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The Line Continues

Posted on Tue Jul 17th, 2012 @ 11:22pm by Captain Li Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: CIO's Office

* * * Vice Admiral Wegener's Office * * *

Despite all of the buzz that had been going on, Rick seemed in a foul mood. Today was the day for change and he, for one, did not like change...despite having been around for over 150 years of it.

He sat in his office nursing a large glass of Bombay Sapphire Gin after the meeting he'd had with his first officer, Captain qeraQ'. They'd known each other for quite some time and, with luck, he had been able to receive qeraQ' as his first officer on 900. The man was, without doubt, one of the best officers that Rick had served with and that made his next assignment for the man that much more unbearable. qeraQ' may enjoy his next station, but Rick was down about it. It was never easy to lose a good friend and a good right-hand-man. But orders were orders and Rick would follow them.

Not long ago qeraQ' had been tasked with an assignment on Divitia Prime, an attempt to save their planet from total destruction. Something that they had done to themselves, but their request for assistance would not go unheeded. So, Rick had dispatched the Captain, a former engineer, and a damn good one at that, with a crew to help figure out what had happened to the planet and to keep their own atmosphere from literally frying the occupants, and its citizens, where they stood. The outcome was not the best but qeraQ's mission had been somewhat of a success. He had, for the most part, been able to stop the effects of their atmospheric anomalies, or slow it down greatly, and saved the race from total extinction. Now, with the gratitude of their government, Starfleet had been invited to work in conjunction with their greatest minds to continue to reverse the effects.

qeraQ's mission now would be to set up a permanent Federation outpost/Starfleet base on the planet's surface and help restore the original climate in close cooperation with the President's office. It would be a major undertaking but one definitely capable of quick accomplishment in the Klingon's capable hands. Scratch that. Capable hand.

Having sent a Galaxy class ship through the wormhole along with various support vessels for qeraQ' to command, he would expedite the new construction of a base on Divitian soil complete with large engineering and sciences facilities along with the requisite command, security and medical facilities. A large number of personnel had been crammed into the ships enroute to the Delta Quadrant to help assist qeraQ' in completing this task and Starfleet had sent the best of what they could to make it happen.

Unfortunately, his orders had contained such words as "immediately", "forthwith" and "make haste" leaving him to scramble to assemble his personal gear and board the Galaxy class vessel before Rick could give him a proper send off. However, he would still be in the Delta Quadrant and there would be regular communication between he and 900 for requisitions and the like. So he wouldn't be completely gone, but it just wouldn't be the same.

This information had come a few days prior and Rick had been ordered to keep it as eyes only until the USS Jolly Ridge, qeraQ's Galaxy class, arrived. Once there he was able to inform his first officer of his new orders and send him on his way. But it also gave Rick time to look through his personnel files to find a suitable replacement since one was not sent to him.

One day after he'd received the orders he'd had the meeting with Sakkath, promoting him to second officer of 900 and a promotion to the rank of Commander. He had thought about promoting him to the first officer position but he had someone else in mind. He just wasn't allowed to tell anyone about the goings-on until it had become official.

Now that the cat was out of the bag, Rick drained the last of his gin and walked out of his office to the turbolift. It was time to let his choice be known.

* * * Deck 33 - Intelligence Offices * * *

Rick didn't spent much time on the Intel decks but he had always made it a point to visit most areas of the base regularly. So he was greeted with smiles and nods from the spooks and support personnel walking about as he progressed to the Intel Chief's office. Stopping just outside the door he knocked on the bulkhead. "Are you accepting visitors?"

Li looked up from her terminal where she’s spent the better part of the last three hours poring over the information retrieved on Nick and Nenita’s outing. Seeing Ricky, she smiled.

“Since it’s you, yes I am. You will be a welcome distraction sir, even though what I have here will interest you.”

"Oh yeah?" he said as he sat across the desk from her. "Do tell."

“You received my last report, corroborating what Kh’ali got from Gilroy in that the bomb at the restaurant appears to have originated from the Archadian military.” She shrugged. “You know me, I never take anything at face value. Nick and Nenita went down to sniff around and see if they could verify the connection.”

Rick snorted at the mention of Marcinko's name. "Nick. You sure he wasn't just trying to get into Nenita's panties the entire time they were down there?"

“Oh well I’m sure he did that too, as time allowed.” She smiled again. “But those two are the bodily equivalent of two skeleton keys...when I can’t go myself. I’d have drawn too much attention I think.”

"Very true. Have they found anything of interest yet? I'm just having a hard time believing that the Archadians were involved in any of that, despite the supporting evidence."

“That was my thought as well. Given the recent past with the Arizona and the Melbourne, I am highly suspicious of anything even the least bit off down there. Assassinating my father would have been colossally stupid, tactically speaking.”

Rick nodded but kept silent, unsure of how to proceed. He knew the Hawke's well. Despite their Betazoid ability to read minds he was surprised that Li hadn't already gleaned his reasonings for coming to see her.

"I'm sure we'll get down to the bottom of it," he said, "but that's not why I came to see you." He stood and closed the door to her office and sat again. "The announcement has not been made to the entire base yet, but Captain qeraQ' is no longer with us. He's taking the Jolly Ridge and the other ships out to Divitia Prime to set up a base there."

“Well, the Speaker had requested a representative be placed with them eventually, and it’s a good time, I think. His position has been restored and things are, from what I am getting in, stable, though --” She paused and studied Rick’s face a moment. She’d been distracted by the information from Archadia, and then the thought of qeraQ’ on Divitia Prime. Only now did his mood wash over her. “Though that isn’t why you are here.”

"The short and sweet of it, my dear, is that I have a hole to fill." He sat back in the chair, his arms crossed. "Tag. You're it."

Li blinked back at him, her black eyes locked on his. “Tag. I’m. It. I see.” It took less than a nanosecond for his determination to hit her and the thought that reached her was that this was a done deal before he walked in her office. It was so typical of her life, however. One day one planet, a day later being somewhere and some else entirely. She was used to changing lives as fast as she changed clothes. “Very well. Your confidence is appreciated.” Only now did a stray thought strike her and she smiled.

He couldn't help but smile. "Very well," he said, repeating her words. "Li, I'm not a mind reader, but I have an idea of what you're thinking. No, it's not an order, but I do want you for the position. You could refuse if you wanted."

“And I want to do it. I will, of course, need some transition time with my replacement and to ease my way out of one particular assignment, which Patrick can carry on for me.”

"Ah, yes. Your alter-ego," he replied. "That's fine, but if you accept the position and rank change will be immediate. I can handle some of the duties until you're ready, and I have the Master Chief that can assist as well as Sakkath."

“It won’t interfere. and in fact, this comes at a very good time. Someone’s getting a little too attached. I think a shake-up will be good for him and may reveal more than we have so far.”

"Which reminds me, he came to see me the other day with his bodyguard fella'. He had made an appointment with the base CO, not expecting me to be there." He laughed. "It was one hell of a meeting, I'll say that."

Li sat bolt upright in her chair. “He came to your office? So now he knows who Jayne Cobb is?” She frowned, drawing her brows together. “I expect it was...extraordinary. I’ll check in with Lazan and see what the fallout is. I don’t like it. Which goes along with what I just said. And given that Sakkath is recovered and back to duty, I need to be topside.”

"I'm sure he has his sights on me now, but the meeting was mostly posturing and me keeping the upper hand with him off balance." Rick took a moment to relive some of the moments in his head for his own amusement. "But we can handle him and his minions." His head leaned to one side he asked the big question. "So, are you accepting the position of first officer and a promotion to Commander? And if the answer is yes, how do you think Sakkath will feel about it?"

She rested her hands on the desk before her and when she spoke, her voice was its usual calm tone. “Yes, I accept and thank you Admiral.” She hesitated a moment before answering his question. “I do not know. The answer Sakkath would give is that it is a logical choice, and that as a Vulcan, he should have no feelings regarding the matter. In reality, he --” She stopped and smiled gently. “No offense Admiral, but what he might truly feel, I cannot give away.”

He had only briefly thought about how the Vulcan would feel about Rick's choice of Li over Sakkath, but he hadn't factored his most recent ordeal into it and wondered if something may be amiss that neither were telling him about.

"New XO or not, Li, I have to ask, and I know that you would tell me the truth: is there anything I need to know about Commander Sakkath that would put him in a position where he would not be able to carry out his duties, or would emotionally compromise him?" He quickly added, "And I know it's probably a touchy subject since you two are together, but I must ask. I'm sorry if it puts you in a tough spot to have to answer it."

She shook her head. “I can tell you without a doubt there is not. Once Rhys was finished, any effects vanished completely, at least any that might affect him adversely in the line of duty. He is perfectly fine in that regard, and Dr. Harding was satisfied.” She stopped there, having answered the question and while it may have hinted at non-duty things, she wouldn’t delve into that.

"Then I'll speak no more of it," Rick said, satisfied. "And if it helps, I had chosen you for the position before I had decided to promote Sakkath. I'm sure his Vulcanity, for lack of a better term, wouldn't allow him to become jealous or upset about it, but you have to know that my orders were that I could not let anyone know of qeraQ's new assignment until the Jolly Ridge arrived."

“I understand completely. Do you wish to tell him?”

"I thought I might have a more formal ceremony in my office with the both of you, but I wasn't sure how well that would go over after my flop on his promotion." He frowned when he said it, remembering his blunder.

“Why don’t you come by for drinks then? We can discuss it all at once. I know we don’t entertain at home often but I’d like it, since it’s you.” She smiled finally, as she echoed the sentiment she’d shared with him on his arrival to her office.

"That would be lovely," he said. "Now one word of warning. You've known me for ages, Li. I'm not that different as your boss than I am as your friend, but becoming my XO may change the dynamic a bit. As the Intel Chief, qeraQ' was your direct superior, but now it's me. I just want you to know that, despite anything that happens, you are still that little girl I held in my lap a long time ago, just all grown up. And you know my leadership style well enough to know that I'm available to talk about anything." He sighed. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that no matter if I get a little testy or blustery, it's not you that I'm upset at. But I know I have chosen the right person for this position."

“Understood. I’ve grown used to having the two of you be officers and men. I think if anyone understands the difference, it is me. I am...used to separating duty and off-time. It’s alright. Who will replace me?”

"Ultimately I will leave that to you as the XO, but I would suggest Lt. Smith."

“Agreed, he is the logical choice.” She stifled a laugh, both for sounding like her husband and at the thought of Nick’s reaction. “He’s smart, level headed, and he’s doing well with Suresh and his organization too. With your permission, I’d like to have a meeting with the department and cover all this at once. If you’re bored that day you might want to drop in. I can guarantee it won’t be dull.”

"I'm sure it won't," he replied. Standing he said, "Computer," then waited for acknowledgement, "adjust the current chain of command and roster for this base." The computer chirped again awaiting the information. "As of this date, Captain qeraQ' is no longer the executive officer. Lieutenant Commander Li Hawke has been promoted to the rank of Commander and is the new executive officer of Starbase 900."

After a long tirade of beeps and chirps, the computer finally responded. Information acknowledged.

He smiled at Li, all at once remembering a time when he and Lucius watched her and her brothers running around the grounds of their house while they sat on the porch talking away. It was a long time ago and he was so proud of her to have come so far. He almost felt like a surrogate father to her and was beaming.

"Congratulations, Li," was all he could say.

She stood and offered her hand. “I won’t let you down, sir. And drinks, tomorrow night.”

"I may bring some of my own stock, just to help celebrate."

“Good choice. Now, if you’ll let me, I’m going to get through all this so I can go over with with Patrick and Oz, then turn it over.” She linked her arm through Ricky’s as they walked to the door. “Tomorrow night.”

"One more thing," he said as he held his hand out. "Normally this would be something you would get from your father, but since I have no children of my own I wanted you to have these."
He put three small gold pips in her hand. "These were mine. I wore the same set through my entire career as a Commander. They're not as shiny as the ones you'll get for the actual promotion, but..."

Li blinked at the pips in his hand, then closed her eyes for a moment, doing her best to settle the swell of emotion. “Thank you.” Her voice was husky as she closed her hand over his. “I am at a loss for words.”

"You are very welcome," he said. "Now, go handle your business. I'll get out of your hair."

Li nodded and as the doors closed behind Ricky, she looked down at the pips resting in her palm. For the first time in a long while, she gave in and allowed the swirl of emotions to come, dabbing at her eyes as she returned to her desk. There simply were no words.

Commander Li Hawke
Who Can Still Be Surprised


VADM Ricky Wegener
As Proud as a Real Father


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