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This is my sandbox. Yay!
|department = Command
|lastname = Foley, Julian
|name=Julian Foley
|Birth= April 29th, 1918 (467 years old)
|Height= 5' 11"
|Weight= 184 lbs
|Hair= Brown
|Eyes= Hazel
|Affiliation=[[United Federation of Planets]]
|Rank={{Lieutenant Commander}}
|Played By=[[User:Blackbriar|Scott B.]]
*'''Father:''' Fredrick Foley (deceased)
*'''Mother:''' Marcia Foley (retired)
Since his days in the United States Military, Julian has found a fond fascination with the weaponry of the time. He has countless variations of shotguns, long rifles and pistols that he proudly displays any chance he can get. All of them are fully-functioning and are kept in pristine working order. He's only had a few fail to work because of old, broken parts. Once that happened, he refused to let the replicators make the part for him. He would go and make the part on his own, just like he used to do. Gunsmithing was one of his acquired trades over the years.
Even though he's 467 years old, he's still quite active. He has taken an interest in running over the last 90 or so years--usually 10-12 miles a day just to keep in shape. He's also an avid swimmer, which again, goes back to his days in the US Military. You'll hardly ever see him in the facility pool, he'll be found in the holodeck swimming out in the open sea off the side of an old Navy destroyer.
Julian has been a boxing champion for several hundred years, although in different parts of the universe. His style is more street fighting than anything else, but it always gets the job done. He'll sucker punch you in a heartbeat so watch yourself...he's feisty! He's mastered quite a few of the martial arts trades but shys away from them. You'll most likely see him grappling, street fighting, bare-knuckle boxing or just plain ol' wrestling. And he is not above fighting dirty.
The rest of his list of hobbies and interests include:
- Flying, which he did during the Vietnam War on Earth<br>
- Woodworking (he has made several nice furniture pieces for Admiralty and COs in the past)<br>
- Smoking his cigars<br>
- Target practice with his old weaponry<br>
- Holonovels...every great once in a while you'll catch him in the mood to participate in a holonovel about the "old west" of the United States back on Earth.  <br>
Being El-Aurian, however, he's constantly picking up a new trade or hobby to pass his time. 
==Spoken Languages==
Multiple [[Earth]] languages, [[El-Aurian]], [[Klingon]], [[Andorian]], [[Vulcan]], [[Orion]], Risan, Saurian.
Julian loves the [[United Federation of Planets]]. That is why he keeps returning to service in some form or fashion. He only wants to help make the [[Federation]] a better place for all. His inherent need to be a "listener", as is the history of his entire race, has prompted him to want to serve in [[Starfleet]] in various positions, ranks and departments.
Julian Munroe Foley was born in the year 1918 in Miami, Florida on Earth. His father, Fredrick, and his mother, Marcia, were both El-Aurian and had lived many lifetimes before Julian came along. They had settled down on Earth in an attempt to raise a family, thinking that it would allow them luxuries that they wouldn’t have on other planets, despite the technologically devoid state of Earth. For Fredrick and Marcia, it was a simpler time living on Earth. Then came Julian.
It was obvious to both Fredrick and Marcia that Julian would be an exceptional child. From an early age they noticed that he possessed a photographic memory allowing him to excel quickly in school. But instead of progressing to college, Julian opted to join the US Navy, which he did in 1936. That’s where he found his niche. It’s also where he found his soon-to-be wife, Gillian Rogers. Julian knew of his El-Aurian heritage and his parents had warned him that any marriage or relationship with a human woman wouldn’t work well because of his long lifespan. He would be forced to abandon his family at some point so as not to bring about suspicion. He was caught up in his humanity that he had learned while on Earth. For all intents and purposes he was a 17-year-old Earth boy. In two years’ time, Julian and Gillian were married but Julian was soon deployed as the United States was sent to war after Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese.
Julian stayed in the US Navy for quite some time, even going through the dreaded BUDs (Basic Underwater Demolition) training for the honorary title of “frogman”. He finally left the Navy with the rank of Senior Chief Petty Officer, his departure based on the fact that he had been in the Navy almost twenty years and didn’t look like he had aged much past the age of 19. In that twenty years Julian had also started a family. Gillian was made aware of his bloodlines and took it well, even though she knew that he, and their two sons, would outlive her by many generations. Julian soon found that his children’s lifespans would be shortened all too soon.
Gillian died in 1957 of cancer leaving Julian to care for his sons. He did his best with the both of them but they soon grew of age to go out on their own and make their own life. The three kept in constant contact, making new identities as they moved so as not to be detected as someone that could live for hundreds of years. In September of 1960, Julian’s oldest, Martin, was killed in a plane crash as he was relocating to England to start a new life. It was a dark time for Julian but he held solace in the fact that his younger son, Bradley, kept in touch often. This ended, though, as Bradley enlisted in the US Army and Julian entered Texas A&M University studying Mechanical Engineering & Diplomatic Relations and studied Russian and Japanese languages.
1964 came around and the Vietnam War started in full effect for the United States. Julian knew that Bradley would most definitely have been sent over because of his assignment to the infantry. Julian, however, hadn’t foreseen war in his future, again. He had joined the Army ROTC (Reserve Officer’s Training Corps) program at Texas A&M and had been commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant. Upon his graduation, he was assigned to Military Intelligence and was stationed at MAC (Military Assistance Command) Headquarters in Saigon involved with the "Phuoung Hoang" (the Phoenix Program).
In 1968, Julian had been promoted twice to the rank of Captain and was involved with gathering and preparing an intelligence report for a mission called Operation Muscatine. The officer in charge of giving the intelligence to Muscatine’s Commanders (Major General Sam Koster, Brigadier General George H. Young, Colonel Oran K. Henderson and Lieutenant Colonel Frank Barker) refused to agree with Julian’s assessment that the civilians in the hamlets contained in Son My Village were not sympathizers of the North Vietnamese. Julian showed almost concrete proof of this but it was ignored. Instead, what followed was one of the lowest points for the US Military. It’s what came to be known as the My Lai Massacre where Task Force Barker was sent into the Village, and all of its hamlets, to find and capture/destroy the 48th Local Force (LF) Bn, a Viet Cong group. But upon TF Barker’s arrival, not a single shot was fired at them from hostiles. Despite this fact, TF Barker managed to kill approximately 500 innocent civilians, mostly old men and women and young mothers and their children. The end result, only three enemy weapons were captured and an entire Village destroyed. Julian’s rage was barely contained when he found out that his intelligence had helped the mission get going, but was even more enraged when he found out that he was right—there had been no sympathizers of the VC and, in fact, no hostile enemy were even in the village. It wasn’t until three years later that the now Major Julian Foley found out that his son, Staff Sergeant Bradley Foley had been involved in the My Lai Massacre as a willing participant. Apparently the fog of war had maddened him. In 1972, Bradley took his own life. He couldn’t live with the thoughts of the innocent women, and especially the babies, that he had senselessly slaughtered. Julian retired shortly thereafter.
After resigning from the Army, and with no family to take care of, Julian sold everything he had and began a somewhat nomadic life. He loved being in the military with the structure and all but just needed a break from it all. He began reverting to his race's most basic function: listening. Truth be told, he resorted to this way of life because he was more depressed than anything else which left him with not much to say. He bounced between jobs, never staying in one place for too long and finally landed a semi-permanent job on a merchant marine vessel. He enjoyed being on the ocean enjoying the views and getting to see other parts of Earth. He traveled the entire globe and, after forty-five years he realized that he was a poor excuse for a being that would be considered an 'alien' since he had never been off the planet he was born on. Making his way back to Florida, Julian located his mother just outside of Ocala, Florida. The family had purchased a horse farm and Marcia was still around to tend to it. Fredrick, however, was not. He had died ten years prior working as a desk officer for the Miami Police Department. A gunman ran into the station to break his brother out and Fredrick was the only officer there. Fredrick had no more stood up to see what was going on before the thug shot him twice in the chest. They had just purchased the farm and Fredrick was about to quit the department. Marcia decided just to keep the farm and give it a shot.
Marcia welcomed Julian back with open arms, as he knew she would. He visited with her for a few weeks before letting her know what his intentions were. He knew they would have kept their ship somewhere handy and he was right. It was holed up in one of the barns underneath what looked like a ton of hay bales. It wasn't anything special, by any means, but it had been big enough to transport a husband and wife wanting to start a family to another planet to live out their years. After running it through flight checks to ensure it was still space worthy, Julian got his first glimpse of space from the opposite side of the atmosphere he was used to seeing.
Flitting around the universe for a while was exactly what Julian needed. He spent time getting to know numerous races and learning more than he ever imagined possible. Having been introduced to the [[Vulcan]]s, Julian learned that Earth was joining the space-faring community and he couldn’t resist heading back to see if his mother was still alive and to see just how far the Humans had come. He found his mother just outside of San Francisco. She had taken a position as an administrative aide with the newly formed [[Starfleet]] and was able to secure a spot for Julian in the first [[Starfleet Academy]] class. It was more of a mix of previous [[Earth]] military academies (i.e. West Point, Annapolis, Sandhurst, etc.) than an academy for space travel, but it worked. After a successful twelve years of service, Julian retired from [[Starfleet]] as a [[Lieutenant Commander]].
He tried to hang around Earth and keep busy but being back there reminded him of his lost family and depression set in again. He spent almost ten years doing nothing but boozing, moping around and screwing any breathing female he could find. Finally, after wanting to find a way to end his life, but not having the nerve to do it himself, he enlisted with the [[Starfleet Marine Corps]] as a recon specialist. He volunteered for every dangerous and stupid job he could find. One [[Marine Captain]] wrote him up for conduct unbecoming a Marine when, under direct enemy fire, Julian stood up and walked slowly towards the enemy. A comrade had been injured and, despite Julian’s apparent death wish, he still didn’t want his friend to die. The friend was saved and the Captain’s report went in. It was rejected and Julian was awarded a medal for valor for his actions under fire with direct threat to his own life and selfless actions to save the life of another.
A few years later he met a person that would change his life—Evelyn Sanders. She was the spitting image of his wife, Gillian, and had the spirit to match. She was a [[Petty Officer Second Class]] assigned to their unit as a Corpsman. He spent more and more time with her finally becoming great friends. She kept him out of his funk, especially after he got it off of his chest that she reminded him of his deceased wife. She felt for him and they were all but inseparable until her discharge from [[Starfleet]]. Julian left the [[Starfleet Marine Corps]] shortly afterward and followed her to Japan.
The two shared a place just outside of Otsu, Japan where Evelyn began steady employment and Julian began studying various martial arts. Finally, the inevitable came—Evelyn was on death’s door. Julian disappeared for three days and came back just in time. He apologized profusely and cried for her forgiveness. She told him that she understood and fully expected him to be gone when this time came. She wished him nothing but the best and, moments later, was gone. He spent another two years in Otsu diving deep into the martial arts but simply couldn’t shake the loss of another ‘Gillian’. He needed to get away from it all but his personal ship was no longer usable and he was down on his finances. He resorted to one of the only things that he knew, and knew well: [[Starfleet]].
In 2285 he enlisted in [[Starfleet]] and graduated top of his basic training squadron and was posted to the USS Cunningham as a Gunner’s Mate. He accepted the position but couldn’t find his niche in it. He wanted something more exciting and opted for a slot in Intelligence. He was reassigned as an Infiltration Specialist and posted to Starbase 171 where he excelled in the art of spycraft. He was a natural in being a ‘spook’ and became absorbed in it. After another twelve years, however, he realized there was more money to be made in the private sector.
Julian quickly hung his shingle out in the black ops arena and was snatched up by any number of private individuals, corporations, conglomerates and governments to spy, steal, smuggle or kill whatever or whomever was required. The money was great and the jobs were exciting. In 2349, however, [[Starfleet]] began dabbling quite a bit more in ‘black bag’ jobs and took Julian in as a contract employee. By this time they were aware of his [[El-Aurian]] heritage and of his multiple service records at [[Starfleet]], as well as a full menu of his dealings while in the private sector, and decided to utilize this tool to their advantage. Of course, they paid a steady, hefty sum for him. All of his jobs were designated as classified to the highest clearances only.
This line of work was a dream until [[Starfleet]] began toying with the idea of creating special tactical units based loosely on the Special Forces units from [[Earth]]’s 20th/21st centuries. They wanted Julian to be one of the architects of the program, especially since he was a first hand witness to these things from that era. He refused. They blackmailed him. He was given a commission of [[Lieutenant Commander]] by the Starfleet [[Commander in Chief]], and was posted to Starbase 102 where the formation of the units began taking shape. Policies, procedures, weapons, tactics…it was all formed by Julian and several other men and women of varying backgrounds to create what would soon be known as Starfleet SEAL teams. The former SEa Air Land acronym didn’t fit anymore—the name was just a tribute to those that had served as SEALs from that era.
After seven years of planning and successfully leading SEAL missions throughout the galaxy, Julian was promoted to [[Commander]]. At the same time the SEAL teams were being let out into the open, to some degree. They weren’t as highly classified as before, meaning many people knew about them, but their tactics, strengths and training were still a secret that only those involved with knew about. He loved being back in the action and didn’t mind being in Starfleet because of it. It was a dream job, almost as if he were back in the private sector again. That was until early 2374.
Julian was forced to lead a group of ten SEALs on a snatch-and-grab mission to take one of the higher [[Cardassian]] ambassadors hostage and get information from him. The mission was a rush and the SEAL CO was forced to rely on outside [[intelligence]]—an occupational no-no that Julian adhered to, except on this occasion. He was forced to take the mission at face value with no input on the mission profile or much of a look at the intel on his own. The mission was a complete failure leading to the deaths of seven men on the ground. Julian was able to extract with two more SEALs in tow but they had been so badly injured that they died before making it back to their EVAC ship. The blame was laid solely on Julian’s shoulders citing that he should have pressed harder to look at the intelligence and that the botched attempt would be more propaganda for the [[Cardassians]] to use against them. For this, Julian was promptly reduced in rank to Lieutenant (j.g.) and transferred out of the SEALs to the USS Habersham, a Curry class science vessel in the furthest reaches of nowhere, as a security officer. It didn’t take long for the [[Captain]] of the Habersham to get more acquainted with Julian and to realize that his talents were wasted out there in no-mans-land. The [[Captain]] gave Julian a lot of discretion on board the Habersham and used him as a stand-in on more than one occasion. Many nights Julian would find himself in command of the ship while the rest of the crew relaxed, slept, etc. He was not, however, allowed to be promoted without severe reprimands given to the [[Captain]] for doing so. Rank made no difference to him, however, but it was agreed by Julian and the Habersham’s CO that he needed to move on.
Finally, four years later, Julian was given the nod to begin building his career again. He transferred to an out-of-the-way place, Iconia Colony, to head up the protective services division of their security department. It wasn’t as exciting as his private sector jobs, or his time in the SEALs, but it was a far sight more exciting than being a security officer on the Habersham. Once again he was given strong discretion on how to run his area by the CO of the colony, who had promoted him to [[Lieutenant]] and also happened to be a close personal friend of the Habersham’s CO. He made a name for himself in the ‘bodyguarding’ area and in the security field altogether. After a while, though, he wanted a change. He put in an open-ended request for transfer. He’d go to any posting, ship or starbase, it didn’t matter. He wasn't sure what he would be getting into, but knew it would definitely be an adventure.
==Service History==
''Not to be considered complete. Due to extensive life span, prior Starfleet service record is too extensive to place here. Complete listing may be accessed by personnel with high enough security clearance through any authorized access channel.''
2150: Starfleet Academy - resigned from Starfleet with the rank of Lt. Cmdr. after twelve years.
2200: Enlisted as a Starfleet Marine... separated from service after eight years at the rank of Staff Sergeant.
2285: Enlisted in Starfleet, 1st in graduating class. Posted to USS Cunningham, Gunner's Mate.
2287: Petty Officer 3rd Class, Starbase 171, Intelligence/Infiltration Specialist
2292: Petty Officer 1st Class, Starbase 171, Intelligence/Infiltration Specialist
2298: Chief Petty Officer, Starbase 82, Intelligence/Infiltration Specialist
2299: Separation from service.
2349: Rejoined Starfleet as a "contract employee" and worked in special operations--CLASSIFIED MATERIAL.
2365: Required to be commissioned in Starfleet by order of Commander, Starfleet. Commissioned as Lieutenant Commander and placed in TOP SECRET position at Starbase 102.
2372: Promotion to Commander, XO of newly formed Starfleet SEAL unit, location unknown.
2374: Reduced in rank to Lt. (j.g.), removed from SEALs. Placed in Security department on USS Habersham.
2378: Transfer to protective services Security department, Iconia Colony.
2380: Promotion to Lieutenant.
2385: Transfer to Deep Space 14 as Executive Officer

Revision as of 01:49, 18 May 2015

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