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No Ghost Stories

Posted on Sat Jun 11th, 2011 @ 8:57am by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Residential Ring

Once Nenita and Nick were back out in the residential corridor on Deck 12, she tried her comm badge again. It chirped as usual, waiting for her command. She shot Nick a look, then began to speak as he moved away.

"Lt. Quidley to Science. I have a pickup on deck 12, Quarters 12 G. One crystal, approximately eight inches square. I advise containment unit. I will be waiting outside."

She received an acknowledgment and so settled in to wait.

Not long after their call a complement of three people wearing Science uniform came to their aid two of them were bringing along an awkward metal box with some flickering lights on it.

"I'm Lt. Commander Leroy. We're here to take the crystal as you requested. Is anybody hurt?"

"Lt. Leroy." Nenita nodded to him. "No, we're fine, though our comm badges didn't work inside. She was not too sure how much to discuss in front of his staff, so she turned to open the door. "I'd make it quick, then you and I can discuss this if you like."

Patrick nodded in acknowledgment and gestured to the ensigns with him: "Get into the room and seal the crystal into the portable force field container then bring it back to the labs at once. Leave it in the box until I'm back."

"Aye Sir," responded one of the ensigns as they made their way into the room.

Leroy then turned to Lt. Quidley. "So, is there something I should know before I get me and my men on the crystal? What has worried you to the point of asking for Science intervention?"

Nenita watched them enter the quarters and she reached out to press a button to keep the door closed. A glance inside told her the crystal was no longer glowing and she was relieved as she turned back to Patrick.

"Well, it was glowing. Sound familiar?"

Leroy smiled "Ok, that's quite the start and yes, it sounds familiar. Anything else that could help? Searing pain to the skull, thoughts in your head that didn't seem your own, something like that?"

She started to speak but fell silent as the two ensigns emerged, carrying the box between them. Once they were gone, she re-sealed the door and turned back to Patrick.

"I swear I heard someone or something whisper my name. Nick heard it too. Did Li...tell you about the cargo bay incident on the Berkeley?"

"No she hasn't. We hadn't much time to talk as of lately, with the transfer to the base and all..." Replied Leroy "You said whispers?"

Nenita nodded. "It was distinctly my name and as I said, Nick heard it as well. Perhaps you should get hold of Li and ask her what happened. I think it's all related somehow but this particular crystal was not on the ship so...." She stopped and shrugged.

"I'll ask Li as soon as possible. In the meantime I'll conduct some routine analysis on the mineral just to detect any evident anomaly. I'm not even sure if it's wise to have this crystal and the other one too close together... Anyway I'll think of a solution."

"Thanks. It's not often anything rattles me but....yeah. I"ll tell Li to get hold of you as soon as she has a spare minute."

"Agreed then." Leroy responded "And don't worry about the whispering. I'm sure there's a perfect scientific explanation to the phenomenon, I never believed in ghost stories." He ended with a smile.

"Easy for you to say." Nenita turned and moved towards the lift without another word.

Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy
Chief Science Officer

Lt.(jg) Nenita Quidley
Intelligence Officer


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