Ricky Wegener

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Rick grew up with the finest education of Earth's history and, in private, El-Aurian history and that of the universe.  He learned everything that his parents could teach him about space travel, engineering and everything that he would need to return to the stars if they deemed it necessary--which they never did.  Because of this he excelled well above the other children his age in his schooling.  He was also well thought of by his instructors.  Along with education he was taught how to fight with swords, ride horses, archery and the use of firearms.
Rick grew up with the finest education of Earth's history and, in private, El-Aurian history and that of the universe.  He learned everything that his parents could teach him about space travel, engineering and everything that he would need to return to the stars if they deemed it necessary--which they never did.  Because of this he excelled well above the other children his age in his schooling.  He was also well thought of by his instructors.  Along with education he was taught how to fight with swords, ride horses, archery and the use of firearms.
[[File:Wegener young.jpg|left|thumb|150px|Wegener in Germany, c. 1940]]
When word of war was in the wind, Gunter decided that leaving the country was in the family's best interest.  He did not agree with the way things had been going, and despised Hitler and the Nazi party.  In January of 1939 the Wegener's packed their things and moved to Switzerland, settling in the Canton of Schaffhausen in the municipality of Neuhausen am Rheinfall.  While Switzerland remained neutral during WWII, Rick was of the age (21) that he could be conscripted to their military, like all other men between the ages of 20 to 30 years of age.  The Wegener’s did not become Swiss citizens but Rick felt it was the least he could do to repay the kindness of the Swiss government for allowing his family to leave the immediate clutches of Nazi Germany.  And while not technically at war with anyone, the Swiss were required to take action against Nazi military planes violating their airspace as well as suffering a bombing raid by US Army Air Force planes in the Canton of Schaffhausen that had accidentally strayed from Germany into neutral Switzerland in 1944.
When word of war was in the wind, Gunter decided that leaving the country was in the family's best interest.  He did not agree with the way things had been going, and despised Hitler and the Nazi party.  In January of 1939 the Wegener's packed their things and moved to Switzerland, settling in the Canton of Schaffhausen in the municipality of Neuhausen am Rheinfall.  While Switzerland remained neutral during WWII, Rick was of the age (21) that he could be conscripted to their military, like all other men between the ages of 20 to 30 years of age.  The Wegener’s did not become Swiss citizens but Rick felt it was the least he could do to repay the kindness of the Swiss government for allowing his family to leave the immediate clutches of Nazi Germany.  And while not technically at war with anyone, the Swiss were required to take action against Nazi military planes violating their airspace as well as suffering a bombing raid by US Army Air Force planes in the Canton of Schaffhausen that had accidentally strayed from Germany into neutral Switzerland in 1944.
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His duties were mainly desk-oriented but he oversaw the creation of the conscription of all men aged 18 through 45 for military service in 1956.  He was then promoted to Oberst (Colonel) and placed in charge of training doctrine for new recruits.  He spent many months with U.S., British and French military training commands and modified many of the training requirements of the German military, allowing them to become more up-to-date and on par with the other military forces of the world, despite only being a military force that was defensive in nature.  However, in 1964, after eight years in that position, he retired from the military and settled down on his family’s estate.  Because of his service with the creation of the military, and reforming its training of new recruits, he was given a final rank of Brigadegeneral (Brigadier General) and allowed full retirement honors.   
His duties were mainly desk-oriented but he oversaw the creation of the conscription of all men aged 18 through 45 for military service in 1956.  He was then promoted to Oberst (Colonel) and placed in charge of training doctrine for new recruits.  He spent many months with U.S., British and French military training commands and modified many of the training requirements of the German military, allowing them to become more up-to-date and on par with the other military forces of the world, despite only being a military force that was defensive in nature.  However, in 1964, after eight years in that position, he retired from the military and settled down on his family’s estate.  Because of his service with the creation of the military, and reforming its training of new recruits, he was given a final rank of Brigadegeneral (Brigadier General) and allowed full retirement honors.   
[[File:Wegener1960.jpg|right|thumb|150px|Wegener in Germany, c. 1960]]
He was now forty-six years of age.  The problem was that because of his El-Aurian heritage, he still looked very much like he was twenty.  He decided to become a bit of a hermit at the estate and rarely left the grounds, which were massive enough that he could go riding or hunting without seeing any neighbors.  But he did have staff on hand that helped with the estate who saw him regularly.  He wasn’t sure how to deal with the problem of not aging when it came to his staff.  After a visit to his parents’ shuttle, still in the cave where it had been since they’d arrived on Earth, he found his salvation.  The medical equipment they had stored would allow him to alter his appearance slightly to show aging, a process that was reversible.  He would, essentially, have to become old and then create false paperwork for a new identity for himself.  He could become anyone.  Someone related to the Richard Strauß Wegener that he was now or just someone completely different.  Either way he’d have to leave all of his possessions to his new identity in his will.
He was now forty-six years of age.  The problem was that because of his El-Aurian heritage, he still looked very much like he was twenty.  He decided to become a bit of a hermit at the estate and rarely left the grounds, which were massive enough that he could go riding or hunting without seeing any neighbors.  But he did have staff on hand that helped with the estate who saw him regularly.  He wasn’t sure how to deal with the problem of not aging when it came to his staff.  After a visit to his parents’ shuttle, still in the cave where it had been since they’d arrived on Earth, he found his salvation.  The medical equipment they had stored would allow him to alter his appearance slightly to show aging, a process that was reversible.  He would, essentially, have to become old and then create false paperwork for a new identity for himself.  He could become anyone.  Someone related to the Richard Strauß Wegener that he was now or just someone completely different.  Either way he’d have to leave all of his possessions to his new identity in his will.
So, over the next twenty years he slowly aged himself, now not having to be as much of a hermit and being able to go out into public.  He became known throughout the community as a very sociable man.  He kept the tradition of throwing large gala events on his property, just as his parents did, and they eventually became fund raisers for orphans or the homeless organizations in the city.  At the young (for an El-Aurian) age of 67, Rick decided it was time that he make the big change.  He took a trip to Switzerland on undisclosed business, as far as his employees knew, but he was there to see his parents who had already faked their own deaths.  While there he forged a letter from a local Swiss doctor’s office that was sent to his estate in Germany, informing them of his death from a heart attack.
So, over the next twenty years he slowly aged himself, now not having to be as much of a hermit and being able to go out into public.  He became known throughout the community as a very sociable man.  He kept the tradition of throwing large gala events on his property, just as his parents did, and they eventually became fund raisers for orphans or the homeless organizations in the city.  At the young (for an El-Aurian) age of 67, Rick decided it was time that he make the big change.  He took a trip to Switzerland on undisclosed business, as far as his employees knew, but he was there to see his parents who had already faked their own deaths.  While there he forged a letter from a local Swiss doctor’s office that was sent to his estate in Germany, informing them of his death from a heart attack.
[[File:Wegener1980.jpg|left|thumb|150px|Wegener c. 1980]]
He returned to Germany two months later.  It was now June of 1986.  He looked like himself again but had changed his normal hair color to light blond and his eyes to green.  His name was now Henrick Wolfgang Wegener, an illegitimate son of the late Richard Strauß Wegener, who had come to Switzerland to reconcile with him.  The story was that Rick and Henrick had spent some time together and, after enjoying a play at a local theater, the elder Wegener had suffered a massive heart attack.  With his own copy of the last will and testament, birth records identifying his father as Rick and the fact that he was the spitting image of his “father”, no one contested his right to take over the estate and all of the bank accounts.
He returned to Germany two months later.  It was now June of 1986.  He looked like himself again but had changed his normal hair color to light blond and his eyes to green.  His name was now Henrick Wolfgang Wegener, an illegitimate son of the late Richard Strauß Wegener, who had come to Switzerland to reconcile with him.  The story was that Rick and Henrick had spent some time together and, after enjoying a play at a local theater, the elder Wegener had suffered a massive heart attack.  With his own copy of the last will and testament, birth records identifying his father as Rick and the fact that he was the spitting image of his “father”, no one contested his right to take over the estate and all of the bank accounts.

Revision as of 23:00, 22 December 2012

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