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Curiosity Killed the Cat

Posted on Thu Jun 18th, 2015 @ 3:38pm by Lieutenant Commander T'Rowl N'Riss C.Phil & Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Lieutenant Mi Lo-Tseng

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Piper Medical Center

While he was not currently at all in any sort of ill health, N'Riss had decided to take a walk down to the sickbay in what could have been described as normal behavior for a member of his species, but which would have been relatively unusual were it for anyone else's. He was curious, of course, and that sort of thing was something that was inborn. Curiosity did, after all, kill the cat, did it not?

Regardless, there was he was on his off period, peering into the aforementioned room. He had actually worked extra hard this week; no that wasn't quite right. N'Riss had a tendency to work annoyingly hard on many things, but he had ended up this time with having a couple of extra off periods as a result of finishing up all of the administrative work on the flight deck.

Apparently, Mister Awf and Crewman T'ah didn't want him to put himself into all of the physical work as now. They wanted to be left something to do, so that might explain why he was standing in the foyer and purring for the time being.

The main lobby of Piper Medical Center was relatively quiet when N'Riss arrived. Kiere looked up from her terminal and seeing the new arrival she smiled and motioned him forward.

"May I help you Commander?" she asked.

"I suppose I came down to see if there was anything I could help with, though barring that I guess to see if anyone were free." Soon enough the aforementioned Caitian punctuated his words with a prominent purr.

"Doctor or nurse?" Kiere looked him over and while she wasn't overly familiar with Caitian physiology, he appeared to be in good health. "Or is this a check-in, given your recent arrival?"

Apparently the Caitian was taken aback by the question, "I did not come for a check; I came merely because I were curious." This was, once more, punctuated with a purring noise. He then paused, "Are my health records not acceptable? Do I need to do another check-in, considering my arrival?"

Kiere studied the panel for a moment. "Your records from the Vizier arrived but it has been some time and we normally like to see new crew just to update. Dr. Mi can see you if you wish? It won't take but a few minutes."

With a carefully placed purr, the Caitian nodded and seemed contented, though it should have been noted that his facial expressions were of course notably different from those provided by humanoid species, "Naturally." He stepped over, walking toward the office that he had been instructed to visit for the time being.

"Good evening Commander." The young blonde woman that had followed N'Riss into the exam room gave him a bright smile. "I'm Ensign Jackson, one of the nurses here. If you'll just stretch out on the biobed, I'll get the scans started and Dr. Mi will be here in just a minute.

With an exhalation and a purr, the Caitian carefully nodded before he cooperated with what the other individual was telling him to do. Having laid out on the biobed, he looked up toward her and blinked for a moment or two, "I trust you will tell me if anything were anomalous of course." It was, perhaps, an attempt at making a joke that would have been funnier to a fellow Caitian than a human.

"I suspect you might be aware of something anomalous long before a scanner was, hmm?" Chanella smiled and patted his hand. "Relax and enjoy a few minutes' rest. I doubt you get much of that in your department." She turned and hurried out, leaving N'Riss in the quiet of the room.

Well, that was very true, N'Riss didn't get too much rest in his department and he was essentially a cat so by the time that someone had walked back into the room where he was again they would probably have found that he had allowed himself to doze off. He had taken the invitation to relax a bit far of course.

The door slid open and Dr. Mi entered. Seeing the Caitian dozing, she smiled and stepped silently over to the wall monitors, taking care not to disturb him just yet. She studied the readouts and nodded. The purr behind her matched the scan results that showed everything working fine.

Eventually having heard or perhaps more accurately smelled the physician, N'Riss started to rouse himself and got up. Looking over a bit, he smiled and purred in a slightly more conversational manner than he had been previously, "I was told to relax as best as I could."

Mi laughed and turned back to face N'Riss. "You seemed to be doing very well. I am Dr. Mi. I'm glad to meet you Commander.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Once more the Caitian started to sit up and flicked his tail once or twice in greeting to the other individual. "Does everything seem to be in order?"

The doctor nodded. "It does indeed. Do you have any concerns to discuss while you're here? At least concerns that I can help with, that is."

Having paused for a moment, he soon tilted his head, "No, I am otherwise healthy I suppose. I trust that I am cleared for continued work in my department, despite what some humans have perceived as a vision deficiency?"

She switched off the wall monitors and turned to face N'Riss. "You would never have gotten this far Commander, if your vision was an issue. There are challenges for Caitians, yes, but those are often of a more social nature and do not impact your position or duty."

"Challenges?" At that point N'Riss made the best approximation of a smirk that he was capable of making, "I would not call the ability to see in the dark a challenge, even if it means I cannot tell apart what your people call red and green." He then resumed his more demure course of action, "Were anything else necessary or is everything in order? I do not believe that I have fleas."

His last line seemed to be added seriously, at which Mi smiled.

"Right as rain, as they humans say. If you get an itch you can't scratch, then come see me." She smiled, also seeming to be serious. Possibly.

Well, for what it was worth, N'Riss seemed to be taking her seriously! With a bit of a purr he nodded again, "Usually when that happens I just move to the nearest bulkhead and scratch against it, but I will keep that in mind thank you. I appreciate the offer."

She smiled and pocketed the padd with his updated file on it. "I'm glad to get the chance to meet you. And feel free to stop in anytime, Commander."

"I may do just that." N'Riss purred once more at her as he got up, not having been sure of whether or not she knew that he had essentially shown up here purely by accident.

"Very good. Take care Commander." Mi turned and left the room with a wave.

With that he had offered a final purring noise to her as if he were bidding her farewell, and then N'Riss went off to do his best to avoid getting his tail stuck in the automatic doors after they closed behind him in the sickbay.

Dr. Mi Lo-Tseng
Meeting The Locals


T'Rowl N'Riss
Needing a Scratching Post


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