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The Rescue Team - Part I

Posted on Sat Dec 19th, 2015 @ 12:59pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Jackson Banning V & Commander Sakkath & Major David Lorenz & Lieutenant Norval Tigan & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Warrant Officer Awf & Lieutenant Mi Lo-Tseng & 2nd Lieutenant Jordan Holbridge

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: USS Hammond/ Marine Transport Powell

* USS Hammond *

The Hammond bridge was full of frenetic activity, with Sakkath the apparent eye of the storm… though even he was standing in lieu of being seated in the Captain’s chair.

“We embark once everyone is aboard,” he announced. “I’ve cleared travel lanes surrounding 900 and diverted traffic from entering the system. Ensure Engineering is prepared for maximum warp. We will brief en route.”

The Vulcan Commander turned and took his seat, resisting the urge to frown as he recalled how hesitant Li was to order him on this mission. She knew now how he had often felt. But like it or not, he was the best suited they had to challenge the machine-mind of the Borg.

Sakkath’s comm badge chirped and a female voice came through.

=^= Dr. Mi to Commander Sakkath. Captain Hawke received your request for medical staff. I am aboard and already in sickbay along with Crewman Leighis. We’ve laid in some extra supplies that should be of use in this situation. Everything is good to go down here. =^=

“Thank you, Doctor,” he replied, more relieved than his tone belied. “Your skills shall be instrumental in our successful recovery of the away team. If there is anything else at all you require from 900, I shall make it a reality.”

=^= I am sending Mr. Leighis back for some extra restraints. He will return well before we depart. I dislike even having to consider such a thing where our own people are concerned but I think it likely that once we have retrieved them, they may be spending the return trip down here. Engineering is augmenting the force field generators so we’ll be fine. =^=

“I very much fear that we shall need those enhancements,” Sakkath replied. “Thank you, Doctor. Alert me when the Crewman is returned.”

=^= Acknowledged. Mi out. =^=

Behind Sakkath, the bridge doors opened and Jackson emerged, in uniform. “Lt. Commander Banning reportin’ for duty, sir.” He nodded to Sakkath, then moved down the ramp to join him. Jackson’s usual smile was missing, replaced by a serious, almost stern expression.

The Vulcan regarded Jackson with an uplifted brow. “You are full of surprises, Mister Banning,” Sakkath admitted, draping his hands behind his back. “I fully expected to have to pull rank and talk you down over the course of this mission.”

“I’ve been through worse, but admittedly not where my wife is concerned. Even so, I didn’t get where I am by being a loose cannon on the job.” A hint of his smile returned. “Besides, if I wasn’t focused and useful, your wife would kick my ass.”

“I know what I would do for Li,” Sakkath replied, “and I doubt you would do less for Oralia. Compound that with Ignatius and I do not envy your position, Jackson,” he broke protocol with the use of his first name.

“Right, right, I’m here, everything’s fine!” Norval announced as he settled into Ops on the bridge. Sakkath blinked. Repeatedly.

“I’m the best machinist you have,” Norval said without being asked. “I’m going, whether you ask or not.”

Jackson cleared his throat and shot a glance at Sakkath. Finally he turned to Norval. “I appreciate this Norval,” he said quietly.

“We’re getting Oz back,” the Trill replied, staring intently at his console. “Don't you doubt that.” He turned and smiled at Jackson. “How else am I getting free Arcturian Fizzes?”

Finally Jackson laughed. “You drive a hard bargain my friend. Just don’t tell Jan, huh?”

Before he could continue, the bridge doors opened again. A tall figure hurried onto the bridge and it was Nico. He looked exhausted and more than a little frayed around the edges. “I got here as soon as I could.”

“Lieutenant Commander,” Sakkath inclined his head. “I do not wish to impose on you after your ordeal, but we must hear your account sooner rather than later. I invite you to rest after we know exactly what we are dealing with.”

Nico nodded. “I’m going to get something to eat and once we launch, I can do the briefing, if that’s acceptable?”

“As much as I can ask,” the Vulcan replied. “But be swift.” He had to acknowledge that all races were not as adept at dealing with their emotions as his own.

“Thank you. I’ll be in the mess hall but not long.” He turned and vanished through the doors.

Once they closed, Jackson spoke. “I can’t imagine what it was like for him havin’ to leave them there. Losin’ a fellow officer is one thing but this is everyone’s nightmare.”

“This is the reality of the Delta Quadrant, Commander. We are on the frontier, and we risk the dangers involved in such. None of us wish to admit it… But Dae, Oralia, Bryce and Patrick… They all accepted that.”

Sakkath sighed. He should include Ignatius in that statement, but he could not. She had made no choice. She was born into this danger, and was made all the more tempting to the Borg by her individuality.

“We do. That never makes it any easier, though. But to quote Norval, we’ll get ‘em back. Where do you want me?”

“Lieutenant Tigan will take Ops, but I will be satisfied to see you at Tactical, Commander. I hope you can anticipate both your wife and Lieutenant Kendrick.” It was a terrible thing to ask, but necessary.

Jackson ran his hand over his face, then nodded. “Yeah, I can. It’s alright, I understand.” He moved back up the ramp and settled in at Tac.

Sakkath gave only a nod, full of commitment, before facing forward. “If we are all aboard, make for the edge of the solar system. I want maximum warp as soon as we are able.”

Eventually the bridge doors slid open with their characteristic sound once more as Awf headed onto the deck in front of him. "Maximum warp as soon as possible did I hear? Well, I most certainly wouldn't recommend that by any means. Engine tolerances would be exceeded far too quickly and I would propose a warm up period first. It's not safe."

The Ocampa helmsman certainly had a grave look about him as he said these things.

As soon as he made his way over to his customary console, however, Awf suddenly shared a grin and placed his fingers across the touchscreens in front of him. "...I love things that aren't safe."

The Vulcan Commander could only lift a brow, whether in disbelief or appreciation, no one could say. “I will not discourage this enthusiasm,” he settled, “but time is of the essence, Warrant Officer.”

Norval grinned at Ops. “He means go fast,” the Trill said, smiling.

With his one hand already keying everything in, and his other giving a thumbs up in response to Norval's mention of speed, it would have seemed like Awf was actually ahead of the curve perhaps because of that aforementioned enthusiasm.

“You’ve got that right,” Jackson drawled. “I wanna be there yesterday but we’d need Commander Winter for that.” There was a beep at his console and he looked down at it, then nodded. “Marine company with Major Lorenz reporting as ready.”

“This is Major Lorenz.” Dave’s voice came over the intercom. “Not to worry, folks, I’ll be on your six and my guys are cocked, locked, and ready to rock. I need to make one thing clear; I have been given orders to terminate any and all threats to the safety of our team, that includes our people that have been Borg-ified. My men all have the same orders. I dearly hope that I won’t have to act on those orders, but make no mistake, I will. Also, Commander, with your permission, I would like to attach a flight of Combat Search And Rescue gunabouts to our party. Lt. JD Holbridge will be in command of the flight.”

“Thank you Major,” Sakkath replied evenly. “But let us remember that this is a rescue mission first, and a combat scenario second. I have every intention of returning our comrades to 900.”

“Hear, hear,” Norval mumbled at Ops.

“Permission for your flight escort is granted,” the Vulcan continued. “Have them ready to depart as soon as possible. I will not delay any more than we already have. Hammond out.”

Lieutenant Gilroy had entered the Bridge just as Lorenz’s message started coming through. Hearing Lorenz state that he’d terminate their people made his blood boil and he quietly snarled at the disembodied voice. Gilroy knew their orders: to protect all, some just might have to be sacrificed; if push came to shove, he’d do what was necessary, but he didn’t like hearing that echoed by a Marine.This was his Department Head they were discussing. Department Head and friend. Gil glanced at Jackson to see his response.

Jackson met Gilroy’s gaze, his own face devoid of expression. He knew of the orders as well but it didn’t make it easy to hear. What Sakkath had said initially was close to the mark. He’d wanted to storm through his quarters and smash things. He wanted to fly under his own power and shoot whatever he had to to get Oz and the team home. Vic had reminded him that was the fastest way to get killed or assimilated himself and it had served to settle him down. He cleared his throat finally and gave Gilroy a nod.

“Welcome, Gil. Hell of a day, huh?”

“Indeed. Commander, Lt. Gilroy reporting in. Supplies are laid in; I was the last to board,” Gilroy reported.

“Very good, Lieutenant,” Sakkath replied as he once more found himself on his feet. “Mister Banning, signal our Marine escort that we are ready to depart. Mister Awf, lay in our course, heading two-eight-three-mark-five, full impulse. Best possible speed once we clear the solar system.”

"Aye aye!" Awf apparently had already most of the course setting software subroutines keyed into the system, so it hadn't taken him much time to lay in the rest of the course that Sakkath had so clearly ordered him to.

Despite any earlier reservations, it genuinely did seem that Awf knew how to do this efficiently.

“Acknowledged,” Jackson answered.

* Marine Transport Powell *

Lorenz stepped away from the com-panel with a troubled look on his face. Beside him, newly-commissioned 2LT JD Holbridge stood nervously beside his commanding officer/uncle. Lorenz looked at the boy, a serious expression on his face. “You sure you’re ready for this, kid?”

“I’m an officer now, sir!” the younger Holbridge responded crisply. “I am ready to carry out my orders, but I am a lil nervous, sir.”

“Look, JD, I know this is pretty sudden, but that’s the nature of the beast; we have to be ready and steady twenty-four-seven in this game. I’m gonna have 1LT Oregg fly with you in the number two chair. He’s a steady officer, and he’ll watch your back. One more thing, kid; if something happens and you are on the deck, DO NOT take any chances with those Borg bastards, even if they are our crewmates, or even a friend of yours. Once those damned nanites get in their systems, they cease being the person they were.” David drew the boy’s 3p phaser from its holster and slapped it into JD’s hand before JD had time to react. “Shoot to kill.”

“Aye aye, major!” JD said, steel in his voice.

“Get your ass to the Washita and make ready to depart immediately. The CSAR team is already en route.”

At times Awf didn't exactly enjoy working with the Marines, considering that he still viewed himself as a Starfleet enlisted man even if that were not the case. Nevertheless, he wasn't going to show any of this supposed animosity from the inter-service rivalry at the moment. Rather he obediently offered a wordless salute before looking back down at the control panel in front of him, apparently quite ready to take things on.

The trip through the system was uneventful, as was to be expected around 900 (if not within). Once the jump to warp had been made, Sakkath stood and straightened his uniform vest. “I will be in Engineering for the next half hour,” he announced. “Mister Banning, the bridge is yours. We brief in 40 minutes, to give Commander Nicolao time to decompress. Please inform the relevant parties.”

Without a further word, the Vulcan proceeded to the turbolift, knowing they would need an advantage where an assimilated Ignatius was concerned.

Commander Sakkath
Lt. Mi Lo-Tseng M.D.
Jackson Banning V (Lt. Commander)
Lt. Norval Tigan
Lt. Commander Nicolao
Warrant Officer Awf
Major David Lorenz
Lt. Gilroy
2nd Lieutenant Jordan (JD) Holbridge


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