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Kid Gloves

Posted on Thu Aug 23rd, 2012 @ 1:53pm by Cassidy Wilde & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy
Edited on on Thu Aug 23rd, 2012 @ 2:06pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Nexus Club
Timeline: After 'Lemonade and Bourbon'

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

At one of the tables near Eric and Ian’s group, not too far from Oralia’s table and just off to the side from the Admiral’s table, Darwin and Gilroy companionably shared a table. Both men looked quite suitable for the Nexus. Darwin wore a dark sapphire blue jacket, with black shirt, tie and pants; Gilroy wore a classic black tuxedo. Both, though they looked like they were off duty, were on duty.

Darwin was because Eric was; Eric’s assignment overlapped with Darwin’s investigation and he wanted nothing to go wrong with either. The earlier scene with Cassidy Wilde and Ian Bren had nearly had Darwin out of his seat, drawing a phaser, and readying to arrest Cassidy Wilde again. Only Gilroy’s hand on his arm had held him back.

Gilroy was on duty because he’d taken a tip from an informant seriously: that Suresh would be in the Nexus. And there the man was. When he’d sat with Oralia, a growling Gilroy had nearly leapt up to go physically remove the man from the club. Darwin’s hand on his arm had stopped him.

At the moment, Darwin was laughing, loudly, at Gilroy’s expense. Gilroy had just told him what Iggy had said when he’d called her a bandersnatch. Between guffaws, Darwin was saying, “That’s... bloody... hysterical!” He tried to get serious when a beautiful woman approached the table. Not because she was beautiful, but because she was Cassidy Wilde.

Shit. Shit. Shit! Cass had told Jackson she didn’t want to end up talking to Lt. Darwin about what she remembered, yet who did Oralia pass her off to? Lieutenant Friggin’ Darwin. To make it worse, he was already watching her as she walked up to his table. Lovely. Seeing that he wasn’t alone, she smiled hoping to have a more pleasant interaction with the tall Security Officer this time than the last few times.

“Lieutenant Darwin,” she greeted him and nodded at his companion. “May I have a few moments of yer time?”

Darwin grinned and jauntily said, “Since I took more than a few moments of yours, I suppose you can have some of mine.” He gestured at Gil and added, “This is Lieutenant Gilroy; Gilly, this is Miss Cassidy Wilde.”

Looking her in the eyes, Gilroy nodded. “Nice to meet you, Miss Wilde. Please, have a seat with us,” he stood and pulled a chair out for her. As she adjusted her skirt and gracefully lowered herself into it, he pushed it in and took his seat again.

“Lieutenant Gilroy, it’s a pleasure.” Tilting her head, she looked up at him, a warm smile lighting up her expression. “Such a gentleman. Thank you very much.” Cassidy collected her thoughts and turned to focus her attention on Darwin. “Oralia informed me that yer handlin’ the investigation for the kidnappin’. I have some more information about what happened that needs ta be passed on ta Intel.”

“Sure, spill it, Miss Wilde,” Darwin smirked.

Sigh. For some reason, the smirk rubbed her the wrong way. Seemed like he still was suspicious of her, even though Jackson had confirmed everything she told him was true. Except for the misunderstanding on your part, missy. Cass wasn’t going to go there anymore. She hadn’t lied about her affection for Jackson. It was just...Not worth visiting again. Over, done with, gone.

“I was just talkin’ with Jackson a few minutes ago and I remembered somethin’. I told him I didn’t think Natalia Bren was workin’ alone. There was someone else there at the warehouse.”
Darwin’s expression went from slight boredom to raised-brow interest. “Someone else? Really?” He dragged the word ‘really’ out, making it obvious he didn’t quite buy it. Then he winced and jerked and shot a glare at Gilroy. “You just ...!”

Shaking his head, Gilroy looked at Cassidy and asked, “How do you know the man you were dancing with?”

Darwin was lucky Cass wasn’t telekinetic right at that moment. What she wouldn’t give to be able to pop him one without him knowing where it came from. The amusing thought kept her temper in check for the moment. That and getting distracted by Gilroy’s question.

“Who?” She had danced with a few men already, but instantly she knew which one he meant. “Suresh? I don’t know him. I just met him when I went over to Oralia’s table.”

“Interesting,” Gilroy nodded, still intently regarding Cassidy. Then he winced and reached down to rub his shin.

“So you saw another person at the warehouse? Can you describe the person? Male, female? Short, tall?” Darwin took Gilroy’s momentary distraction as an opening for his questions. He, too, was intently regarding Cassidy now and asked one more question: “Was she blonde?”

First there was Darwin’s really? and now Gilroy’s interesting. Taking a deep breath, she tried to remind herself that patience is a virtue. So were a lot of other things, but right then she was trying to not curse out loud from frustration. Glaring at him, she delivered a swift and sharp kick to Darwin’s leg.

Darwin grunted in pain and shot another glare at Gilroy, who merely took advantage of Darwin’s pause to ask, “Did you discuss anything while dancing with Suresh? Make any plans to see him after work?”

Shooting an incredulous look at the half-Klingon, Cassidy drew in a sharp breath. “Nothin’ of consequence was discussed durin’ our dance. He asked a few questions about the genre of the music and if I liked working here. I most certainly did not make any plans to see him after work.” She almost kicked him for even implying she would make arrangements to see Suresh after hours.

The part-Klingon had an answer to his question; Darwin still wanted one to his. He kicked Gilroy’s shin again; Gilroy coughed to cover his wince and Darwin practically ordered her, “Tell me about this other person in the warehouse.”

Cursing under her breath, she turned her head again. This was already getting to be like playing a tennis match from hell. Instead of a tennis ball being volleyed back and forth, it was questions being lobbed at her like nasty little grenades.

“To answer your earlier question, which I resent since it seems you’re still implyin’ I had somethin’ to do with it, no. It wasn’t this blonde.” Cassidy put a hand to her chest to indicate herself, in case he was really being slow tonight. “The problem is I didn’t ‘see’ this other person, but I knew he was there.” Gee, that sounds so convincing, Cassi. Well done. Her ire was climbing higher if her own inner voice was turning the snark back on her. “I sensed him...”

Darwin held up a finger, interrupting Cassidy and making her stop. This time, there was no kicking and no winces. Darwin and Gilroy both just looked at her. After a moment, they glanced at each other and Gilroy’s eyebrows twitched. Darwin turned back to Cassidy. “You ‘sensed’ him?” He used air quotes around ‘sensed’. He knew Cassidy was part Betazoid, so he could buy that she had sensed someone. “The person was male? Are you sure of that?”

When Darwin did the air quotes with his fingers, Cass had a momentary urge throttle him. She settled for another kick and almost laughed with glee when he glared at Gilroy again. Outwardly, her expression gave nothing away. However, when Darwin’s curiosity came through as honest about if the person was a man, she hesitated. “Yes, it was a man...I’m positive of it. He was watching...” As before with Jackson, her thoughts rolled back in on themselves. This time she really dug deep at the memory; tried to turn it over and examine it from every angle. It was different from things she actively remembered, but the info was there. “He was watching to see what would happen. His emotions were...detached. Cold.”

“But you didn’t see him? Can you describe him at all?” How far could a part-Betazoid’s abilities go?

Shaking her head in frustration, her long, blonde hair fell forward over her shoulders. “How am I supposed to describe him if I didn’t see him, Captain Brainiac?” she snapped more annoyed at herself because she couldn’t give him what he wanted.

“Hey, you’re the one with the...,” Darwin tapped his temple with a finger and then pointed that same finger at Cassidy.

Next to him, Gilroy rubbed a ridge on his nose; under the table, he kicked his compatriot again. “The information boils down to Natalia Bren not being alone in that plot,” he said, as if Darwin might have needed that clarified for him. “When you were talking with Commander Zeferino and Suresh, did you get a sense of anything from Suresh?”

From where she sat, Cassidy was able to look towards the bar without turning her head and catch sight of Suresh. “Deep and inconsolable grief.” Even from this distance, she could pick up on it. It radiated from him like a dark sun. No, that wasn’t right. What he felt was the complete and utter absence of light. “He mourns a lost love,” she murmured, then looked back at Gilroy. “His emotional pain is tremendous, but there’s also a physical pain that is somehow... connected to it. It’s on his left arm.” Placing her own left arm on the table, she stroked the smooth skin on her inner forearm.

“I’m sorry. I know what you’re askin’, Lieutenant Gilroy. It wasn’t Suresh at the warehouse.”

Gilroy and Darwin exchanged looks then had a conversation that was almost whispered:

“Natalia died just today. Could be the source of his grief?”

“No, we already have a body for that..., oh, right, you weren’t privy to that. Tell ya later,” Gilroy said.

“Wait... there was a body? So two..., OW! Would you stop doing that?” Darwin’s voice rose out of a whisper.

They both looked at Cassidy again and Darwin spoke, “If the fellow you ‘sensed’,” he did air quotes again, “in the warehouse were here, do you think you’d ‘sense’ him?”

Holding up her hand, she held off answering Darwin’s question a moment. “It’s not Natalia that Suresh mourns. She had brown eyes and light brown hair. His emotions are so strong I sensed more with him. The woman he loved had purple eyes and red’s a jumbled mess inside of his head, but his emotions and thoughts all revolve around her.” At that, Darwin and Gilroy shared a significant glance then went back to watching Cassidy.

She rubbed at her temple, doggedly willing the pain throbbing there to go away. “It’s not just that I sense emotions from others, I feel them, too. It was all I could do to not drown in his anguish with him.”

Deep breath in...hold it...exhale. Pushing the memory and emotional pain that wasn’t her own away, she watched the two Security Officers to see how her revelation went over.

Gilroy shrugged and sat back, glancing over towards Suresh. It was obvious the pretty blonde had no information that interested him. Darwin, however, leaned forward, his brown eyes intense. “Great, Suresh is grieving his favorite whor--,” he grunted and shot a look at Gilroy then amended his word, “...prostitute. That didn’t answer my question, Miss Wilde. If you were to come across this mystery fellow from the warehouse, do you think you might sense him or recognize him?”

Cassidy stared at Darwin for a moment. Favorite prostitute? She highly doubted that. The man worshipped the ground the woman had walked on; his love for her had crossed the line into obsession sometime ago.. Either way, she didn’t want to dwell on Suresh’s emotions. They were too intense.

“Yes, I would,” she started to say then froze. Her eyes widened; the pupils dilating rapidly, giving the brief impression her eye color had gone dark. “Holy shit...”

Both men startled. Darwin glared at her, “What? Dammit, woman, quit with the suspense-building!”

She met him glare for glare now, not backing down. “Suspense building? Fuck you, you overgrown jackass. Excuse the hell outta me while I recover from the shock of realizing he was here.” Forcing herself to take a steadying breath, she was still trying to single out the moment when she had sensed the man.

“He’s here?” Darwin’s brows reached for his hairline and he scanned the room; Gilroy did as well, sitting up and looking around. They were as obvious as prairie dogs on a desert floor lookout. “Where? Who?”

Putting her head in her hands, she leaned her elbows on the table - ironically, something she never would ever do while sitting at a meal. “No...he was here. Earlier. Back when Ian Bren screamed his fool head off at me, there were so many emotions all at once. It was difficult at the time to pay attention to anythin’ but his and those belongin’ to the Security Officer with him. Son of a bitch...he was so close.” Looking up, it was clear she was shaken, but determined as well. “He was watchin’ what happened again. I don’t think he’s very pleased that Natalia’s memories are hangin’ ‘round if ya get my meanin’.”

“Well, nothing like closing the barn door after the ass has left - erg!” Darwin glared at Gilroy, who merely lifted his shoulders. Gil knew Darwin’s sharp tongue was not about to withhold any snippy comments about how Cassidy’s information was coming just a little too late. Grumbling about having a black and blue shin, Darwin pulled out a PADD and made several notations.

In the meantime, Gilroy smiled at Cassidy; it came out looking like a grimace, thanks to his Klingon genes. “Miss Wilde, thank you for the information and your time. If you think of any other details, let Lieutenant Darwin know.” Now he grunted, and his smile twitched; Darwin had landed a good kick on his ankle. “Or Commander Zeferino, she’s a good contact point for you as well.”

Darwin’s comment might have been cut off, but enough of it was out for her to know exactly what he was thinking. Her own annoyance flared up in response. “You seem to keep conveniently forgetting that I was a victim in all of this and frankly, I’m getting more than a little tired of your attitude toward me, Lieutenant Darwin. I don’t know how many times I can ask for your forgiveness for holding you at gunpoint, but I will not tolerate being treated like I did something wrong because I fought back and survived,” she stated vehemently, her eyes flashing fire at him. Under the table, she nailed Darwin’s shin hard; the kick landing with unerring accuracy on an already much abused spot.

“That was you this time, Miss Wilde!” Darwin jabbed a finger at her. “I could arrest you for assaulting an officer,” he ground out.

“Dar,” Gilroy nodded his head towards Oralia, who was watching them now. Darwin glared at Cassidy then stood and went to Oralia’s table. Gilroy regarded Cassidy for a moment. “Normally, he’s pretty charming with women as pretty as you,” he said. It wasn’t quite an apology for his friend’s behavior. “The situation you’ve fallen into is larger than you realize, Miss Wilde. If we have any further questions for you, we know where to find you.”

With Darwin gone, she visibly relaxed. “And normally, my manners are much better and I’m a lot more polite, but I have my limits. I’m usually a lot more tolerant, but it’s been a rough week.” Cass smiled at Gilroy. “While I may not have all of the information on the situation, I’m aware of quite a bit of it and I know how serious it is.”

Gilroy wasn’t sure that she was aware of just how far-reaching the situation might be, but he nodded amicably. “I’m sure that in the future, Darwin will be his usual, charming self.”

“In the future, I shall endeavour to not allow him to ruffle my feathers.” Pushing her chair back, she rose in one smooth motion. “I must say, I am relieved to not have been caught in the crossfire of the shin kickin' war that was goin’ on underneath the table.” Cassidy smiled warmly and winked at the half-Klingon and gave his shoulder a squeeze. “Lieutenant Gilroy, it was nice meetin' you. Try to enjoy the rest of yer evenin’.”

“I will,” Gilroy smiled and lifted his glass to her. As she walked away, he spied Darwin rubbing his shin and chuckled.


Cassidy Wilde
Alive and Kickin’

Michael Darwin



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