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A Different Point Of View

Posted on Sat Jun 11th, 2011 @ 6:14am by Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: In Our Time of Need

**** Divitian Starship Nightsong nearing SB900 ****

Hands draped behind his back the tall Divitian stood in the dim light of the locale watching the stars out of the portal. Beside him, a shiny hologram depicted a planet hovering idly over the table, the many colors shedding from it, mainly red hued ones, faintly illuminated the room.

"So we have come to this at last." A voice behind him spoke. He hadn't even noticed the Captain entering his room so focused he was on his thoughts. Zee'Hrai turned to face the newcomer.

"I take it you haven't changed your mind in these last days." Zee'Hrai greeted the officer.

"Your message has been sent to the Larr[*] Zee'Hrai. They've answered and are awaiting for us."

Zee'Hrai nodded slowly. His eyes went to the planet hologram to his side a forlorn look flashing through eyes.
"Good." He answered then "Let's hope this Federation can help us to cope with our current crisis."

"Help us." The captain scoffed "They've just arrived here. They don't know anything of politics or equilibrium in the Arm. They know nothing of our might. We just should demand of them."

Zee'Hrai heaved a sigh "It might have escaped you, my old friend, but what you say was maybe possible before."
His hand almost caressed the hologram. "The catastrophe has almost destroyed our world and our resources. We are lingering on reserves and what our younger colonies can provide us. Half of our fleet is stuck for lack of supplies; the other half patrolling borders to keep in check our former allies and friends from jumping at our throat... The entire situation hardly gives us any choice. That should be quite evident even to you Ehr'Raal, and... Would you deny them even the smallest chance to enter in the great Arm political game?"

"They have nothing to teach us. Their technology, starfaring capability, weapons, everything is similar to our own. What can they possibly offer to us?" replied the captain.

Zee'Hrai took a deep breath before answering, Ehr'Raal could be as stubborn as reliable sometimes. "A different point of view, perhaps?"

Ehr'Raal slowly shook his head in disbelief.

Unscathed by the captain attitude Zee'Hrai continued: "I've studied what information we have on them. They may seem weak to us here where they have just a base and a handful of outposts... But from the place they come from Federation is a force to be reckoned with. And, unusually enough for a starfaring conundrum of races, they're always eager to help and show great respect for life in its many forms."

Ehr'Raal sneered: "Is not by showing much of that respect that Divitia has attained its power."

"I know." Replied Zee'Hrai "Maybe the Power That Lies Beyond has punished us for our arrogance? Or just a more worldly hand has pulled the lever for such an unbelievable crime?" Zee'Hrai watched intently the hologram now as it started rotating and recreating the Ion wave storm that blasted the planet.
He stood silently as the red hue slowly overtook all the green part. City after city, mountain ranges, seas, vales...

"I know what this thing means to you Speaker." Said the captain resorting to Zee'Hrai formal rank. A thing that didn't escape Zee'Hrai. That was Ehr'Raal's way to disagree with him without hurting his feelings or at least trying not to. The old military captain would never have accepted his way of thinking, too revolutionary for him. Still Ehr'Raal was aware of what Zee'Hrai had lost in the wake of the catastrophe. The entire family, friends... All living in the capital at the moment disaster struck.
All wiped away in the blink of an eye.

"Yes of course." Zee'Hrai managed to answer as emotion stirred deeply within him "I have another favour to ask of you Captain."

"Anything you wish, Speaker."

"Send another message to the Starbase: ask them, gently, if I can have sufficient quarters for me and my retinue possibly close together."

"I'll do, Speaker, Anything else?" responded the captain.

"Yes, one more thing. Assure yourself that the elements of my personal guard correspond to the list of names I've already sorted out. I do not want anyone else of our people for my protection while I'm guest on Starbase 900."

"It will be done as you ask, Speaker." The captain bowed his head in salute and with a perfect about-face exited the room.

Zee'Hrai turned again to the portal and to the stars beyond. "My beloved." he muttered to himself after the captain was gone "In the universe symphony our note is dwindling. Would be that I'm the fiddler who bring it back to its former splendor, I owe this to you all."

[*] Larr Divitian for: Not-Of-The-People, Stranger

Appointed Speaker of Divitia


Divitian Starship Captain


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