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Lemonade and Bourbon

Posted on Wed Aug 22nd, 2012 @ 5:25pm by Cassidy Wilde & Jackson Banning V

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Nexus Club
Timeline: After 'Politeness Is Golden'

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

Jackson stood at the bar discussing a few issues with Jan in the wake of Ian’s outburst. Things had settled down, thankfully, but Jackson had to admit he was a little unsettled at the idea of sitting down with the young man tomorrow. He’d known Trills most of his adult life, but he’d never had to deal with meeting a new host of one he’d had sex another body. Not to mention that the host was now a man. It was enough to give a guy mental whiplash.

As Jan moved away, Jackson’s attention moved to the dance floor. The man who’d stopped by to talk to Oz was now dancing with Cass. The man he hadn’t seen in the Nexus before but it was a huge station, that didn’t mean much. Jackson’s focus at the moment was Cass. She looked a little less wound up than she had after Ian had screamed at her but from this distance it was hard to tell, really. As the music faded and Cass and the man left the floor, Jackson turned to Vic.

“Hey Vic, two of my after hours lemonades, will ya? An’ let Jan know Cass will be on break a few more? Gonna talk to her about that incident earlier.”

“Sure thing.” Vic mixed the drinks and set them on the bar. He noted Cass moving their direction and his smile returned immediately.

Jackson watched the bartender and shook his head. “Yer beamin’, Vic. Keep that up, we can save some on the energy usage around here.”

Vic’s reply was to ball up a napkin and toss it at Jackson just as Cass arrived.

It bounced off of Jackson’s chest and made a beeline for the floor. Quick as a cat, Cassidy’s hand shot out and caught it. Flinging it back at Vic, she smiled. “Litterbug.” She glanced at both men, getting the feeling she just missed something. “What’re you two trouble makers up to?”

“I was just teasing Vic about how brightly he’s shining, that’s all.” He picked up the two drinks and passed one to Cass. “Come, have a drink with me.” He led the way to one of the small round tables that dotted the bar area and waited for her to sit first.

Settling into her seat, she placed the glass on the table. Wondering what he wanted to talk to her about, she remained quiet and watched as Jackson sat down.

He had a sip of his drink as he looked her over. “So how’re ya doin’ after all that craziness?”

“My ears have stopped ringin’ finally,” she joked lightly, but she wasn’t smiling. “It wasn’t the most pleasant thing to deal with, but I’ll be alright once the headache is gone all the way.” Taking a sip, she blinked as she realized it wasn’t straight lemonade. Cass hadn’t even looked at the drink to notice the difference before. “He’s got Natalia’s symbiont now. It was Bren that reacted to seein’ me.”

“I know. I met him when he came in and it was...interestin’. Imagine sleepin’ with someone, then later meetin’ what made them ‘them’, but in a male body now. An’ meetin’ his eyes knowin’ he knows way too much about me. Same for you too in a slightly different way. It’s awkward as hell, but I feel for the kid. I cannot imagine bein’ in his shoes.”

“When ya think ‘bout it that way, it’s pretty messed up.” What was messed up, too, was the fact that Cassidy had mixed feelings about the symbiont having survived the ordeal with Natalia. “I’ll admit I’m a little worried about how much influence Bren might have over Ian. I don’t know enough about Trills to know if what happened with Nat will cause problems still or not.” Reaching up, she ran her fingers through her hair.

“What I've always understood was that it’s still Ian, just with more memories now. Norval has several hosts’ worth of memories but it didn’t make him turn into them. Make sense?” Jackson sipped his drink and reached over to squeeze her hand.

Nodding, she held onto his hand, appreciating the comforting gesture. “Yes, it does. It’s just too bad he’ll be stuck with her memories. For his sake, it would be better if he didn’t have to deal with them at all.”

“Maybe, but that’s what they value - the varied experience. And he seems like a good guy, maybe he can use those memories to help fix what she did.”

“What’re ya talkin’ about?” Stiffening, she frowned. “How can he fix what she did?”

“She had a bigger plan than just us, Cass. Remember what she said about usin’ Archadian weapons? Ya think that won’t stir up trouble between the planet and the station?” Jackson frowned as he recalled Natalia’s words, only dimly remembered now.

Cassidy remembered everything Natalia had said. She’d even heard some of what evil maggot bitch had said before she came back into the room. The walls weren’t as thick as they had looked. “Yes, I remember. I also remember the Archadian women that were at the bar that caused the fuss right before Zachary Chase zapped me.” Her voice got quiet for a moment. “I remember everything.” Looking up, she met Jackson’s blue gaze.

“Which means there was a bigger plan, we were just a means of stirring it up. See what I mean? If you hadn’t been successful, it would have appeared that two station residents were murdered by Archadians, and military at that. That would cause serious problems, Cass. There was some trouble not long ago on that front and any more could break down our ties with the planet. Shit.” He rubbed his forehead. “I know Security knows about the weapons, but Kh’ali has to be warned.”

Releasing his other hand finally, she picked up her drink again and took a sip. “Odds are Natalia wasn’t actin’ on her own. And there’s no way she was just a Starfleet Medical officer.”

“No, that was painfully obvious.” He sighed aloud. “I’m supposed to talk to Ian tomorrow, I'll make sure he understands how it was down there.”

“Jackson? I’m pretty sure there was someone else there.” She closed her eyes, her thoughts turning inward and back to the days they were trapped in the dark room together. Cassidy shuddered visibly, remembering the feeling more clearly now that she had some distance from everything. “I didn’t see anyone until the day Natalia showed up, but I sensed someone.” Opening her eyes, she held Jackson’s gaze. “He...was watching us,” she whispered just loud enough for him to hear.

“That seems to point to the idea she wasn’t alone. Ya need to let Oz know so she can pass it on to Intel too.” He drank down the last of his lemonade, then smiled. “The sooner the better.”

After the discussion with Oralia about Suresh, evidence and what could or couldn’t be proven, Cass wasn’t so sure her ‘sensing’ someone watching what happened at the warehouse could be put in the reports, but it was still information. Would it even be seen as credible information? Remembering her experience with Lt. Darwin, she hedged a little. “Ya don’t think it would be better comin’ from you? Everyone believes what you tell them.”

Jackson shook his head. “I can’t describe what you felt Cass, and that may be important.”

“Color me skeptical ‘bout bein’ believed by anyone in Security at this point in the game.” Cassidy finished her lemonade and bourbon before she continued. “Oz might believe me.” Pressing the heel of her palm to her temple, she winced. “As long as I don’t have to talk to Lt. Darwin ‘bout it. He’ll just think I’m makin’ it up. I didn’t think about it again until just now.”

“He might surprise ya Cass. Anyhow, you an’ I need to get back to work before Vic wonders if I’m snakin’ his woman. If you two wanna take off a little early, feel free. I can cover for ya up front.”

His woman?” She was half tempted to kick his shin under the table, but she remembered what Vic had said about secrets. At least ones about relationships, Cass thought to herself. She finally smiled, a little extra color warming her cheeks. “It’s a bit early, but ya don’t have to worry ‘bout him thinkin’ that. He knows who holds yer affections.”

Jackson smiled and shook his head. “It’s good ta see ya both smilin’.” He stood and took the two empty glasses. “Soon as Jan starts her set, you two go ahead and hit the road an’ enjoy yerselves.”

“Thank you.” Cassidy stood up and pushed her chair in while giving him an exasperated look, but it was filled with good humor. “Givin’ me alcohol while I’m workin’...kickin’ me outta here early. Yer gonna spoil me.” Her smile brightened. “It’s good ta see you happy, Jackson."

“Thanks, I think we both deserve it.” He gave her a wink and moved off to the bar.

She watched him for a moment, then glanced over at Vic. She gave him a smile and a wave, before turning to go talk to Oralia once again.


Jackson Banning V
The Wheels Are Turnin’

Cassidy Wilde
Turnin’ Some of The Wheels


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