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Not A Happy Major

Posted on Sun Jul 24th, 2016 @ 8:14pm by Major David Lorenz & Matt Collins & Sam Elliott III

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Marine Command Center, Starbase 900
Tags: Dae Nalas


Lorenz was doing the usual paperwork that ate up his time, despite the presence of Chief Brooks in the next office. Dave didn't mind sloughing off most of his paperwork onto his assistant, but there was a lot of classified material that the warrant officer was not cleared to see. As a result, Dave took a couple of hours out of each day to clear out his inbox. Brooks would occasionally stick his head into the office and scowl, much to Dave's delight.

The private door to his office opened and in walked Quentin Harrison, the XO of the detachment. "Thought ye might like to know, the Specter just docked at the Holbridge shipyard."

"Hmmmm, that'ts odd. Jim normally docks in 900's gi-normous landing bay. Lorenz to Fulton, what are you up to, gorgeous?" Lorenz and Amanda Fulton had been dating for several weeks.

"I'm glad you called, David. I need to speak with you and Quentin immediately. We have a ZEPHYR situation."

"Shit! Meet me back on the station in an hour in the NGSC secure room. I wanna know what the hell happened. Lorenz out." Dave turned to face Quentin. "I need you to sit on JD for a bit. Don't bullshit him if he asks why."

Quentin just nodded then quickly left the office, Dave hot on his heels.


Dave walked into the briefing room and scopped the Xenexian woman up into his arms, kissing her gently. "God, I missed you!" Dave smiled as their lips parted.

Amanda smiled and gently disengaged herself. "I missed you too, baby, but Jim was right about there being a new Obsidian Order on the rise." Amanda pulled an iso-chip from her pocket and handed it to Dave. "This is the information that he and Kamarov were able to steal from the facility on Cardassia Prime."

Dave had to smile, knowing that Jim Holbridge was a very hard man to capture in any situation. The info on the chip was very hot or he wouldn't have risked his life and freedom to obtain it. He took the chip from Amanda and pocketed it. Manda told him about Jim's run in with the Cardassians.

"He's back at the Nest and requested Kim to be brought there." Amanda said seriously.

Lorenz nodded. "I can't do it, but you and Sam can. I can have JD fly you guys there in a diplomatic yacht to throw any Order agents off the trail."

"Chances are there are a few Cardassians on the base that are undercover operators." Amanda said seriously. "We need to make Commander Nalas aware of this situation and give him the chip. Sam can brief him if he needs it; you and I need to catch up on our sex quota! Eddie, secure room, no one in or out!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Eddie replied evenly.


Dave watched from the launch control center as Amanda, Sam and Lt JD Holbridge load JD's younger sister into the gunabout, along with their personal gear. The boarding ladder closed and JD began the launch sequence. Lorenz stared at the black diplomatic gunabout as it left the docking bay. As soon as it was clear of the perimeter beacons, it shot into warp space.

Dave immediately turned to leave when he was stopped by Maxim Kamarov. "I was just on my way to see you, Max," Dave said, motioning for Max to follow.

"Da, I figured as much." Max replied as he fell into step beside beside the major.

"What happened on Cardassia?" Dave asked, and Max gave a rundown of their capture and escape. Lorenz nodded as he listened.

"...Jim got into a shuttle and left for the Nest, ordering Sam to take the Specter to return here and take his daughter to the Nest." Max finished his report.

Dave looked at the floor and frowned. "We haven't heard from Jim in two weeks. This is a delicate situation as Jim is cleared to fabricate sensitive weapons and equipment for Starfleet in the Delta Quadrant. We need to make sure Jim is actually at the Nest..."

"Beg pardon, major, but you are a reserve member of Team One and not on active status or able to issue orders, even if you are a founding member. Sam knows the protocols as well as you and he will make sure that Jim is safe and sound." Max finished, ignoring Dave's angry stare.

Lorenz turned and walked away, trying to suppress the fury growing in his chest. "Lorenz to Commander Nalas, I need to have a word with you."


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