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|Population=4.2 billion
|Population=4.2 billion
The first known record of the Archadian society goes back to, using Earth’s calendar, approximately 300 BCE with scrolls mentioning both the name of the planet, Archadia, and the name of their sitting queen, Amphion.  According to Earth mythology, Amphion was the daughter of Antiope who, in turn, was daughter to Ares and sister to sister to Melanippe and Hippolyte and possibly Orithyia, queens of the Amazons.  From the writings of the scrolls Antiope is referred to as the Goddess and mother of all Archadians.  She brought her ‘seed’ to Archadia, leaving her prior home many cycles away, to begin anew as she believed that her former home was soon to begin worshipping other gods and that her children must survive on their own to grow and prosper.  The scrolls do not say how Antiope got all the way from Earth, in the Alpha Quadrant, to Archadia in the Delta Quadrant, but the listings of the names seem to show that she was, indeed, the same Antiope mentioned in Earth myths.
The scrolls go further to say that upon their arrival to their new home Antiope had announced the creation of a sovereign ruler, her daughter, Amphion.  She was well loved by all who had arrived with Antiope and accepted as the holy, ordained ruler of the now established Archadian race.  Unfortunately the scrolls do not mention how the name of the planet and race was chosen.
==Archadian Society==
Very little information exists on how the planet became habitable by the Archadians, but the scrolls say the following (translated):  “...the Goddess waved her hand and where once there was nothing our homes now stood.”  Nothing more is said about the building of homes or infrastructure, but other historical documents make note of waterways, sewers, public bath houses and other necessary community areas having been constructed.  There is never any mention of the creation of labor forces for such large undertakings but the evidence of these structures are still present as those sites seem to have been meticulously cared for and, despite age and weather damage, are still in good shape as a monument to history.
Since the first mention of Antiope, and her creation of the royal line starting with Amphion, Archadian society has been of the matriarchal sort and following the known Earth myths of the Amazons, female warriors with a reigning queen.  One major difference noted in Archadian history is that male children born to the Archadians were not immediately killed or left for dead in the forests.  Archadians simply have a predisposition to spawn more female children than male.
==Matriarchal Religion==
As noted above, Archadians worship the Goddess.  The ancient scrolls refer to her as Antiope who, according to Earth Amazon mythology, was the sister of Penthesilea, a queen of the Amazons.  Antiope was also the only Amazon known to have married, which may suggest a reasoning for the allowance of males of the species to be integrated into society instead of killed when born or left for dead, as they were on Earth.  The Goddess is written as an all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful female deity.  This religion has been the only authorized religion on all planets in the Archadian sector for hundreds of thousands of years.
===Archadian Females===
Because of the matriarchal society, women are the domainant sex on the planet.  They occupy the highest government and civilian positions and form the bulk of the Archadian military and civilian security forces.  Their secondary sexual characteristics mimic that of current day (2012-era) males from Earth as opposed to the females of Earth.  The Archadian females have larger hands and feet than the men, broader shoulders and chest, larger skull and bone structure, greater muscle mass and a longer shinbone.  They do, however, still retain feminine characteristics of near hairlessness, or hairlessness, development of breasts, menses, female reproductive organs, production of milk to feed their offspring, etc.  It has been noted by Starfleet personnel that the vast majority of the female Archadians are what would be considered beautiful.  Even females of advanced age retain their beauty and look much younger than they are.  Females older than 20 years of age have an average height of 6 ft. 3 in. and an average weight of 200 lbs.
===Archadian Males===
Men in Archadian society have been relegated to supporting roles in both the civilian and government sector.  They do not hold positions of high power, but in the past 100 years or so they have been allowed to become more prevalent in their roles.  In the last 75 years they have been allowed to vote, allowed to join the military and security forces and some even serve as diplomats or attaches to the Prime Minister, the highest position males have ever been allowed to reach.  Living in a matriarchal society they have been taught since infancy that the females are the dominant sex and have no difficulty with this.  They know that the females are more capable than the men and enjoy the safety and security that a female provides, even in a home setting.  While many of the males have turned out to be loyal and fierce warriors, they are still seen as lesser warriors than the females.  The male sex see the females as revered, much like the Caitians and the females of their planet, and would defer to the females on most all things unless, in the course of their duties, they were ordered to carry out a task in another manner by a more powerful (in rank and or position, not necessarily strength) female.  The males retain the honor of being chosen for their characteristics in bringing forth worthy offspring to the females.  Despite being smaller in stature, and less muscle mass or athleticism than the females, the men have served the female Archadians well in this area.  Males have a predisposition for producing female offspring, which keeps the Archadian matriarchal society in check.  Despite their smaller features, the female offspring regularly take on the characteristics of the mother.  Female offspring are given priority in education but the male offspring are never treated as second class citizens, other than being brought up knowing that the females are to be revered in most every way.  Females also respect the males and do not take advantage of their role in society, but are taught to know that they will one day be in a position of power oover all males.  Males older than 20 years of age have an average height of 5 ft. 8 in. and an average weight of 170 lbs.
===Sex Development Disorders===
In Amazonian mythology on Earth, male offspring were sometimes killed or left in the woods to fend for themselves, almost always resulting in death of the child.  Archadian society, possibly due to their deity being what is thought to be Antiope, the only Amazon to have married, the male offspring are not put to death.  However, on the rare occasion that a child is born with a sexual development disorder, they are most often killed.  Ancient Archadian tribes would offer the child as a sacrifice to the Goddess/Antiope, in hopes that sending the child back to its creator would garner favor to them for willingly killing their own offspring to keep the culture secure.  Current-day Archadians are now given the choice but both males and females with developmental disorders of this kind are often shunned and are unable to live happily.  Some disorders include: <br><br>
*intersex (biological characteristics of both male and female, formerly known as hermaphroditism)
*aphallia (where a male is born without a penis or a female born without a clitoris),
*diphallia (male born with two penises)
*micropenis (self explanatory)
*turner syndrome (females born with short stature, infertility, webbed neck)
*uterus didelphys (female born with two uteri). 
These offspring are normally put to death and the parents will begin again.  Due to the high reliance upon production of strong females and primary sexual characteristics in males to continue the proud line of Archadians, this is seen as a normal thing and not met with remorse.

Revision as of 00:55, 26 October 2012

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