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Returning to the Hive

Posted on Sun Aug 19th, 2012 @ 4:35pm by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Ignatius Reilly & Janice Gree & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Jackson Banning V & Cassidy Wilde

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Nexus Club

Tired, but happy, Janice leaned over a table to move the candle to the exact center. Last night, she’d been able to sit and talk with her friend, the one she wasn’t telling Jackson or Vic about, and their talk had segued into some very lovely, very satisfying action. Thus, she had more than one reason to be happy. Jackson returning to the Nexus this evening was another big source of happiness.

“And think of the devil, there he is,” she smiled as she spied the man himself coming into the club. Spreading her arms wide, she went over and enveloped him in a tight hug.

“How’s my favorite lady?” Jackson hugged her tight and planted a kiss on her cheek. “You have no idea how good it feels to be back here.” He was smiling ear to ear.

“And it’s good to have you back here.” She backed out of the hug and looked him up and down. “You seem to be all in one piece again - still. You and the crazy one still getting along?”

“Bliss Jan, absolutely. I’m just afraid I’ll wake up and none of it will have happened, ya know?” He straightened his bow tie, then returned the scrutiny. “And what are you so happy about?”

She pinched him, making him exclaim “Ow!” and wince. “You’re not dreaming, kid. And I’m just thrilled that you’re back. Means I can take some days off in the next week.”

“I thought that was supposed to start tomorrow missy.” He rubbed his arm where she’d pinched it. “Good thing I love you, that hurt like a --” He was interrupted by the door at the bar opening and turned to look. And give a low whistle.

Jan, too, turned to look. She didn’t whistle, but she did nod in appreciation of Cass’ attire: a long black gown with a single strap swept up and over one shoulder; diamonds glimmered on her shoulder and on the fitted waist of the dress. “Very nice, Cassidy.”

Pulled out of her own little world, she glanced up, catching sight of Jan and Jackson. She smiled at both of them, her demeanor noticeably brighter than the night before. “Thank you, Jan.”

This time, Cassidy didn’t hesitate; she came right up to Janice and gave her a warm hug. “You look gorgeous, as always.”

“Thank you, dear.” Over Cass’ shoulder, she gave Jackson a quick lift of her eyebrows. “You look... brighter.”

Jackson was just as surprised but he gave Jan a slight shrug. He had no clue.

Pulling back, she looked at Jan and held the El Aurian woman’s gaze for a few moments, then smiled knowingly. “So do you.” There was a mischievous sparkle in her eye.

“Well, of course I do!” Janice’s tone took on a slight admonishing note. “You’re here and now Jackson is back, too, safe and healthy, and ...seemingly happy.”

“Uh-huh.” Cassidy looked slightly skeptical, but didn’t push the issue. Turning, she faced Jackson finally. It was the first time she had seen him since the day in Sickbay. Not willing to allow things to be awkward on her end, she moved forward and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tight. “Hello Jackson.”

“Hey Cass.” He hugged her tight and meeting Jan’s eyes as he looked over the top of her head, he smiled. “There was a few minutes there I wasn’t so sure we’d all be back here together again. At the risk of bein’ mushy. It’s good to be back.”

Leaning back, she shook her head. “Oh ye of little faith. I told ya I’d get ya outta there.” Raising up on tippy toe, she pressed a quick kiss to his cheek and let go of him. “It is good to be back.” The last thing Cass wanted was for any of them to get mushy right now. “Yer lookin’ very well, though not exactly...rested.”

“Yeah well.....I have some catchin’ up to do.” Jackson fell silent and left it at that. Moments later, the doors opened again.

“Well, well, I see the slacker’s back.” It was Vic’s voice, full of laughter as he joined the group and wrapped an arm around Jackson’s shoulders. His eyes, however, were on Cassidy and he seemed to have suddenly lost the power of speech.

“Cat got your tongue Vic? Or should I say Cass?” Jackson smiled ear to ear. Vic didn't seem to hear him.

“He’s another one that’s got his head in the clouds and thinkin’ he’s dreamin,” Jan muttered with no shortage of humor in her voice. She reached over and pinched Vic, just as she had Jackson.

“Ow!” Vic snapped back to reality. “What was that for?”

“Just seein’ if you were alive in there.” Jackson looked from Vic to Cass and without a word, he moved over to the bar and began to fix his usual lemonade. “Hey Jan?”

“Yes, Jackie?”

“When was the last time Ops did an environmental check in here?” His tone was casual, accompanied by the sound of ice cubes dropping into a glass.

Her brow wrinkled as she tried to follow Jackson’s jump in topics, and stayed that way as she tried to recall when the check was last done. “Sometime... seems like last week? Maybe it was two weeks ago. Why?”

“Just curious. Seems like somethin’s in the air around here.” He grinned at her, then shot a look to Vic and Cass. “I’m gonna go take a few to get caught up before the first set starts. Let me know when Eli gets here, okay?”

“Will do,” Janice nodded and glanced at Vic and Cass. Wisely, she moved to the bar as well, leaving those two to themselves.

Very much aware that the others had moved off and left her alone with Vic, Cassidy waited for him to say something. When he didn’t, she narrowed her eyes. She should have walked away before things had become so...drawn out and filled with expectation. Well so much for subtle. Say somethin’, dammit.

You took my breath away, Cass. And around here, there are few secrets. I gave up on that idea a long time ago. He slipped his hands around her waist and pulled her in close, then smiled. From the bar, Jan could see his changing expression, as if he were conversing but not a sound was uttered.

Good thing yer breathin’ now, she teased, trying and failing to keep a decent distance between their bodies. Maybe ya should let me go. As I recall, gettin’ this close to me causes certain side effects. Cassidy’s blue-green gaze went in a decidedly southbound direction and she smiled, knowing she was playing with fire.

Funny. He grumbled softly as he looked down at her. Something to think about while slaving away behind the bar you know.

Behind them, a familiar voice spoke up, “Evening.”

* * *

Earlier that morning, Oralia had left Jackson's quarters; she had a department to run and that's just what she went off and did. She was also leaving Jackson alone for most of the day so that he could sleep and rest up for his first night back at the Nexus Club. Her duty hours had gone by in a flash, and, fortunately for her, Iggy wasn't around when she retreated to her quarters to dress for the evening; otherwise, she might be sporting the arachnid as an accessory.

Her dress, a simple black jersey knit, clung to her curves and swept the floor, hiding her legs and shoes. The back of it, though, plunged low enough to expose the small of her back; strategic ribbons held the front of the dress in place. She'd chosen it because her short hair let the pattern of ribbons be the center of attention. She had managed to mar the beauty of the dress: she had clipped her commbadge onto the fabric 'v' just below and between her breasts.

Entering the Nexus before any patrons were there, she saw Vic and Cassidy standing near each other, seemingly conversing without words. The exchange had her narrowing her eyes and recalling that both had telepathic blood in them. "Evening," she greeted them.

Vic looked up, startled out of the mental conversation. Seeing Oz he gave her a smile. “Good evening Commander.”

“Hi, Vic. Is Jackson here yet?”

“Sure is, he’s in his office. He just went back there, so you can catch him before he gets swept up into the evening.”

Cassidy took the opportunity to break free from Vic’s embrace and smiled at Oz, coming over to hug her. “Oralia, you look wonderful.” It was a quick hug, but something felt odd. Glancing down, she saw the cause and her eyes widened. That had to be one of the oddest places she’d ever seen a commbadge.

“Thank you, so do you,” Oz responded; Cass’ elegant dress made hers look... casual by comparison. Then she noticed Cass’ gaze and followed it. “I know they’re a bit highlighted in this dress, Cass, but...,” she leaned in towards Cass and whispered, “’re staring.”

Cassidy couldn’t help it. She started laughing; an honest and unrestrained laugh. The idea that she might have been staring at Oralia’s breasts just struck her as hilarious. “Oh honey...if ya keep that thing there, everyone else will be starin’, too. I wasn’t lookin’ at yer breasts, but the placement of yer commbadge.” She smiled brightly, still amused.

“Where else would I put it?” Now Oralia’s attention was also on her cleavage.

“Good question.” Vic cleared his throat and turned towards the bar. Too much attention on the Chief of Security’s assets for him to deal with. “I’m going to get to work...somewhere else. Later ladies,” and he hurried off.

“Hmm...up here,” Cass reached up and gestured to the shoulder strap on Oz’s dress. “They sure don’t take into account the need for something smaller and more fashionable when they design those things, do they?” She crossed her arms, a thoughtful expression on her face, then held her hand out. “I can at least make it look better, if ya trust me with it for a few minutes?”

Pulling it off her dress, Oz handed it over. “If it chirps, come get me. I’m going to go interrupt Jackson, before he gets too involved in work.” She smiled and lightly squeezed Cass’ bicep. As she stepped away from her, towards Jackson’s office, the hem of the dress shifted slightly, exposing the zebra-striped heels she was wearing.

Seeing the shoes, Cassidy’s eyebrow arched up. They were quite flamboyant compared to the simple elegance of Oralia’s black dress. “I’ll have it back to ya in a few minutes.”

“Have what back to her?” The voice was just behind Oz, and it was Eli’s. Since he was in the Nexus, he had his usual mental antenna blocked, so when Oz turned and he realized who it was, he blushed a furious red. “Oh. Um, hi Commander.”

“Hi, Eli,” Oz shot him a smile and kept walking, oblivious to Eli’s change of color.

After Oz passed, he stood watching her a moment, knowing where she was going. He smiled, then turned to Cass. The blush lingered as he looked back at her. “Evening Cass, how are you?”

Smiling, she regarded the young man’s scarlet tinged complexion. “I’m doin’ very well, thank you.” Stepping closer, Cassidy reached up and put a hand to his cheek, then his forehead. “How are you doin’, Eli? Ya look a little flushed, darlin’,” she remarked calmly, knowing full well the reason for his discomfort.

“I’m fine, really. Just that Oz makes me a little nervous, that’s all.” Eli slipped out from beneath her hand.

Another early arrival came in: Chance Conradi. And attached to his shoulder and hair: Iggy. Her pedipalps were furiously waving in the air and stroking her fangs. ...she is here, Chance, the spider was commenting as she and Chance drew close to Cassidy and Eli.

“Fine, then we’ll look for her,” Chance whispered, noticeably irritated with the arachnid, then beamed a smile at Eli and the very pretty blonde he was talking to. “Let me guess, Eli, this is your secret lover, Ms. Wilde?” He winked at the woman. With his dark hair and blue eyes, it was easy to see his relationship to Oralia.

Iggy confirmed it: Hello, Cassidy!

Hi Iggy, she replied to her eight-legged friend, then turned her attention on the new comer. “Secret...?”

“This is Cassidy, yes. Cass, meet Chance Conradi. Oz’s brother and my... yeah. So, Iggy, how are you?” Eli was suddenly wishing that someone somewhere would call him and send him off to do..something.

“Pleasure to meet you, Cass,” Chance bowed slightly, resulting in a mental grumble from Iggy. They both then answered Eli:

Bothered, but otherwise fine. Iggy flicked a leg against Chance’s hair.

“She’s annoying.” Chance gave the spider a sideways glare.

“Enchanté, Chance.” Cassidy ignored the grumblings of all three and smiled charmingly at Eli’s beau. “If I’m going to be accused of bein’ Eli’s secret lover, then you’d best be careful...or I’ll steal him away from you and ruin him completely.”

“Oh, beautiful Cassidy, I’ve already ruined him,” Chance smiled and pulled Eli close for a quick kiss on the cheek.

She could say more, a lot more, but Eli looked like he’d had enough and being fond of him, she decided not to torture him anymore.

Eli smiled at the kiss. “What he says is true, Cass. I’m now worthless.” And dying here Chance.

“Not entirely worthless.” She winked at both of them, then sighed. “Oh well, my loss.” Turning gracefully, she sauntered away to go perform fashion surgery on the clunky commbadge. “Ya can both make it up to me later with a dance,” she called over her shoulder.

“I’m not going to stick around, actually. I came by to see if I could leave Iggy here, in Jackson’s office,” Chance said, leaning closer to Eli.

“Another time, perhaps.” Pausing, she looked back again. “Iggy? Would ya like to come with me for a few?” Cass knew Oz had just gotten in with Jackson and would probably appreciate a few more minutes of privacy.

“Yeah, Iggy going in there right now is SO not happening, Chance. She’s gonna have to spend some quality time with you.” Eli grinned. “Maybe hanging on the bedroom wall.”

“Oh, c’mon....”

Oralia is in there, is she not? Iggy asked. With Jackson.

Understanding bloomed on Chance’s face. “Oh. I see. Alright, then, Iggy, looks like I’m stuck with you.” He kissed Eli quickly, “I’ll see you in a bit.”

“Let her go with Cass for a few?” Eli slipped his hand into Chance’s, squeezing it lightly.

Iggy began to chant: Cassidy, Cassidy!, and Chance rubbed his face with his free hand. “Gladly.” He looked up and saw Cass, head down, concentrating on something in her hands. “Ms. Wilde? Iggy would love to spend a few minutes with you.”

Retracing her steps, she returned to the small group. “Please call me Cassidy. I’m not a ‘Ms.’ if yer gonna call me that, I’m a ‘Miss’,” she chided gently, then realized for perhaps the first time she would need to carry Iggy. “Oh boy...” Still holding Oralia’s commbadge in her palm, she opened both and held them flat for the over-sized arachnid. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Iggy, but I’ve never willingly carried a spider in my bare hands before. I promise I won’t drop ya.”

“Dropping her would be fatal to her,” Chance warned then shifted so that Iggy could more easily reach Cass’s hands.

Having ceased her chant just a moment before, Iggy carefully made the transition from shoulder to hands. Cassidy, thank you! Have you any hissing roaches? It didn’t escape her attention that the commbadge in her hand tasted of Oralia.

“Yes, I know that Chance, hence why I said I wouldn’t do it.” The feel of the spider’s feet on her palms was odd, but not as bad as she had thought it would be. Besides, this was Iggy. I’m sorry, Iggs. If I had known I was gonna see ya tonight, I would have stopped and picked up a few of them for ya. I can get some tomorrow when I go out.

It is all right. You could not have seen the future. May I have some beer? Iggy rested in her hands.

Grinning, Cassidy thought back to the night she had walked in on Iggy drinking beer and the cursing lesson with Jackson. Maybe a little beer, but I have to take care of somethin’ for Oralia first. Leaving Eli and Chance behind, Cass glanced over at Vic briefly before heading for the employee office in the back. As she went, she started singing ‘Fly Me To The Moon’.

Inexplicably, Vic choked on the water he was drinking behind the bar. He wiped his chin, then looked up to see Chance and Eli watching him. “What?”

“Forget how to drink, Vic?” Chance teased the well-muscled man.

“It just went down the wrong way is all.” Cass.....just you wait.... He smiled back at the two young men.

The only response that came from her was to sing louder.

“Uh huh.” Eli looked utterly unconvinced, but then again he had a little inside knowledge, gleaned from past evenings around Vic.

Vic shot him a warning glance, but all Eli did was smile and give Chance a ‘later’ look.

Chance gave him a finger waggle and headed out, pleased to be sans arachnid.

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Man At Work
The Nexus Club

Janice Gree
Queen Bee & the Epitome of Discretion

Cassidy Wilde
Hostess & Elegant Mischief Maker
The Nexus Club

Drinking Problem?

Cadet 4th Class Eli Ziyad
Surrounded By Unsettling Women (Yes Iggy, That Includes You)

Oralia Zeferino
Unable to Appropriately Accessorize

Cadet 4th Class Chance Conradi
Over Babysitting the Arachnid

Ignatius J. Reilly
Upset and Acting Out


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