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Let's Start With Breakfast

Posted on Wed Apr 22nd, 2015 @ 9:11pm by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: USS Hammond - Sickbay

* * * USS Hammond - Sickbay * * *

As the Hammond departed for home, the three affected by the hallucinogenic flower pollen were still in sickbay. The effects had been reversed but Nick, Leto, and Riley were still getting their wits back about them. They had Iggy to thank for the rescue and Leto decided that once she was out of here, she’d give Iggs a proper thank you. She also decided that if she stayed in this bed another minute she’d go nuts. She sat up slowly and waited. Nothing weird happened and so she turned and dangled her legs over the side. So far so good. This was going well! Throwing caution to the wind (no surprise there!), she slid off the bed. Her feet made contact with the floor and her knees immediately gave way, landing her in a heap on the floor.

“Okay, I take it back. This did not go well,” she mumbled. The room stopped spinning finally and she sat up again. Better. She tried standing again, holding to the biobed and her legs seems to like the idea a little better. Now, to get to the door but first, she had to check on something important. Turning her head to look over her shoulder, she made sure the back of the long gown she wore wasn’t showing her assets to the world. To Leto’s relief, she was covered. It was time to get moving.

She sauntered slowly through the door and to the next room. A push of the button opened the doors and she stepped in.

“Nicky? You alive?”

Much to her surprise, Nick shot up into a sitting position with a confused look on his face. “Where the fuck am I? And why am I craving marshmallows?”

Amusement lit Leto’s eyes as she watched him. “I can see you’re a lightweight when it comes to the good stuff. You’re in sickbay, doll, after you and that flower got all cozy. Apparently Riley kept us from shooting each other before it hit him too.”

After looking down at his legs and feeling over his body, just to make sure it was all intact--especially the family jewels, he looked at Leto in amazement. “You remember stuff? I don’t remember a damn thing after… Hell, I’m not sure I remember when I stopped remembering. And seriously, what’s with the marshmallows? I can even taste them. I hate marshmallows!”

“This came from Iggy’s report and what Riley recalled. The marshmallows is about when the world went dark for me too.You were going on and on about them and…” she shrugged. “I have no clue. I’m just glad I didn’t let you meet the business end of my phaser.” She walked across to his bed, her legs working bit better now.

Sliding his legs around to the side of the bed he couldn’t help but wrap his arms around her, his head against her chest. “I guess I need to read this report for myself, or talk to Riley. Or both. But for now, I’m just glad we’re okay.”

She hugged him tight to her and nodded. “The planet seems alright for the colony but Riley and Commander Leroy need to figure that thing out and see if removing it will damage anything. If so, maybe a vaccine of some sort.” She smiled now. “You know, Robin could always try hypnosis and see if you can recall anything.”

“Hell no. I don’t want anyone playing around with my mind while I’m under. Nope. Not happening.” He pulled back to look at her. “Well, I’d let you play around with my mind, among other things. Ooh! I wonder if we can get a little privacy here? I suddenly have this urge…”

“Not in here you don’t. Too many people running around. Besides, I know how you are, you could wake the dead with your howling.” She grinned wickedly at him. “Mi says we’ll be home tomorrow though.”

“I don’t even think I care,” he said. “We can give ‘em a good show.” Laughing, he swatted her bottom. “I know one thing, I don’t know if I can wait for tomorrow. I don’t know how long I’ve been out but it feels like it’s been an eternity.”

“Just over a day as I understand it.” Leto laughed and caught his hand. “since you’re awake though, maybe we can get out of here and back to our quarters. I don’t know about you but I’ll be so damned glad to be home, take a day or two off, let Dae handle things.”

“I wouldn’t mind a mini-vacay myself,” he said, now trying to stand. He didn’t have much trouble, possibly due to being half-Klingon, and hopped to his feet. “I could treat you to a nice full body massage--you know, one that doesn’t end ten minutes later with me poking you with my junk. A real massage, feet included! Maybe cook, a little breakfast in bed...hell, anything you want.”

He noticed the raised eyebrows and look of general shock and added, “Yeah, I don’t know what’s going on either, but this offer may not last long so…”

“Since when do you cook Nicky? Beyond spearing a targ and gnawing?” She poked him gently in the ribs. “I think there’s some leftover damage. Maybe Mi should check you over again.”

“Hmph. It’s still on the table, though,” he said, “brain damage or no. I might just surprise you with my culinary abilities.”

“I’m game. Hey, I hunt dinosaurs with Li, how dangerous can your cooking be?” She paused, studying Nick’s face. “I’ve wondered something though. Once this colony is built, would you want to move out there?”

It was Nick’s turn for surprise. “You’d want to? Getting tired of station life already?”

“I never said that. I was just curious. I know you...hell both of us aren’t used to being so settled.” Leto shrugged. “There would be more action out here but those we care about are on 900.”

He wobbled his head back and forth, apparently trying to motivate his mind into thinking. “Wouldn’t be the first time I left some friends. As long as I’m with you, I’m good. And I guess the thought of being a bit more active does appeal to me.” He studied her face, trying to get a read on her intentions. “You know me. I can go anywhere. If you want to move out there, I’m game.”

“I don’t know, I mean Dae needs me. And what would Li and Jackson do without me? They have Sakkath and Oz, sure, but I’m the devil from their past they can’t live without.” She smiled and pressed a kiss to Nick’s forehead. “The devil you can’t live without too, apparently”

“You’re definitely my she-devil,” he said, pulling her close again for a quick kiss. “Come on, let’s blow this popsicle stand. We can discuss the finer points of moving on in our quarters.”

She watched as he turned towards the door and began to laugh. “Not till you cover your ass. Literally.”

“What?” He turned in a circle, like a dog chasing its tail. “Well, damn. Where are my pants?”

“Likely destroyed. Mine were, Mi said that they were saturated with that pollen. So, you get to stroll home and hold it together.” Leto nudged him towards the door. “You won’t need it when you get home anyhow.”

He squared his shoulders and raised his head. “Like I said, give ‘em a good show.” He walked out of the room and down the corridor hearing several people giggling, and not paying them a bit of attention.

Leto watched him go, giving a loud wolf whistle, then hurried to catch up. “We have the rest of the night, Nicky. After we eat, I’m gonna…” She leaned in to whisper at his ear.

They passed a few crewmen going the opposite direction. Nick swatted one on the shoulder. “If you could hear this,” he said, pointing to Leto, “you’d eat your pathetic little heart out. Whoo!” he yelled. “I can’t wait to get home!”

The crewman simply shook his head. He knew Nick well after this trip and he smiled as he continued on his way. They reached Nick’s quarters and Leto opened the door. “Get in there.” Once the doors were closed, she locked them. “Computer, put us on do not disturb.” There came a beep of acknowledgment and Leto reached for his robe.

Lt. Leto

Lt. Nick Marcinko


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