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Object Du Jour

Posted on Mon Jul 20th, 2015 @ 12:10am by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Seyla's Quarters


Smiling, Seyla petted Bella and soothed her ruffled feathers. "I promise, he won't touch you, unless you're out of line." Seyla know that the message would soon make its way to every one of her employees. Just by his mere presence, the fake Suresh was having a positive impact on her bottom line. That made her happy. "You have an appointment, don't you, dear?"

Bella nodded and hurried off, smiling slightly at Seyla before she went. Seyla was alone only a moment before another of her employees found her. She looked him over as he sat next to her. "Is our Argelian friend having any problems?"

He easily read her real question: was Marcus regretting his part in Reva's punishment? "No," Owain chuckled. "In fact, he takes a perverse bit of pleasure from it. I was worried Six might pick up on it, but she didn't."

"Good; our Archadian friends like him. I'd hate to have to retire him so soon," Seyla said, casually watching the room. A tall blonde male came in and she focused on him a moment. "Do you know him?"

Without looking around, Owain answered, "I do, sort of." He had read Seyla's thoughts to see the man. Yesterday, he eavesdropped on a conversation Marcus and I had with Six. He started paying attention after we mentioned Reva. He paused and Seyla stayed silent, knowing he was gleaning what he could from the man.

Oh my, Owain stole Seyla's drink and finished it off. He's just spent some time with your little girl.... She's..., he grinned at Seyla, even as his cheeks colored, not from embarrassment but from excitement. He'd just gotten a headful from the man.

"I just might have to go green, Seyla," he said and laughed.

She rolled her eyes. "She's keeping busy then?"

"I'll say." Owain nodded. "Oh, hey...," Just picked up something, Sey... He's ...thinking about Reva, in a ship. His ship.

Her jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed. "Past or present?"

"Future, I think."

"Get Jonah. This fellow's name is Niro. Bring him to my quarters," Seyla ordered then slid from the booth and breezed out of Saturnalia.


Jonah sat perched on a stool in the corner while Seyla smiled at their guest. "Niro, isn't it? I understand you've been to see Reva during her unfortunate incarceration. How is she?"

Niro glanced to Jonah a moment, then a slow smile spread over his face. “I supposed that depends on your perspective. I found her to be just fine. Ready and willing to do anything I want her to would be a more exact description.”

Owain, at the bar pouring drinks for himself and the others, choked back a laugh. Seyla took her drink and Niro's from him then handed Niro his as she sat beside him. "What is your interest in her? I doubt that you'd come back if all she is is a quick fuck. After all, there are other girls, far more easily accessible girls, available here in the Pit. Why go all the way up to the Fleet's quarterdecks?"

“Because I wanted to?” He raised his drink, then had a sip. “Your species is not that plentiful out here. Besides, most women are a little too inhibited for my tastes. That won't be a problem with Reva.” He studied Seyla a moment and nodded. “Funny thing...two nights with her and I’ve made far more progress than you have in weeks.”

Her eyes narrowed and her pheromones perfumed the air. "Explain that," she demanded.

“Your man there isn’t the only one eavesdropping on the thoughts of others,” Niro responded. “It’s perfectly clear what you are trying to do with this young woman. You want her? The best course is to push her till she self-combusts and then a job with you is her only viable option. It’s a simple matter.”

"I don't want her desperate. I want her willing," Seyla replied. Still, she considered his words then asked, "How simple a matter? What would you do?"

“Oh she’d be willing.” Niro paused as he looked back at her. “Would you like to see just how easy?”

"Yes," she answered.

Owain was quick to add, "But not on Seyla, mister." There was an edge of steel in his voice.

Seyla laughed. "Fine, use Jonah."

“Certainly, but first things first.” Niro turned to look at Owain and reached into his mind. “First you will apologize for being so rude as to trespass into my thoughts.”

"I...," Owain sneered with effort, trying to fight Niro's push, but that just caused Niro to strengthen his touch and Owain blurted, "...apologize." He shot a look at Seyla who simply narrowed her eyes and smiled.

“Better, and stay out of my head from now on or Seyla will have a new coffee table.” Niro winked at Seyla, then turned to Jonah. He focused and decided to have a little fun. As he watched, Jonah looked from him to Seyla, and finally to Owain. A smile settled on his face and he rose from his seat and moved towards Owain. As Niro and Seyla watched, he wrapped his arms around a worried Owain and licked his ear, then turned him around and kissed him deeply.

Niro looked at Seyla with a smile. “Satisfied?”

"Jonah!" Seyla called the man's name, just as surprised by his actions as he seemed to be. Seyla chuckled then quickly stifled her reaction. "All from a mental push? So what? That lasted seconds; what I'd need with Reva would have to last far, far longer."

“Once you have her, you’ll keep her. She is tired of rules and regulations, she just needs to be convinced.” Niro shrugged. “I can deliver if you wish. Just say the word.”

"And what would I be paying you in return for such a favor?", Seyla asked. The idea was hugely tempting: a malleable, young telepathic Orion? She could see the latinum piling up in her safe, both from her services and the blackmailing secrets she could glean.

Niro shrugged. “Perhaps we might discuss that after those two take it to a room.” He laughed for a moment.

"Jonah, go check on the assets at Saturnalia. Owain, don't you have something better to be doing?"

Owain gave Seyla a wounded look, "I rather think Jonah is quite a good thing for me to be doing." Jonah pushed him away and left the quarters; Owain left with him.

"Well?", Seyla looked at Niro again. " How much?"

“Two things. I want my name kept out of it in case there’s a backlash from the Fleet, and sole possession of her time off.” Niro leaned back in his seat. “I’m easy.”

"Time off?" Seyla's brow furrowed as she shook her head. "Her time off is the only time I can use her."

“I mean once she gives up her Fleet job. Until then, I’ll take a permanent slot every night.” Niro smiled at Seyla. “No charge,” he added.

"What if she isn't up to seeing you every night?" Seyla could think of several reasons for that: from being merely tired to something more involved, such as having been roughly used by a client.

“We’ll play that by ear,” Niro replied. He picked up on Seyla’s thoughts and frowned. “I’d prefer that she not be sent out to those who do not respect your girls and prefer it rough. She’s too good for that.”

"But she has no pheromones to protect her. The clients who demand that can be accommodated with mine. You might enjoy those nights - she'll be little more than a rutting animal." The Orion knew of another possibility, but she hadn't even researched the ways and methods yet. She'd have to contact a Syndicate agent.

“That certainly has it’s place and time,” Niro agreed. “As long as she is not harmed in the performance of her duties with you. She’s been harmed enough don’t you think?”

"What? By her recent accident?" Seyla harrumphed and shook her head. "Stupid girl. She took on Suresh in Saturnalia, told him off and humiliated him. He simply taught her a lesson."

“A preoccupation that I have taken some steps to distract her from. She needs to put that energy into herself and what she wants….as I reminded her.”

She shifted on the sofa and looked at him, "I won't intentionally allow her to be harmed. And you can have her each evening, for one hour, unless she's too worn out. Then, after her Fleet days are done, her free time is yours."

Niro nodded and offered his hand. “Then I am satisfied. Unless you’d prefer to seal this deal with something besides a handshake?”

"Only paying clients get into my bed," Seyla said, "and, believe me, you can't afford me." She took his hand and shook it. "I take it you'll be visiting her often during these two weeks?"

“I will.” His smiled turned sly now. “She is expecting me tonight but tonight is going to be a bit of a lesson. I am not going to show, nor will I call. By tomorrow evening, she will be beside herself waiting for me.”

"A lesson? For what?"

“Just trust me on this.” Niro was done and rose to go. “I will leave you since it’s nearing the morning. I’ll be around.”

She watched him go then sent a message to her Syndicate contact.

Up To No Good...As Usual


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