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My Fair Lady, She Is Not

Posted on Fri Jul 6th, 2012 @ 6:58pm by Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Ignatius Reilly
Edited on on Fri Jul 6th, 2012 @ 7:12pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Varies

* * Oralia's Quarters * *

"... Professor Phalstef, please...," she paused as the Professor once again refused her request. "But, Professor, I... Professor?" Oz sat back in her desk chair and sighed with frustration. The good professor had cut the commlink. He wasn't the first to have done so and Oralia was beginning to think she'd never find a tutor for the obnoxious arachnid, Iggy.

Obnoxious? I know that word, Oralia, Iggy interjected into Oz's thoughts. If I did not already know that you have a soft spot for me and had other matters weighing heavily on your mind, I might be insulted.

"I'm sorry, Iggster. I shouldn't turn my irritation on you," she turned to find where Iggy was right at that moment and, when she spied her, laughed out loud. The arachnid was in front of a mirror Oralia had leaned against the wall, turning first one way, then the other. Each time, the spider ran a leg or two over the little gold vest Oz had sewn in place. "Are you being vain?"

Vain? I suppose. You must admit that the gold against my black and blue looks quite... nice, Iggy sounded very pleased, which she was. She'd already tested out the computer chip by taking the turbolift from their deck to the Promenade and back. It was the fastest turbolift ride she'd had yet. But why do you call me vain? I am simply doing the same thing you were doing the other day.

The truth of that got Oralia's tongue tied. "Um... well... yeah, I was, wasn't I?" She laughed. The Admiral was right: Iggy wasn't simply a pet anymore. Hence the search for a tutor, Oz reminded herself and turned back to continue the search. Next on her list: a professor whose species had risen up from... insects.

Insects? Truly? Could I eat it? That would be a meal that would last a very long time!

Yeah, not a good idea. She scrolled through the list, knocking tutors off her list as she went. Some just didn't have the right credentials; some were focused in areas Iggy didn't need tutoring in, yet. The few she did contact turned her down as soon as they saw an image of their proposed new student. So much for scholarly curiosity.

Disheartened, Oz considered her options then reached out to one person who might know just how Iggy felt; someone who was sometimes greeted with fear and misunderstanding due to his size, fur and species. When the commlink was established, she launched into her reason for calling: "Commander Kit'rin'e, I have a favor to ask. As you might have recently been made aware, I have a pet... um... a... a ward who needs tutoring. Would you or one of your cadets, perhaps, have time to take her on as a student?"

"Commander Zeferino." He spoke as best he could, some names he found difficult to pronounce, this was one of them. He bowed his head slightly in greeting. "Of course, which areas of study she be interested in?" The note about 'Pet' and 'Ward' dove into the mind to linger about unnoticed for a while. A female had asked him for a favour and he was honoured to be able to help.

"Please, Commander, call me Oz," Oralia turned on a friendly smile. "Iggy would like... don't do that, Iggy. He can't hear you over the commlink. Stop," she spoke to someone to the side of the monitor. Looking back at Kit'rin'e, she smiled again, "Heh, sorry. She's curious to learn just about anything someone will teach her. I'd like her tutoring to focus on... protocols; handling interactions with new or alien species; some cultural teachings, such as why mating should not be a topic of conversation with a Vulcan, or how certain words are not acceptable at certain times."

Kit'rin'e had learned similar things during his time at the Academy, different cultures had different standards and notions of what was considered acceptable and what was not. Every species had to learn and adapt to others otherwise nothing would get done and wars would flare up constantly over who believed themselves correct and must subjugate the others. "Of course. My current class has vacant spaces within if she would like to join it." Kit'rin'e responded.

Oz paused and glanced to the side of the monitor again. "Iggy would be thrilled, Commander. Send me the class schedule and I'll make sure she's there for the next class." She smiled at the feline-like image and, after the exchange of a few more pleasantries, closed the commlink.

Oralia Zeferino

Ignatius Reilly

Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e


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