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Progress Report

Posted on Fri Apr 24th, 2015 @ 3:17pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Warrant Officer Awf

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Anaar' s Quarters - The Cherry Pit

Anaar checked the time again, then stood and crossed to the kitchen. Rine's first outing was this morning and she was anxious to hear how it went. A lot was riding on this and Nico, at least normal Nico, was a hard one to fool. That thought brought a laugh from her. She'd done a flawless job of that, actually, but now he may be more suspicious. It was going to take real care and attention to detail to pull this off. From the replicator she requested a dish of ice cream, a wonderful thing that a Fleetie had introduced her to years ago. Taking the dish, she settled on the sofa and checked the time once more. Where was he?

Soon enough she might very well have seen the Bajoran, at least in name, walking toward her with the customary two fingered mock salute that he offered as a greeting from his forehead as a calling card. Looking over toward her, he started to tilt his head a bit with that same sick grin once again, "Well, I honestly think that it went even a little better than expected."

Anaar set the empty dish aside and leaned forward expectantly. "Tell me everything. And I mean everything. How does he seem to you? You saw him in Elmspur, what do you think?" Her questions came thick and fast, not waiting for answers in between. "Sit and get to it."

He blinked for a moment and started to settle into his own seat, "My my you're testy. He was actually more casual than I thought. He told me about someone who was murdered who was apparently Cardassian, and I achieved his trust before. Also, I ended up drinking part of a root in the process."

"Do you think he remembers you?"

"I would assume that he would; he even seemed to suggest that he wouldn't mind meeting up with me again." Rine blinked for a moment, trying to think of other things to bring up about it. "He seemed to have some friends at a Bajoran restaurant on 900."

"That place is pretty popular," Anaar answered. "If you like that sort of thing. As you said, the tea tastes like roots and I don't find the food much better." His words seemed to please her though. "That's a good sign. If he was suspicious of you, he wouldn't have lingered. He will eventually remember you and next time you see him, perhaps some prompting from you will help. The important thing is trust." She picked up a small box and passed it to Rine. "Next time? The first dose of this - into his drink."

"The Bajoran people are...more concerned with making everything good for your health on a level that I would not usually be interested let's say." With a smile, Rine nodded a bit, "How much of a dose is the first dose? I'm going to guess that mysterious sealed untraceable boxes don't exactly come with instructions on the side."

"One vial each time. Zikar measured the doses into individual vials to make it simple and fast." She smiled now. "I've not just been sitting on my ass either. While he was cozied up with that unfortunate Drusilla, I installed the holo-emitter and made a few other changes to his quarters. We are right on schedule."

Having taken a few moments to peek through the box, Rine looked up with a bit of a nod, "I never took you for the hurry-up-and-wait sort anyway. Frankly I'd like to be a little ahead of schedule, but I'll just keep playing my part like normal."

"Well done so far," She replied. "First contact is always a bitch. And I'm sorry about the food. But don't worry, once this is done and he's on a ship back home, I'll make it up to you. Zikar will be a very grateful man and we'll be on our way to Pacifica."

The Woman Behind The Curtain


Your Friendly Neighborhood Fake Bajoran Lom Rine

As played by Warrant Officer Awf


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