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Secure the "Doors"

Posted on Wed Jun 8th, 2011 @ 3:42pm by Major Patrick Smith

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: SB900 - Main Fighter Bay

"Captain Smith, incoming message from Rear Admiral Wegener. Patching it through to your office."

"Thanks Ensign. Yes sir?"

"Captain Smith, please launch fighters for patrols around the station as we will be having visitors soon. Once your sensors find them within range ensure you give them a very wide berth. Under no circumstances are there to be any potentially hostile formations anywhere near the incoming vessel. Continue patrols continuously until the delegation departs. We can't chance any potential threats to the Divitians while they are here."

"Roger that sir." The Admiral cut off the channel pretty sharp. The Captain took a few seconds to gather himself before reaching for the comms button which linked him to each of his pilots. "All pilots to the main briefing room in 20 minutes. Active patrols return home and join us as soon as possible. Engineering crews Prep all ships for launch. Full compliments of live torpedoes please." Walking out of his office straight to his quarters nearby Patrick changed from his flight suit to his officers uniform. This time he needed to be in his control room for the next 24 hours at least. But first he has some star maps to draw.

=20 Minutes later=
=Main Briefing Room=

As the Captain walked into the room Jad brought them to Attention. "CO on deck." "At ease" replied the Captain. That was something he still hadn't gotten used to he though as he walked to the lectern at the front of the room. As he arrive he pulled up a chart of the Starbase and its surrounding area. On it was a Green dotted line coming straight from Divitia. A murmur moved through the room but for only a moment. "Ok as you can see we are expecting some guests from Divitia. This is a diplomatic delegation and while they are on the base we need to make sure they stay safe. Before that however we have to make contact. We arn't sure exactly where they are or how far they are out so I want a full 8 hour stint from the 10 ships out there. Upon sensor contact you are to report in and stay on the edge of sensor range and report to Command. Do not move closer."

Turning around to the chart the Captain pulled up his drawn over version. "On the map are the highlighted routes for this patrol. If you follow the timings and course as indicated we should have maximum coverage along the approach. Captain Jad Raynar will lead this group. Any Questions?"

The room sat silent. Several of the pilots looked around and just before he could continue a hand went up. "Yes Lieutenant Jaeger?"

"Sir, if the Divitians get engaged what should we do?"

"Report to me as soon as you confirm. I will probably have to call the Admiral first but you can move to intercept at least." Another quick look around the room from Smith. 'No more hands. Excellent' he thought. "Ok lastly we need to set up patrols around the station. I would like to see the Valkyries and Peregrines on 10 hour rotations. That means half on half off with each half being alone for hours 2-9 of their shifts. This is for the next week at least. And keep the Redemptions on stand by. If you start to get tired swap out with the stand by pilots. I don't want any screw ups. 1st Lieutenant T'Kyl'th is in charge of the Starbase flights until after the recon run. Then it will either be him or Jad depending on rotation. Ok grab your assignments on the way out. Dismissed and good luck."

The room filled with noise as the pilots began to file out. It would be an interesting 8 hours, but hopefully a quiet one. As he leant on the lectern Patrick looked out over his crew. Looking at Jad he got a nod indicating that the plan was sound. At least that was some good news to start.


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