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==History of Space Flight==
==History of Space Flight==
Archadians have been a space-faring race since the year 1899 (Earth standard time) but did not have warp capability until 2382.  The rationale behind their lack of productivity from booster rocket-type ships to warp-capable ships over such a long period of time is that they felt that they had expanded enough with a total of four planets and only needed to be able to get around in their own territory.  They never felt the need to explore past their area of space.  It was only in 2324 that they felt the need to increase their technological awareness of space travel when they were visited by a race known as the Travellers.  Despite this being the first race they'd met from another world, the Travellers were well met and spent over a year on Archadia III.  The Archadians were impressed with their technology and were granted limited information on faster means of propulsion so that they could develop their own spacecraft for long-range flight. 
Once the Travellers departed, the Archadians continued making strides in their research and held their first warp drive test in mid-2379.  The test ended in disaster as the craft exploded from an unknown mechanical error, killing seven Archadian pilots.  It was later determined that a faulty plasma injector caused the malfunction.  Once this was remedied, another test was scheduled and in early 2382 the Antiope-class ship, <i>D'Souza</i>, successfully launched from the surface of Archadia III and reached warp 2. 
Once the test was deemed a success the Archadians constructed five more Antiope-class vessels.  All of their original vessels had the ability to launch from a planet and land again without having to remain in orbit or go to drydock for repairs.  Originally, the ships were all armed with nuclear-type armament but they soon found that this was unsuitable against the races that they found close to them in the Delta Quadrant.  In 2385, three ships met with their doom when they encountered pirates who promptly boarded them and took what they wanted.  The personnel on board put up a good defense but they were not well armed and were quickly taken over.  Once the pirates had looted the ships, and taken many of the Archadian women captive as slaves, the ships were fired upon.  Two were completely destroyed and the third was partially destroyed leaving less than half of it in space.  All hands, except those taken as slaves, were killed.
Word got out among the Delta Quadrant races that the Archadians were trying their hand at space travel and an unknown race made contact with one of their vessels offering assistance.  They provided technical data on shielding, phaser-type technology as well as the use of torpedoes.  In return the race requested aslyum on an unnamed moon orbiting Antiopol and to be left alone, with no further contact from the Archadians.  Their trade was granted and the Archadians soon began outfitting their vessels with the obtained technology.
==Federation Protectorate Status==
==Federation Protectorate Status==

Revision as of 04:24, 4 December 2012

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