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A Visitor and Good Wishes

Posted on Sat Aug 18th, 2012 @ 5:59pm by Ensign Ian Bren & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jonas Levin & Lieutenant Eric Edwards

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Piper Medical

Despite his earlier discomfort over having something moving inside his belly, Ian had napped. And dreamed. Ian didn’t catch much of the dream, scary as it was. What he did catch was blonde hair, pain, rage, a sharp sense of hatred and screaming, lots of screaming. So much so that he woke himself up by screaming.

Just about woke Eric, too. Certainly made the Security officer jump to his feet and grab Ian by the shoulders. “Ian, wake up!”

“Augh!....” Wide-eyed, Ian stared at Eric then nodded, “Yeah, yeah, I’m awake. I’m good.” His heart was racing and he felt a bit like he’d just gone a round with a Klingon.

“Okay,” Eric squeezed Ian’s shoulder and went back to his chair. He wasn’t in it long, as the door chimed and he keyed it open. Looking the man standing there up and down, Eric asked, “Who are you?”

“Senior Chief Petty Officer Jonas Levin, Stellar Cartography.” Jonas shifted the big bouquet of brightly-colored balloons to his left hand and offered his right to Eric. “I work with Ian, Lt. Edwards.”

From behind Eric, Ian said, “Hello, Levin! Eric, it’s okay, he’s a friend.”

Being in Security, Eric had learned long ago that there was no such thing as ‘okay’ when on protection duty. He shook Levin’s hand then explained, “Friend or not, I have my orders. Just a quick pat down and I’ll leave you two alone.”

“Certainly.” Jonas spread his feet apart and held his arms out from his sides so that Eric could do his duty.

The search was nearly perfunctory, but Eric was professional and thorough. “‘kay, you two behave,” he said as he stepped around Jonas and into the hallway.

Shaking his head, Ian laughed, “A pat down? Seems they really think that someone might try to hurt me now.”

Jonas moved over to Ian’s bedside, setting the gold foil and ribbon-covered box that held the balloon ribbons on the table by his bed. “These are from all of us in Science. I’m glad to see you up and looking so chipper.” He paused a moment as he pulled a chair over and sat down. “They must have good reason, Ian. I’d have been more concerned if he’d just let me waltz right in here without question.”

“I suppose,” Ian shrugged and smiled at the balloons. “It’s not like I’m sick or dying, you know. In fact, this is a reason to celebrate! I’m a joined Trill now!” His glee showed through easily; with Norval and Eric, ...hell, with anyone not rightly called a ‘friend’, he’d remain somewhat reserved about how happy this made him. “I’m already starting to get some memories from the past hosts. It’s all really muddled, though.” He paused and looked at Jonas then admitted, “This is going to be such an interesting time!”

“I can only imagine, Ian. And you’re right, it is reason to celebrate. That’s why we decided on balloons instead of flowers. Tess was right, they seemed a little too...what’s the word? Funereal?”

“Morbid? That’s another word I’d assign to flowers. Isn’t it still a human tradition to put flowers on the spots where dead people are buried?” He wrinkled his nose in good humor, but a sudden faraway look hit him. Then he nodded, “Yes, that is a human tradition, still. Someone just told me so.” He rubbed his belly pouch.

“It is, but they are also given to those recuperating in hospitals, and to women or men one loves. All depends on the context, like so many things in this life. So tell me, how does it feel? And what happens now? I’ll bet the Commission is having a field day with this.”

“It’s weird, Levin. There’s this...,” he held a hand over where the symbiont was, “...thing moving in here and it isn’t me, but it is me. And I’ve been getting flashes of knowledge and... familiarity with things I don’t know. Like, earlier, Norval mentioned a Jackson somebody. I don’t know any Jacksons. Johnson, sure. But... the name is familiar and I’d know the guy by face now.”

Jonas smiled at the mention of Jackson. “He owns the Nexus Club here and is a pretty popular fellow. A bit of a mystery though. Aside from some raucous nights in the Wormhole, most don’t know a lot about him, other than women eye him a lot but I never hear of him connected to anyone. One of your others knew him I take it?”

“Yeah... I’m not sure which one yet, though I’d guess it was Natalia, since she was here,” Ian bit the corner of his bottom lip. “There’s a ritual, the zhian’tara, wherein I’ll get to speak to each past host and ask questions,” he shook his head then tried to explain it better, “I mean... Bren’s had three hosts, so I’ll need three volunteers, who will temporarily act as conduits for the past hosts, so I can ask them questions and get a feel for each of them.”

“You sound nervous about it,” Jonas observed. “Are you worried?”

“A little. I’m worried about asking the right questions. Also, Security’s going to be there. Apparently they hope to get some answers from the Natalia host.”

“Was there a problem with her?”

“Uh...,” Ian wondered whether he was allowed to tell anyone. No one had told him to keep it a secret..., “It sounds like she went a little nuts and kidnapped some people and tried to kill them. One of them turned the tables, though, to my good fortune.”

“Then you’re lucky whoever it was was there. That’s despicable, and her a doctor.” Jonas shook his head in apparent disbelief. For an instant he was thankful Ian wasn’t empathic or telepathic. “At least you’re doing okay. I promised Commander Hardass, I mean Leroy that I’d relay the message that you could take a few days off if you need them.”

“Good, I think I’ll take those days! Not often that Hardass gives us something,” Ian smiled. “Besides, I’d like to stay near Norval, he’s my mentor in all of this. Tonight, we’re going to the Nexus, if Doctor Harding lets me out in time. You should get Haskell and Mills and come, too.”

“I’ll call them as soon as I leave here.” Jonas paused a moment as he regarded Ian. “This ritual you have to do. Would it help if I offered my services?”

Ian regarded Jonas for a moment. The man was older than him by more than a few years, but then... who wasn’t older than him? “I’d really appreciate that, Levin. Thanks,” Ian responded, his tone expressing his gratefulness. “I’ll let you know when and, hopefully, what to expect.”

“Consider it done. So when can we spring you out of here?”

“The Doctor said something about holding me here for a few hours. I’m not sure how long I napped, but Eric and Norval will let me know when I can leave. Eric, at least will.” He smiled and waggled his eyebrows.

Jonas merely nodded, though he gave a polite smile. So it was like that was it? That little nugget of information might come in handy in the near future. Ian wasn’t really his type, but then Jonas really has no type in the line of duty. He reached over to pat Ian’s hand reassuringly.

“I know this is a huge change for you but don’t stress too much, okay? Rest up, get out of here and get your dancing shoes on. Tonight we celebrate.”

“Good!” Ian smiled, thinking nothing of Jonas’ hand on his. “Send Eric back in on your way out, would you, please?”

“Be glad to.” Jonas stood up, preparing to go. “See you tonight then.” He turned and departed the room, stopping to pass Ian’s request along to Eric before he vanished down the hall.

Ian Bren

Eric Edwards

Jonas Levin


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