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Wrath of the Elder

Posted on Thu Jul 19th, 2012 @ 6:43pm by Admiral S'iraa & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Sha'la'ne's Quarters

Sha'la'ne stormed into her quarters seething with fury and anger, she could not believe Tora Sulan's actions. The Bajoran stood to become Elder yet she appeared to have completely disregarded Caitian ways and the well being of Kit'rin'e. She shed her attire for something more comfortable since the regal stuff failed to do its task.

While what Sulan had tried to explain went mostly ignored, Sha'la'ne was more focused on it's effects to Kit'rin'e. When she first saw him she knew what was going on and explained it to Sulan for her own understanding and Kit'rin'e survival. The sight of him, the scent in the air screamed his condition. While the sight of him had improved the scent still lingered slightly. This was obviously a worry for the Elder as she gathered books about her about the rights and responsibilities of being Elder. Sha'la'ne was certain Sulan would be the end of Kit'rin'e and she could not stand by and do nothing. Old pages turned as she reached areas not opened in many decades. It was at this point when she saw her hand, there was blood on it.

She didn't think she struck Kit'rin'e that hard, though he spoke out of turn forgetting himself she still didn't meant to harm him so to cause bleeding. She knew there was no way to go back and see him now following the fuss she made to get there, the chaos she caused just to see them and then the relief others felt at seeing her leave. She went and washed her hands, she felt bad for what she had done, blinded by the rage and anger she had for Sulan she struck those that mattered to her most. She dried her hands, tended to her fur and returned to the book. She gazed outside the window and saw the large ship orbiting the station.

She had a new idea. She placed a call.

USS Dreadnought - B
Ascension Class

Admiral S'iraa was inspecting his new ship, much of his crew were still on 900 as yet unaware as to the new home they would have which he was reviewing this very moment. =^= Admiral, you have an communication from the Starbase, it's marked private. =^=

S'iraa ducked into vacant quarters. "I'll take it here." He spoke waiting to be connected.

"Admiral. I am Sha'la'ne, Elder to Kit'rin'e on board this station." Sha'la'ne introduced.

S'iraa bowed. "Admiral S'iraa, Master of the Dreadnought, Mate to Tommieka Jupiter." As much pain was cause by the reminder of his missing Mate. "Is there something I may do for you?" He asked.

"Kit'rin'e, an instructor here is mated to a Bajoran woman who does not understand our ways, the bonding is still underway yet she has put his life in danger many times already. I feel if I do not do something soon I will lose everything. I need your help in getting him off the station and back home."

S'iraa knew this was not possible, sure he could speak to people, sure he was the Commander in Chief but he was not prepared to walk all over 900's chain of command. "I will see what I can do." S'iraa said. "You will have to excuse me, duty calls."

"Of course." Sha'la'ne said with a thankful smile. The line closed a second later.

S'iraa would have to report this to his fellow Admiral, just to keep him in the loop but he would also have to see Kit'rin'e and inform him of what he was just asked to do. While he could do nothing, it was unfair of him to act without knowing his Elder was trying to split him from his Mate.


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