Ricky Wegener

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He roamed the stars for three months with no destination in mind and wanting nothing to do with anyone.  As luck would have it he found himself back in the Sol Sector near Earth.  Having had enjoyed the beginning of his life there he took immediate interest in their current state, hoping that they had rebuilt themselves after the war.  What he found were scattered groups all over the planet living with what they could cobble together.   
He roamed the stars for three months with no destination in mind and wanting nothing to do with anyone.  As luck would have it he found himself back in the Sol Sector near Earth.  Having had enjoyed the beginning of his life there he took immediate interest in their current state, hoping that they had rebuilt themselves after the war.  What he found were scattered groups all over the planet living with what they could cobble together.   
Completely disheartened at the way things had turned out for his birth planet but he knew that there were rules against just handing over technology to people, or waltzing like that actor from the western television shows, John Wayne, and handling things for everyone. With the technology Rick had on his own shuttle he could have revolutionized everything for them, but it wasn’t what one did. Those Earthlings, of which he considered himself one, had to figure it out for themselves. So, once again, he found himself pointing his shuttle the opposite direction of his home and heading off into the stars.
...more to come...
After a few months he finally found his father and mother still doing the freighter thing. They felt badly for him since Earth was the only true home he’d ever known but there was nothing they could do to make him forget, but they did try to help him move on past it and the death of Narin, which was considerably harder. For months he ghosted around their freighter helping here and there but not really committing to anything. Finally, after a long heart-to-heart from his mother, Rick decided that he would fully commit to the family business. In 2053 Gunter was able to afford another freighter and made Rick the captain with a full crew and a load of cargo ready to be picked up.
[[File:Wegener5.jpg|right|thumb|150px|Rick in 2055]]
It was here where Rick’s love of being on a ship really blossomed. He learned everything he could about the vessel, its inner workings, engineering aspects and the warp drive system. Despite his love of being in the center chair he would allow more junior crew to man that station so that they too could learn the ropes. His crew always spoke highly of him as their commanding officer and he treated them fairly. Firm but fair was truly a motto that he lived by with his crew and it was something that they admired in him. But they also knew not to venture into his bad side because his fury was swift and burned like a thousand suns when provoked. Between the Zarathustra, Gunter’s ship, and the Zoroaster, Rick’s ship, the shipping business proved to be very lucrative. Within five years they were able to construct four brand new vessels, bringing the total to six for the family, and continued to be an honest and reliable transport for all items that were on the ‘up and up’. Gunter required that their cargo only be honest transports and nothing that may be questionable. Questionable or not, however, they ran into their own skirmishes with pirates or races that would try to take their cargo by force. To their credit, the family never lost a ship or cargo.
In 2152, the Zoroaster was dispatched to Earth by Gunter to deliver supplies to new United Earth Space Probe Agency (UESPA) for use in constructing new ships. Delighted with the fact that he would be returning to Earth, Rick made his best speed there and was happy to see that they had, in fact, blossomed and were making the best of what had happened to them. They were only scheduled for a two-day drop off and then picking up supplies that they needed before departure, but what started as two days lasted over one week while Rick managed to get a tour of the new agency and was filled in on what had happened to spur the change in the lives of his fellow Earthlings. He also allowed himself to be the subject of a few medical tests by their medical staff so that they could enter his race into their collective database of alien races. They were shocked, to say the least, to find out that he had actually been born on Earth so long ago and he provided documentation of his life while there. According to their customs, and with approval from the current leadership, Rick was given updated documentation proving Earth citizenship, despite his true El-Aurian race.
After several frantic calls from his father, Rick finally got his ship ready and departed Earth again. After two months he met up with the Zarathustra and revealed a plan to his parents that he had concocted while visiting Earth. He wanted to join the UESPA, go through their fledgling academy and continue to help his former planet’s inhabitants move up in the galaxy. It came as no surprise to Gunter who knew of the new organization prior to sending Rick there. He had even told Imandra that he assumed that their son wasn’t long for the shipping business and would soon be called back to his childhood home.
Early in 2153 Rick applied for, and was accepted, at the new academy of the UESPA. He studied for a position with their tactical/security department. He served in various assignments throughout the new agency and was lucky enough to be present at the signing of the UFP Charter in October of 2161. He continued serving with distinction until he attained the rank of Commodore and finally retired in 2200, but he did not fully separate from service to the Federation. He began working with Starfleet Intelligence and Federation Security as an undercover agent. After ten years in this position he was assigned to the Federation President’s special protection team.
2231 was the year that Rick finally walked away from his work with the Federation, looking to retirement. He had been part of many first contact situations, had tagged along with diplomats and ambassadors, had seen governments rise and fall and thought that he was at point in his life where retirement would be the best thing for him. He spent the next part of his life on Risa enjoying himself and having his own adventures with no cares to speak of. That lasted until 2293 when he was requested to return to service with the Federation after what appeared to have been an assassination by the Enterprise crew of the Klingon Chancellor had turned out to be part of a larger conspiracy to stop the treaty of peace between the Klingons and the Federation. Since the perpetrators went all the way to the top of Starfleet’s chain of command, as well as the Klingon High Council, the current Federation President couldn’t trust anyone that was currently associated with security or intelligence. Rick was brought in and temporarily reinstated to Starfleet at the rank of Captain to lead the investigation. He did so primarily on his own but enlisted the help of a few recently commissioned Ensigns to assist, thinking that they would not have been able to have been involved in the crime.
In 2295 his investigation was completed and submitted to the President. Several people were dishonorably discharged from Starfleet for their involvement in the plot to murder the Chancellor, criminal involvement in disruption of peace talks between the Federation and the Klingons and numerous other charges. The Klingon High Council also assisted in the investigation and had many of their own officers summarily executed for their involvement and others sent to Rura Penthe without the ability for parole. For his actions Rick was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. It was at this point that Rick felt he needed a change in his life. He had worked for the Federation, off and on, for almost 140 years and now felt the need to go into a different occupation.
[[File:Wegener6.jpg|left|thumb|150px|Rick in 2296]]
He briefly thought of taking over the family business but he’d had his share of running cargo back and forth. He wanted something stationary and not related to diplomacy, space battles or exploration. So, in 2296 he opened a restaurant and bar called Rick’s in Berlin, Germany on Earth. It was very successful and popular in the area with a staff of 70 covering the fine dining area and the bar. The business gained more popularity after fifty years of being open with the same proprietor as many weren’t aware of the longevity of life that El-Aurians had and enjoyed coming back to a place where they could rely on having the same owner there running the place the same way. It gave it a more personal touch with Rick always being there.
After 64 years of running Rick’s, he finally decided to give it up and gave the business to five of his longest serving employees to do with as they wished. He’d hoped that they would keep it running and they did, continuing the traditions that he’d started so long ago when he opened the business. But he soon found himself having nothing to do and, as an El-Aurian, nothing but time to do that nothing in. Gathering all of his credentials from the past, he once again travelled to Starfleet Command and offered his services in any way that was needed. Having initially retired at flag rank in the 22nd century, then again as a Captain after his investigation from the Khitomer Accords in the 23rd century, Starfleet Command was met with a decision they’d never had to make before. No one in the history of the Federation had served as long as Rick. Starting with his career in the newly formed UESPA, then retiring as a Commodore, working for Federation Security, then Presidential Security, retiring and coming back to investigate the Khitomer Accords, with only a few times in between that he wasn’t in Starfleet or with the Federation, Rick had served close to 200 years in some form or fashion. So, because of the wealth of experience and knowledge that Rick possessed, he was reinstated to his last rank of record, Captain, and only had to attend a few refresher classes at the Academy to get up to speed with current politics and policies.
So it was that in 2360 Rick was once again Captain Ricky Wegener of Starfleet Intelligence. His background, and the fact that not many knew of him, led the current Intelligence Chief to place him into the black ops section of the Intel Corps. He’d be able to work undercover successfully without being well known to anyone currently in the service or with other agencies. Because he worked primarily on his own he became known for his sometimes ruthless tactics to get the results required of him. He completed every task on time and without much notice to anyone, except the intended targets.
In 2364 he had several run-ins with Section 31 agents who were interfering with his work due to their own agenda. Having been in Starfleet upon the formation of Section 31, he knew of their exploits and never really agreed with their unit, especially since they weren’t truly answerable to anyone. He understood that they were meant to be have been created as a way to keep the Federation safe using whatever means necessary, which was a violation of most UFP and Starfleet regulations, but since they were a separate entity they didn’t have to follow UFP or Starfleet guidelines. While Rick was known for his anything goes attitude toward the intelligence arena, he was still authorized to do so by the Federation President or the Chief of Starfleet Intelligence, so he was accountable and couldn’t literally do anything he wanted to get a job done. The antics of the Section 31 agents, however, riled him to no end. He made it his purpose for the next three years to seek them out and bring them to justice for violations of Federation laws since they were still citizens of the Federation. He successfully brought in five of six Section 31 agents for prosecution. The last had decided to fight him...and he lost finding a dagger lodged deep in his chest cavity.
[[File:Wegener7.jpg|right|thumb|150px|Rick in 2365]]
In 2371 the Starfleet Corps of Engineers had designed the new Sovereign class ship and it required a shakedown cruise to check its systems. Starfleet Intelligence procured the vessel for their purposes naming it the USS Oppenheimer with Rick assigned as her commanding officer. His dual duty was to perform a proper shakedown and to carry out missions related to intelligence work throughout the system. This was a solo command for him and was therefore not assigned to a fleet or task force. In 2372 he was promoted to Commodore and continued his work with the Oppenheimer.
Because of his experience with the Federation, promotions now came quickly to Rick to fill spots where other Admirals had emptied from retirement or deaths. He was promoted to Rear Admiral in 2374 and moved from the Intelligence Corps to become the Executive Officer of Alpha Fleet. He served with distinction in the fleet until he was tapped to lead the Delta Quadrant Operations group on the far side of the Solarian Gateway. After another promotion to Vice Admiral in 2386, he moved his flag to Starbase 900.
Soon after their arrival in the Delta Quadrant a large explosion of a ship coming through from the Beta Quadrant destroyed the Solaria Gateway, and the adjoining portal in the Beta Quadrant. It was a major catastrophe in the loss of life but the disturbance created a stable wormhole between the two quadrants, now named the Solarian Wormhole. Starbase 900 was still tasked with guarding the wormhole as a means of travel between the two quadrants and continuing exploration of the Delta Quadrant.
==Service Record==
==Service Record==

Revision as of 00:28, 29 December 2012

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