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Once Again A Fleet Engineer?

Posted on Sun Aug 14th, 2016 @ 10:07am by Major David Lorenz & Matt Collins

Mission: Further Challenges


Dalton Thomas and Matt Collins were hunkered over the weapon known as BDW-1A, or Borg Deterrent Weapon, mark 1A, intently modifying the barrel of the weapon. "....if we can just adjust the rifling, we can stabilize the trajectory of the casing in flight." Thomas was saying.

"Agreed, but how do we keep the multiple shield dispersal patterns from disrupting the micro-transporters?" Matt asked, thinking to himself. "Maybe if we used a frequency discriminator so that the multiple impacts of the casings could be shifted to different frequencies. We could add one to the stock of the weapon.”

Thomas quickly input some data. “There would only be a .5% mass increase. Simulations show that overall stability of the weapon would be improved 23%.”

Collins looked at Thomas and grinned. “Let's get it set up.”

The doors to the lab hissed open and Major Lorenz walked in with Captain Harrison following. “How we coming with our Borg-killer, fellas?” Lorenz asked cheerfully.

“Thomas just came up with a sure-fire way to counter the problem were were having with frequency overlap during the impact-transport sequence.”

Lorenz turned to Harrison. “Do you know what the hell he's talking about?”

“No idea, sir!”

Thomas came over to address Lorenz. “When we fire the weapon, the projectiles impact on the Borg's individual protective shields, causing multi-phasic distortion ripples. Borg drones automatically compensate for these distortions by increasing power to the affected areas, thus nullifying the transport cycle of the projectile. The frequency discriminator we are installing should circumvent the drones' power increase subroutines and allow the projectiles to beam through the shielding.”

“Oh, now I get it!” Lorenz smiled. “Damned engineers and their gobbledygook! Carry on, gentlemen.”

“We're about to test fire the weapon if you want to observe, sir.” Thomas said.

Lorenz nodded, and Collins and Thomas came back to the control panel. “Beginning test 5-B.”

“Initializing targeting sequence.” Collins announced. “Computer, one Borg drone if you please.”

The computer created a Borg drone downrange from Collins and the Marines. “Ready, sergeant?”

Thomas nodded, slapping down his combat visor. His Borg implants fed him continuous data, and tried to link up with the drone created by the lab's computer. “Initiate sequence.”

Collins activated the weapon's scanners, and the rotary-barrel gun fired with a loud “BRAAAAAAPPPP” followed by multiple shield impacts. The micro-transporter in the weapon console, beamed the projectile warheads past the Borg drone's shield, allowing them to strike the drones body. The drone fell to the side, and the top half of its body fell to the opposite side.

“We did it!” Thomas exulted.

“Congratulations, gents!” Harrison grinned.

“Thanks Q!” Collins grinned.

“Thomas, I want you to assist the techs here with production. Q, You need to let Sam know that his gun is a success. Mr. Collins, I want to speak with you.”

The two Marines moved off to their duties. Lorenz looked at the younger Collins and grinned. “Another miracle from Team One's whiz kid!”

“Aw, shucks, 'twern't nothin'!” Collins smiled, brushing off the compliment.

Lorenz shook his head. “You are a brain, kid, you're wasting your talent with Jim's outfit, regardless of the number of starship engines you build. The last six vessels Starfleet Delta Ops got from Holbridge Industries were very well built, I'm told. You're to be commended.”

Collins looked at Lorenz, arching an eyebrow. “Quit buttering me up, Dave. What's going through your head?”

“Starbase 900 is in need of a chief engineer. Lt Jenkins is a good interim engineer, but the admiral wants someone permanent. Your name came up and I was asked to broach the subject with you.” Lorenz explained, toying with a tool.

Collins' jovial expression turned serious. “What about the reasons why I left the Corps of Engineers to begin with?”

“All of Team One's activities were unofficially pardoned by the admiral. If you want to come back to the Corps, or transfer your commission to the Fleet, I am sure something can be worked out.” Lorenz replied.

“What about the team itself?”

Lorenz smiled. “The original Team One is done, kid. Yeah, we are all in the same sector of space but we have different lives and responsibilities now. NGSC is doing well, your designs have been well-received by both NGSC, the Fleet, and the Corps, and you have been integral in those successes. I am asking you to look beyond what you have accomplished outside the Fleet and explore the possibilities of service again. Starfleet needs you out here.”

“What about the shipyards?” Matt asked.

“I'm sure that Jim has other engineers working for him that can take up the slack. Trust me, you can do so much more...”

“Spare me the recruiters' speech, okay!” Collins held up his hands in mock-surrender. “You can tell the admiral that I would be interested in becoming Starbase 900's chief engineer. When do I start?”

“The senior officers will probably want to speak to you before you start, but I would imagine fairly soon. Why don't you tie up any loose ends you might have in NGSC and Holbridge Shipyards and be ready to go when the brass calls.”

Collins simply nodded and walked out of the room.

Lorenz looked at the door and smiled. Things in the Delta Quadrant were shaping up nicely.


Major David Lorenz

Captain Quentin Harrison

Sergeant Dalton Thomas
Inventor Extraordinaire

Matt Collins
Rejoining the Fleet Soon


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