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Major Oopsie!

Posted on Fri Jul 17th, 2015 @ 1:46pm by Major David Lorenz & Marine Captain Thomas Franklin & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Wardroom, Marine Barracks, Starbase 900

It was go time in Marine land, and Dave was happy to see that the big Scottish Chief Harrison had whipped his Recon Platoon into shape. The assembled platoon leaders and NCO's had the look of utter fearlessness that was common in the Corps; the look that said "Fuck with me and I will kill you."

Captain Franklin, the XO of the MARDET, regarded Quentin with a grin. "You sure have brought these bastards a long way in a short time, Q-Ball!" The XO smiled.

Harrison simply smiled. "No pussy is me motivator, cap!"

Lorenz had to grin at his friend's nonchalance. "You know what, big man, I am tired of calling you 'chief'. You went through the Academy, albeit not Syrtis City or The Grinder, but an Academy nonetheless. I'm making you a first lieutenant."

Quentin looked surprised. "Tis not a wonder I worked with these lads, sir," Quentin stammered. "They simply needed a direction and I gave it to 'em."

"Tom and I talked it over a few days ago and we agree you deserve it, but this scouting mission needed to get prepped. Okay?"

Quentin nodded, dumbfounded as Dave pinned on a set of silver lieutenant's bars to his collar. "It's my old set, so don't lose 'em!" Lorens growled with a grin.

Franklin went over to the viewer. "Here's what we are looking at on the colony site; minimal buildings, personnel and infrastructure other than workers, and security types. NGSC has some recon birds and stationary defense platforms in orbit as a courtesy to the Security troops. The main area around the colony site is relatively unexplored. Harrison's force will insert at the colony landing pad and immediately deploy into the wild."

"Flora and fauna?" new Lieutenant Harrison asked.

"Nothing hit on the bio-scans and there have been no reports of any predators in the area." Dave said. "Still, I think you might wanna deal with any hostile life forms in an expeditions manner unless otherwise directed by me or Command."

Quentin simply nodded. "Aye, major."

"You have your particulars and protocols in your brief. I suggest you study them en route." Franklin said pointedly, remembering the new officer's disdain for reports.

"Yes, father!" Quentin grinned.

"Okay, get goin' and good luck!" Dave smiled.



"Tower, Headbanger Six and party of four ready to depart as per flight plan. Request departure clearance." Quentin said into his head mic. He sat in the co-pilot's seat and manned the subspace radio

Headbanger Flight, Tower; clearance granted and good hunting!

"Roge-o, Tower! Headbanger Six out." Quentin looked at the pilot and smiled. "Step on it, laddie!"

The pilot smoothly took off and pointed the nose of the new transport out the hangar door. Once in space, he adjusted the small craft's heading and jumped to warp. Quentin made sure the other transports made warp before rising from his seat. "If we have three days on this bus, I am gonna go get some sleep. Keep us alive, yes?"

"Not to worry, chief...uh. lieutenant!" the pilot said calmly.

When Harrison had left the cockpit, the pilot turned to face the engineer. "Kinda weird that the boss got a promotion, ain't it?"

"Just goes to show it's not who you know it's whose ass you kiss and for how long!" The engineer snorted. An alarm suddenly blared. "Holy Jesus, the warp engines are spooling down! Attempting to reengage!"

"My controls are locked! Switching to manual!" the pilot shouted. "Harrison to the cockpit!"

The big Scot appeared in a second. "Damn Starfleet junk!" he cursed as he slid into the co-pilot's seat. "All navigational systems offline, sublight engines at 79% and falling." Quentin looked at the crew. "Get this fucking thing started now!"

"Restarting now! Warp core online attempting to reestablish power!"

The pilot looked alarmed. "Lieutenant, we are not on the course I programmed! Course entered was 1-5-1 mark-0-0-9. Course now is 2-4-1 mark 2-3-7. We are several light years off course. Consoles are unresponsive."

"The ship is stable. What gives?" Harrison asked.

The com-screen blinked on revealing the face of John Franklin. "It's very simple, lieutenant, I am bringing you and your men to a location of my designation. You may consider yourselves prisoners."

"You betcha!" Quentin growled. "Idiot!"

"I heard that, you brainless oaf. I would watch your tongue. One order from me and the person remotely piloting your ship will vent your oxygen to outer space!" Franklin snapped. "I would prepare for a hard landing if I were you!"

The ship suddenly darkened as the power went out. Quentin looked out a porthole and was shocked to see a fire trail surrounding the hull of the transport. The ship was in an atmosphere...impossible! Before Quentin could deduce how the captain's brother had taken control of the gunabout there was a terrific crash and Quentin's world went black.


A post by

1LT Quentin Harrison
Newly Promoted Crash-Man


Major David Lorenz


MCPT Tom Franklin.
Blissfully Ignorant.


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