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The Return Of Carlos Spicy Weiner

Posted on Tue Nov 29th, 2011 @ 7:46pm by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Deck 33 - Intel Offices / Nenita's Quarters

The Hammond had no more than secured its seal with Starbase 900's airlock then Nick found himself pushing through the group of people attempting to offload. He had his duffle with him as he trudged through the base making a bee-line to the lift.

"Deck 33," he said.

Provide access authorization code.

He grumbled. The damn computer should be able to get used to who comes and goes. "I guess technology still isn't that good. Marcinko-Gamma-Zeta-Two-Two-Niner."

The lift began moving quickly to the requested deck and, when the doors opened, he shot towards the main office to find his person of interest speaking to another non-comm.

Dropping his bag on the floor behind her he wasted no time scooping her up into his arms and kissing her full on the lips. Noticing the look on the non-comm's face, he growled, "Beat it!"

"Nick!" Nenita squealed aloud, then returned the kiss not caring who was watching. When the non-comm cleared his throat, she glanced back at him. "Well, you heard the man, beat it!"

He scurried out, leaving them to whatever it was they intended to do. The crewman decided he really didn't want to know.

Once he was gone, Nita hugged Nick tight once more. "You're a sight for sore eyes, and not so sore other parts."

"I'm not normally one to get all mushy, babe, but DAMN I missed you." He planted another kiss on her and smiled. "Did some kick ass work on that suck-ass planet, too. Found the guy that some of their own senate members had hired to sabotage our work and the planet, essentially. Pretty considerable amount of work, if you ask me. And because you didn't, I thought I'd just lay it on some other things I have in mind." He waggled his eyebrows, both desperately in need of a trim. "Speaking of which, how long until you're off duty? Now? In a few?" He swiveled his head. "Where's Li? I need some time with my woman!"

He was throwing out his words like an old-time rapid-fire machine gun. It was obvious he was happy to be 'home' again.

Nita clamped a hand over his mouth and once he wound down, she grinned. "First, you haven't shut up long enough for me to say anything. Second, I heard you were hell on wheels on Divitia Prime and I'm so proud of you, baby. And third, I am about to be off duty, unless someone calls. Now, I'm gonna remove my hand, you can talk again, but slower, okay handsome?"

Before she removed it, he kissed her palm. With big shit-eating grin he said, "So, what you're saying is that I should go on to my quarters, or yours, and get ready for some me an' you time?" He was almost giggling with excitement.

She had only seen him this way once. And that was after he'd successfully assassinated four Nausicaans that had been terrorizing a civilian outpost in the Alpha Quadrant.

"Damn skippy." She smiled, suddenly glad that the explosion of Hangar 51 had made sure she and Patrick had not ended up in that exact place, therefore nothing inadvertently forgotten was there to incriminate her. "You get to mine, and get ready....soon as I'm relieved, I'll be there and then..." She leaned forward, whispering in his ear exactly what she intended to do with him.

His eyes got increasingly wider as she spoke. Anyone around would have thought he was a kid in a candy store with his very own golden ticket. "Great gobs of goose shit, woman! Now, that's what I'm talking about!"

Grabbing her by the waist and pulling her in close, he stopped momentarily to look into those beautiful eyes before kissing her again. "Okay, gotta' go. Some hot chick is coming and I can't be all disheveled. I have to go wash my boys before she gets there!"

With a wink he slung his bag over his shoulder and made his way out of Intel and out to Nita's quarters.

* * *

They had blown through Nenita's quarters like a late summer hurricane. Furniture was upended, various vases and the like were scattered on the floor, there was a puddle of chocolate syrup where the coffee table used to be, and a bottle of bourbon that had been full was now only fumes. Nenita appeared at the door to her bedroom, her robe on only haphazardly and barely tied. She leaned heavily against the doorframe and let out a long, slow breath as if she'd just finished a marathon. Well, she had more or less.

"Holy prophets in a punching bag, Nick. I may be glad you weren't gone longer."

"We're not done yet, woman," he said as he stood from the bed, nude and still 'happy' to see her. "But if I can manage to walk with this thing to the replicator I'm thinking about having something real to eat."

With a few kisses on her neck and chest, he walked past and went to the replicator. He pulled a hot ham and cheese sandwich from the machine and turned to Nita. "Want anything?"

"Yeah, some ginseng." She snickered. Catching the scent of his sandwich she nodded. "One of those, that smells incredible." It was a short walk to his side and she slipped her arm around his waist. "Welcome home, honey."

Just as she had come over he had finished replicating a white rose. He gave it to her and said, "It's good to be back. With you," he added awkwardly.

She took the rose and held it to her nose to take in its aroma. She was deeply touched but suddenly wary too. This wasn't like Nick to be this sappy, even with her.

Her sandwich and tea came up and he placed them on the table for her. "Listen, I want to say something that's probably long overdue."

There was an awkward silence as she waited for him to continue and he worked up the nerve to say what was on his mind. "I..." he finally started, then stopped.

"Nick, are you dying?"

"Dying? Geezus, Nita, I don't think there's anything that could kill me!" He was almost wanting to change the subject but he owed it to her to let her know. "Listen, I don't know how you're going to react, so just....remain calm." He took a deep breath. "I slept with two girls while on the Divitian mission," he blurted it out like it just couldn't be held back.

She tilted her head as she looked at him, and finally the corner of her mouth twitched as she fought back a smile. That certainly left her in a better position. "I see. Two things. One, I could kill you, just as background information, as could Li. And two, were they any good?"

He rolled his eyes. "A: no you couldn't, and neither could she, and 2: yes, but I've had much better within the last hour."

"You're damned right you did." She smiled fully now. "But at least they were decent. No one should have to put up with lousy sex." She reached over to prod his arm. "I know you Nick. To you, well to me too, life is one giant buffet. But just because we may go out to eat doesn't mean we never eat at home. And there is something I should tell you too."

His eyes got wide for a moment. "You're not pregnant, are you?"

"What?" Oh Hell no!" She laughed out loud, and it continued till she had to wipe her eyes. "No, it's more soemthing you'd expect from me. I didn't sleep with anyone while you were gone, but if that damned hangar hadn't exploded I jolly well would have."

"Aw, man..." he said, rubbing the back of his bald head. "Now I kinda' feel bad that I dropped the bottom out of those two."

"Don't." She moved over to pour them both a drink, straight bourbon, and came back to the table. "This is us Nick. Do I know them?"

They're not in Intel, if that's what you're asking. One was an Ensign from Engineering, the other was PO1 from Sciences." He took the drink. "So, do I know him?"

"Yes, and he is in Intel. Another drink?"

The glass in his hand shattered. "I'll kill him," he said.

Nita passed him her glass, which was still full. "No, darling, you won't." She stood and leaned across the table, giving him the full view down the low neck of her robe. "Remember what I said about dining in..."

He huffed. "Yeah, yeah, I know. It's hypocritical, but I'm like that. You know me, like you said." He pulled her into his lap. "I like you for myself, but I know you better than that."

Her smile returned full-force as she draped her arms over his shoulders. "For what it's worth, I think you're perfect the way you are. And since you're done with your sandwich, ready for dessert?"

"I'm always ready for dessert," he grinned.


Senior Chief Petty Officer Nick Marcinko
Main Course

Lt.(jg) Nenita Quigley


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