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Welcome Back Ricky

Posted on Thu Jul 19th, 2012 @ 10:01pm by Captain Li Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Commander Sakkath
Edited on on Thu Jul 19th, 2012 @ 10:03pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Sakkath/Hawke Quarters

* * * Sakkath Quarters * * *

Li had spent the better part of the day following Admiral Wegener’s visit going over the computer information from Archadia. Nick had downloaded a ton of information and it was taking time to get through it all. Most was general military records, requisitions, past movements, reports on the restaurant bombing as well as the incidents with the Arizona and the Melbourne. Everything seemed relatively normal at first pass, but then that was how is usually went. That was how it was supposed to appear. So, she dug in and started again.

She had finally called it a night, and started fresh the next morning. Lather rinse repeat. She had begun running the usual cryptography scans but they would take a while. So in the meantime, she had moved on to the XO’s office and begun the process of settling in and going over the most recent records left by qeraQ’. Thinking of him made her thoughts wander back over their long time as crewmates, first on the Berkeley and then on 900. He had, in fact, been instrumental in saving her life after crawling through the Berkeley’s Jefferies tubes with Oz in order to track down her and Rhys, and help stop him. It had been dangerous and he’d done it without question.

Then his work on Divitia Prime, his refusal to stick to the status quo but to take a stand and help them save themselves had turned the tide for a planet doomed to extinction. He was the right man for the job and he would do well there. If anyone could force them to continue on with the progress they had made, it was him. qeraQ’s presence would be a good, strong support for the Speaker as well. Finally, she closed the last report and rubbed her eyes. The Admiral was coming for another visit and she needed to get home and get changed.

* * *

Li had changed and sent a reminder to Sakkath regarding the Admiral’s arrival time and now, she stood at the bar, pouring Sakkath’s favorite blue elixir. She had shed her uniform and now wore a sleeveless blouse and skirt in a pale peach silk. As usual, her feet were bare but it was her home. She wasn’t worried that the man who had likely once changed her diaper might see her bare toes.

Meanwhile, with the plans for the memorial service well underway, Sakkath had departed Ops early at the request of his wife. It seemed they would be entertaining the Admiral this evening, a rare event though the Vulcan was aware that he and Li’s father had been quite close, giving the pair a fair bit of history. And Sakkath had to admit that he would be grateful for an opportunity to interact with the Admiral, to allay any suspicion that he might still somehow be compromised, especially in light of his recent promotion. He strode through the corridor briskly, consulting the PADD in his hands as he went, going over recent changes to away team protocol before entering into his quarters.

Looking up from his work, he gave a nod of greeting to Li. “Imzadi,” he spoke, setting the PADD down on his Operations workstation in the living room as he did so.

“Welcome home.” She smiled as she crossed the room and held the glass out to him. “How are the service plans progressing?”

“Well enough,” he replied, accepting the glass in his left hand as he held his right out to her. “It is an … unfortunate duty. Much and more is owed to Doctor McKinney, here and on the Berkeley and beyond. He will be missed.”

“He will.” She placed her hand in his, drawing him furhter into the room. “Do you wish to change before his arrival?” And typical Li, she leaned up to kiss his cheek. “He’s not staying for dinner.”

“I suppose I shall,” Sakkath said as he took a sip of the azure liquor in his glass. Setting it down on the coffee table he removed his duty vest and retreated to their bedroom. When he re-emerged, it was in a black Vulcan robe highlighted with grey and silver.

Li eyed the small glass on the coffee table and a smile lit her face, recalling the visit from her father when his small glass had collapsed the coffee table. Laughter bubbled up within her and she gave voice to it, unable to stop it as Sakkath emerged. It felt so good.

Sakkath raised a brow at the sudden, seemingly unprovoked laughter, but the nature of their bond was such that he understood quickly enough. He retrieved his glass and seemed to appraise the table for a moment. “Much better construction,” he idly commented. “We shall have to thank your father.”

That comment only made her laugh harder. Finally she wiped her eyes as she looked back at him. “Perhaps, we will see in time.” Some things would be funny forever, she thought as she passed to the bar to pour her own drink. “Tell me something, my husband.”


”How long did it take to assemble your control station here?”

Sakkath blinked, looking over at the terminal. “Roughly four days,” he estimated, “with assistance from Norval. There were additional relays that needed to be installed to ensure it is as functional as my station in Command and Control.” Turning back to look at her, he wondered aloud, “Why do you ask?”

“Just curious. I was marvelling at it that night.....when I used it to do some tracking.” She glanced around the room, then took his empty glass and returned to the bar. “You’ll have to add in all the other things you have to keep track of now.”

Sakkath nodded along with that assessment. “Indeed. Though most of my new duties will likely focus on away missions, either commanding the Hammond or Takei or else accompanying Captain qeraQ’ planetside. It is unlikely that command of the station itself should ever fall to me.” And Sakkath was quite satisfied with the truth of that matter, as Operations for the Immense-class base kept him fully occupied.

“qeraQ’ definitely has his hands full, that is true. I am sorry you were not able to go on the first trip through the wormhole but I suspect that you’ll have plenty of chances.” She smiled once more. “And when you go through, be sure to stop and say hello to my mother.” Another laugh escaped her.

“Perhaps,” Sakkath mused. “And perhaps the next time you are graced with shore leave, we should spend it on Vulcan. I have rather missed the heat, and you have yet to meet either of my parents.”

“I’d much rather go there. I love you, I’m not so sure I want to subject you to my mother for extended periods.” She passed him the glass, then took her own. “Vulcan would be lovely.”

Accepting the glass from her once again, Sakkath was about to consult the chronometer when the door chimed, indicating that their expected guest had arrived. Taking a moment to check his robes, the Vulcan made his way to the door and keyed the release.

Rick had decided on civilian attire, hoping both Li and Sakkath would follow suit, especially when he was visiting their home. Having activated the door chime, he stood wearing a light tan button-up short sleeved shirt that hung loosely over what used to be referred to as 'blue jeans' on Earth of the past and brown leather sandals. He also held two bottles, one of Four Roses bourbon and one of champagne, the latter to toast both Li and Sakkath's promotions.

The door opened and Sakkath stood in the doorway dressed in his robes. With a sigh of relief that he hadn't come underdressed, Rick smiled. "Sakkath, good day to you. May I come in?" He raised the bottles. "I come bearing gifts."

“Of course, Admiral,” Sakkath said, standing aside and making a short, sweeping gesture with his right hand to invite Rick in. He also accepted the bottles, taking them over to the bar whilst giving Li an opportunity to greet their guest. “This was kind of you,” Sakkath said. “May I pour you something?”

"I think, due to the circumstances, we should start with the champagne," Rick said, entering their quarters and smiling at Li.

Sakkath lifted both eyebrows and simply shrugged, collecting three flutes. “As you say.” After a few moments of working with the gilded foil and a satisfying ‘pop!’ from the cork, he returned with the three beverages. “Circumstances?” he wondered, after distributing one to each of them.

“Thank you.” Li smiled at Sakkath, then to Ricky. “And Admiral, welcome once again.”

Rick realized that Li hadn't yet filled Sakkath in on what had happened. Once everyone had a glass, Rick cleared his throat. "I know the timing is a bit off, what with your promotion in rank and position, Sakkath, but as of yesterday afternoon, Captain qeraQ' was reassigned to the USS Jolly Ridge to oversee placement of a Starfleet facility on Divitia Prime and help to complete their issues with the atmosphere. And, in his place, I have promoted Li to the rank of Commander and the position of Executive Officer of Starbase 900."

A mild degree of surprise passed over the Vulcan’s features, his gaze turned towards his mate as if to appraise her in this new new light and similarly to wonder just why she hadn’t told him prior to the Admiral’s arrival. Though the fact that he had not even heard of Captain qeraQ’s reassignment as the Chief of Operations... well, that did say something for secrecy.

“I believe you were quite correct, then, Admiral. The champagne is called for. Congratulations, Imzadi,” he said, touching his glass to hers. “And I daresay, Admiral, that the Captain will do quite well in assisting the Divitians. Starfleet made a sound judgment.”

"He is definitely the man for the job," Rick replied. "He did fine work the first time and their President has been much more open to Starfleet assistance now that he has better control over the Senate. But," he said, lifting his glass to Li, and then to Sakkath, "I want to say congratulations to Li and to you as well, Sakkath. Because I know that I have the two best people working with me in the command structure. I couldn't have asked for a better command staff than what I now have. Cheers."

“Cheers, and thank you.” Li took a sip, then looked to Sakkath. She decided to answer his second question first. “I was informed last night, yes. The reassignment of qeraQ’ was under wraps even from me till the last minute. Now that he has departed, it was clear to make it known. As for the first, the Admiral wanted to be the bearer of the news, and I, of course, complied.”

Amsetri tre.” Sakkath returned the toast in Vulcan to the Admiral, lifting his own glass. “I do suppose a good First Officer would acquiesce to her CO’s wishes,” he added, a silently playful mental nod passing over the bond they shared. “I must say, I think knowing you are in a less clandestine role on the Starbase will be quite satisfactory. I can do without the... what do they call it? Cherry Seed?”

“Pit,” Li corrected automatically. “And yes, that is one consideration I thought you might like. As I said last night, I have a few things to finish up but I will begin my withdrawal immediately.”

Rick had seated himself in one of the chairs, after an offering by Li. "I think I may have stirred up a hornet's nest there," he said, winking at Li, "but it wasn't exactly my fault."

“Who will be assuming stewardship of Intelligence in Commander Hawke’s absence?” Sakkath asked, his mind almost instantly turning to his responsibilities at Ops... which brought with it a spark of recognition. “This is why you asked how long I needed to construct my workstation,” he realized, turning to his desk and then back to Li. “You knew I would need to move it.” Just curious, indeed.

She smiled at Sakkath as she settled on the sofa and touched the spot beside her. “It was. I suspect we will be moving a few decks.” Well, I was....curious that is.

"There's no hurry on your move," Rick said. "I know you'll have quite a few things to go, and your workstation, Sakkath. We're almost at full capacity so it would be fine if you two needed to take a few days--hell, make it a week, to get settled." He sipped his champagne. "I'm in no rush."

Sakkath took the seat next to his wife, nodding along with the Admiral’s advice. The move would take some time, but it was far from impossible... and it would be simpler than moving from the Berkeley, though his questions on Intel still stood unanswered. There would be a move in order for someone else as well.

Li glanced to Ricky now and spoke. “With your permission?”

"By all means," the Admiral said.

“After some consideration, we have decided that Lt. Smith will assume my position.” She took another sip of the champagne, then looked to Ricky. “I suspect you may hear Nick howling all the way in your office.”

"Hatfields and McCoys, I take it?" Rick asked, wondering if either would get the reference.

“Old Earth history,” Sakkath mused. “I hope it will not be so bloody,” else all of the preparations he was already mentally making for Patrick’s transfer would be wasted mental effort. After Divitia, Sakkath was well aware of what Chief Marcinko was capable of when roused... and that had been in polite company.

“We can hope it won’t be. However, Nenita is more than capable of putting them in their corners if need be. However, I think I will have a few words with Nick privately after the meeting.”

"If they dislike each other that much, that may be wise. Tell him that I said he doesn't have to like it, he just has to do it." Rick also knew too well what Nick Marcinko was capable of. He had access to the man's entire file, even the parts that Li had never seen--parts she still would only be able to peek at even in her new position as XO. But he was sure Nick had shared some of his darker past with her while under her purview.

“He will. Otherwise he still has to deal with me and he still vividly recalls the one and only time we argued.” She rose and went back to the bar, this time pouring out three short glasses of bourbon. “And Patrick has already seen what life in the Intel zoo is like.” She returned and passed the glasses out.

"I'm sure Lieutenant Smith will survive. Nick is hard headed--in the physical sense and emotional," he said as he took the glass of bourbon, "but even then I know where his loyalties lie."

Sakkath accepted the glass of bourbon, sniffing it curiously before tasting it. He had never been one for the Earth liquors, but he was also not about to refuse the Admiral’s gift, and the smoky fire that filled the back of his throat was no more painful than his Romulan ale.

“Loyalty runs deep in Nick and there are few I would trust with my life as I so him. He may bark but he will behave.” She took a drink of the bourbon and looked to Sakkath curiously. “What do you think of it?”

“It is the logical choice,” Sakkath said, supporting the decision. “I have little to no contact with the Lieutenant, but it seems your only other option would have been Jay-Gee Quidley, and Lieutenant Smith does have rank.”

“Or Valkris, but I think she is far more valuable in an investigatory position, especially given the matriarchal aspect of Archadia. She has been invaluable there. What about the bourbon?” LI took another drink and lowered her glass.

Rick loved the way the bourbon went down. It was one of his favorite drinks, and Four Roses being his favorite brand. It was still being distilled in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky and had been since 1888. They made many different types but the one he'd brought tonight was Four Roses Small Batch, a limited edition release from 2033 and was 116 proof. "Ah, good stuff!" he said as he stood and poured himself another shot glass full.

“Of the bourbon? It is... unique,” the Vulcan offered, lacking a frame of reference with which to adequately compare it.

"I think you're too stuck on the blue stuff," Rick said. "I may start having you two for drinks on a regular basis so you can try some different varieties."

“A drink of the month club? Just be careful of the brandy, it can get a little...heavy,” she commented as she placed her glass on the coffee table.

The mention of heavy objects and the coffee table had become something of a running joke in these quarters Sakkath shared with Li, but he dipped his head to the Admiral. “I would be honored, though I cannot assure you my preference for the ‘blue stuff’ will be impacted.”

"Variety is the spice of life, my friend," Rick said with another full shot glass, which he promptly swallowed whole. "Whoo! That has a nice bite to it."

“Why don’t I bring the bottle over?” Li rose and returned with the bottle of bourbon. “Who’s up for seconds?”

* * *

"...and, I says..." Rick giggled as he began the punchline of his story, "I says...'It's not the ship, Lieutenant, it's your feet!’"

“I fail to understand the premise,” Sakkath said after a moment, his hands folded in his lap, one brow arched and upswept. Humor... it was a difficult concept at the best of times.

Rick laughed. "It wasn't the ship, you see...the man's feet were--oh, hell. I think it's only funny because I'm drunk."

“And because you don’t have the same foot problem.” Li laughed, then glanced to Sakkath. I’ll explain it to you later, my darling.

Rick roared with laughter. "Yes!" he said pointing. "She gets it!"

Suddenly, Rick got a straight look on his face, despite his seemingly perpetual sway now. "Ooooh shit. I'm drunk. I may have to..." he belched loudly. "Damn, I'm sorry about that!" He looked to Li and felt positively embarrassed, wondering what she may think of him as an old, intoxicated git. "I may have to get one of you fine folks to help me to the door so I can get home and sleep this off."

Sakkath stood and began collecting glassware, permitting Li to assist the Admiral. She had, after all, known him far longer than he. And if the Vulcan were being entirely honest, recent ordeals had made him far more wary of unnecessary physical contact.

"Okay, this is--" Rick stopped, trying to stand, "...this is not the way I prefer my command staff see me. So this is considered G-14 classified."

“Understood.” Li helped him to his feet, then slipped her arm around him. “We all deserve it now and again, trust me.” At her size, she fit neatly under his arm. “Ready to go, sir?”

"I'm ready," he said, trying to stand without having to put his weight on her. Then he turned to her. "I'm sorry I came to your quarters and got wasted, Li-Li," he said, a name he hadn't called her since she was 8 years old. "I don't do this often."

“Nor I.” She didn’t mention that she still hadn’t. Though what she’d said was the truth. Suresh often made her want to drink heavily. “It’s was for a good cause, however.” She steered him to the door and as it slid open, she stopped. “You okay to get home or shall I beam you there?”

"Hmmm," he said, having to process it all. "Maybe a little beam-in to my quarters is called for. What people would think if they saw me staggering through the station. And I think, for the time being, that you or Sakkath should be in charge until I'm a bit less...hazy." He patted her on the shoulder. "That might be best."

“Very well. Computer, one to beam to Admiral Wegener’s quarters, his coordinates.” The computer beeped its acknowledgement. “Goodnight, and always a pleasure. In the morning, replicate some of Sakkath’s spice tea, it will help. Computer, energize.”

“Be well, Admiral,” Sakkath added as he rejoined them.

Rick nodded and, as he turned to face them both he looked to Sakkath. "It was his feet that were--" The transporter beam took hold of him and whisked him away to his quarters safely. A bit put out that he'd been cut off, he figured he would explain it tomorrow...if he could remember.

“It was his feet that were stinky, not the ship.” Li finished Ricky’s explanation. “And lucky for you, you don’t have that problem. Or maybe it’s lucky for me.”

“Was the ship not equipped with atmospheric recyclers? That seems an important detail to the content of the tale,” Sakkath half-complained, still not entirely getting the joke.

His question brought forth a round of giggles from Li. “And they say Vulcans have no sense of humour.” She moved away from the door, moving over to take his arm. “That is called poetic license for lack of a better term.”

“Graciously so,” he replied, quite glad to have any Vulcan emotion downplayed by the populace of this base in particular.

“Are you ready for something to eat? It’s a bit late but dinner is a good idea. A little something to soak up the alcohol?”

“If that is what my First Officer wishes,” was his reply.

That got another snicker. “You realize that we are going to get a lot of mileage out of this in the joke department, at least here at home.” She led him to the kitchen, moving slowly.

“Of what, the fact that you are now ahead of me in the Chain of Command, but that I outrank you by several hours? I couldn’t possibly imagine,” he contemplated with feigned mild interest, even as he was led towards their waiting meal.

She merely smiled as they entered the kitchen. “We’ll see.”


Vice Admiral Ricky Wegener
Drunk For A Good Cause

Commander Li Hawke
In High Spirits

Commander Sakkath


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