual books, and has shelves upon shelves of them in his quarters. He is a connoisseur of old, rare, and fine alcohols and has an extensive collection. He also favors antiques over Starfleet-issue décor and is constantly adding something new/old to his interior décor. For exercise, Will is a runner. He also does yoga as a means of easing stress from a very intense job.
==Personal History==
==Personal History==
Will was born in 2336 in south Florida. He grew up on the beach, learning to sail and dive at an early age. He comes from a family of doctors, so his choice upon entering the Academy was a natural one. He finished the Academy in 2357, and his medical specialization in 2361. He served on several ships as a medical officer between 2361-2365.
In 2366, he stumbled upon a plot by Section 31 to introduce a virus to the population of a Federation colony in order to place blame on the local government. He was recruited by Starfleet Intelligence to work undercover in a medical capacity. The plot was thwarted but Will continued to work undercover as a medical officer with Section 31 and report back to Starfleet Intel.
In 2375, he was part of a research team on an installation near the Ba’Ku planet. The project was researching the element in the planet’s atmosphere that kept the Ba’Ku from aging. The plan was to see if it could be synthesized and used as a means to treat those with terminal diseases. It was here that he met Jackson Banning and Tora Sulan. When one of his team, Dr. Natalia Bren, turned out to be a Section 31 plant and sabotaged the experiments, an explosion occurred that exposed Jackson and Sulan to the chemicals. As it turned out, the experiment had been successful, resulting in some unexpected un-aging benefits for the two intel agents.
Will once again went back undercover, tracing the movements of Section 31 and tracking the remains of the medical experiments that were taken after the explosion, as well as keeping tabs on the two agents and doing regular check-ups. When Natalia arrived on SB900, Will was sent out to monitor her activities. When the CMO of the station was killed, Will was assigned to the position and Natalia was eventually stopped and the Section’s big plot in the area was uncovered as a result.
==Service Record==
==Service Record==
2357: Graduated Starfleet Academy
2361: Completed his medical specialization training
2361-2365: Served as medical officer aboard the USS Rose, the USS Gardiner, and the USS Hayes.
2366: Began to work with Starfleet Intelligence
2375: Ba’Ku installation and subsequent explosion; following this, he resumed his activities with Intell
2387: Chief Medical Officer – SB900

Latest revision as of 00:29, 1 June 2015

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