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This Is A Woman's World

Posted on Sat Aug 11th, 2012 @ 9:59pm by Jasper Crayton & Tulira Rakykchim
Edited on on Sat Aug 11th, 2012 @ 10:01pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Promenade

“What are you doing Tulira…do you know how much I paid for that table?!”

Jasper’s new employee had been lost in her thoughts for a while when he came up behind her. She had arrived early to work that day and was waiting for him to get there. She had been thinking. The kind of thinking where your eyesight goes blurry without you even knowing it and anything you hear seems far off even if it’s source is right next to you. She was thinking about how disappointed her father, Ramtha, had been when she told him she was moving to the other side of the planet to get a job on the space station. He had always dreamed of seeing his only daughter take a fine young man as her husband; of seeing all the fine daughters she would have with him and watching them grow up strong and true. However, Tulira’s news put a sudden end to all his dreams. At that moment, all emotion had dropped from his face and he retreated into his bedroom, as he had done many times in the past when arguing with Tulira’s mother, Tinithra. However, this time it had been different. There was no shrill whine of disgust or stomping out of the room or door slamming. All emotion had dropped from Ramtha’s face. Then he turned and walked slowly into the bedroom. Maybe it was only his slack posture and the juxtaposition of his small frame against the huge bed he was sitting on that seemed to heighten his look of sadness to utter despair. Tulira had never seen her father that way and it made her feel very uncomfortable. She walked around the bed and kneeled on the floor in front of him so she could look up into his eyes. She tried to explain. She reminded him how she always said she wanted to go into space and tried to get him to share her excitement at the notion. She told him it wasn’t too far and that she would visit often, exclaiming how she would someday be able to make the journey home in the blink of an eye. However, seeing that no attempt at an explanation was likely to bring about a change in her father’s mind, Tulira became impatient and annoyed; intentionally offering up the false conclusion that she was just doing what he had been nagging her to do for a long time; getting a job. At that moment, Ramtha came to realize his daughter had only been trying to placate him and his resolve changed. He was just going to have to live with her decision. She was a grown woman and she could do as she pleased. Just as all women could. It was a woman’s world after all.

Jasper was oblivious to the sad, faraway look on his new employee’s face. All he cared about was his property and how Tulira appeared to be damaging one of his new tables by scratching some graffiti symbol into the top of it with her thumbnail.

“Hey Tulira, WHAT are you doing?!”

Still lost in her thoughts, Tulira muttered:

“I let him down…”

“What?...what are you talking about?…never mind… right now you’re letting your boss down. Now stop ruining my table!”

Jasper placed his hand over Tulira’s to stop her and was struck by how small his hand appeared on top of hers.
Snapped back into the here and now by Jasper’s touch, Tulira looked down at his hand and smiled. She was amused he thought he could stop her with his weak little hand. Laughing cockily, she said:

“Now control yourself boss…you don’t want me to have to file a complaint do you?”

Abashed at her inappropriate playfulness, Jasper was at a loss for words and as Tulira stood up, he was once again in awe of her. He had to take two steps back just to take her all in. She wasn’t dressed suggestively but she looked sexy nonetheless. She was muscular but curvy and looked like she could easily bring him to his knees; either by flaunting her feminine attributes in his face or by simply submitting him to her will by force. She both excited him and sent a tremble through his body.

Tulira wasn’t blind to the affect she had on Jasper and although he wasn’t bad to look at, she barely knew the man; she thought it best not to pursue him; he was her boss.

With as much composure as he could muster, Jasper asked Tulira:

“Could you please not deface the tables…or anything else here please?”

Looking down at the table she had just been leaning on, Tulira was finally cognizant of the deep scratches about which Jasper had been talking.

“I didn’t do that. I may have been tracing the outline of them unconsciously but I didn’t make those scratches. They were already there.”

“Ok...I believe you. If you ever see anybody doing that, please ask him or her to stop. Now, let’s get you trained. The beverage machines are easy to use. I’ll show you. Come on.”

“You’re going to show me? Are you sure you know how? Couldn’t one of the female employees show me?”


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