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Spreading the News

Posted on Sat Oct 6th, 2012 @ 2:45pm by Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Ignatius Reilly & Janice Gree & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Jackson Banning V & Cassidy Wilde

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Nexus Club

“Well, well, if it isn’t our runaway owner,” Janice snidely commented as Jackson entered the Club. She frowned at him, noting he was awfully chipper. “I take it little Miss Fists was released yesterday? If not, you better have a damned good reason for runnin’ outta here.”

“She was indeed, and far be it from me to deny her the absolute joy of my presence for one second longer than necessary.” Jackson grinned back at Jan.

At his comment both Vic and Eli rolled their eyes and groaned in unison. “The ego, it knows no bounds,” was Vic’s comment.

“And I’m glad Iggy was at our place last night,” added Eli.

“I’m sure she just screamed with joy,” Janice retorted. “Don’t-- no need to comment on that, thanks.” She paused and looked him over. “I thought you were beyond the blindly, blissfully, sickeningly happy stage; what has you all worked up today?”

“Just a little something that happened last night is all.” Jackson paused to look at the four people he spent so much time with. “Why’re y’all so damned curious?”

So far, Cassidy had been quiet, just sitting back. “We’re yer friends, that’s why...and friends are nosey, I mean curious.” She grinned. “What’dya do? Ask Oralia to marry you?”

As her brows threatened to disappear into her hairline, Jan gaped at Jackson. “You didn’t, did you? Tell me no.”

Jackson’s smile spread wider and he nodded. “Yes. It was sorta spur of the moment an’ all but it just seemed to be the right time.” He didn’t say what Oz’s response had been, yet. “She was a little surprised at the weddin’ photo on my desk though.”

“No! That’s awful! you shouldn’t be doing things like that on a ‘spur of the moment’,” Janice wailed at him.

“The askin’ may have been spur of the moment, but this has been a long time comin’,” Cassidy said, watching Jackson. He looked like he owned Cloud Nine...and Ten, Eleven and Twelve, too. A tiny frown line appeared between her brows after a moment. “Weddin’ photo? What weddin’ photo?”

“Of his brother, Evan, and Evan’s new wife. They went off and played in the sand and surf for their honeymoon,” Janice filled Cassidy in on that tidbit then added, “Do you know that Evan is Jackson’s twin?”

Her eyes widened as she looked from Janice, to Jackson, to Vic and finally back to Jan. “Oh god, there’s two of him?”

“Yeah,” Jan nodded and laughed. “I feel bad for his mother - she had to deal with two of him plus four other boys plus a husband.”

“And they were the youngest, that always spells trouble.” Vic smiled and pulled out a bottle that bore a gold Banning Reserve label. “The good stuff.”

“Wait,” Eli held up his hand. “Before we start toasting, what did she say?”

Jackson looked over the staff and shook his head. “Young’uns. Do you really think I’d be this happy if she said no?”

“Well, I don’t know,” Vic answered. “A really good bl--”

“An’ she said yes.” Jackson cut off Vic before it got graphic. “Drinks!”

Vic! Cassidy’s cheeks heated up as she shot him a look, the color approaching the same shade of scarlet as her dress. I certainly hope you’re speaking from recent personal experiences. She sent the thought directly to him.

“Vic,” Janice whapped the bartender with a bar towel, “You’re sounding like that little monster.” She pointed at Jackson, “Soon to be your little step-monster.” Looking at Cass and then Vic again, she laughed, “And you’re making your girlfriend match her dress.”

Oh, absolutely. Vic smiled at Cass. “Hey!” He whipped the towel away from Janice. “Step-monster? You think I claim him? Oh, you mean Iggy. My vocabulary is considerably cleaner than hers.”

Eli laughed out loud. “Your vocabulary may be but your thoughts sure as hell aren’t.”

Cassidy gave up, feeling like her face was on fire, she mock glared at Vic, then smiled wickedly at Eli. “It’s entirely my fault. I’ve ruined him.”

“Cass, honey, I can assure you that he was ruined long before you.” Jackson smiled at her.

“Hey now!” Vic protested. “So when’s the date?”

Jackson shrugged. “Not sure yet, though Woodford will be here in two weeks.” He shot a sly look at Jan. “Assuming we see him.”

“What, so he can go be your best man?” Janice snorted and shook her head, though she was smiling, “Just for that, I’ll make sure you don’t.”

“You wouldn’t!” Jackson turned from his place at the bar, glass in hand. “Eli, would you let her get away with that?”

Eli smiled back at Jackson. “Hey, she’s older than me and can tell me what to do.”

Laughing, Jan winked at Eli. “Darn straight.”

Jackson was relieved to see Jan had settled down some. “So does this mean you’ll all be there? Y’all are, when ya get right down to it, my family here.”

Despite thinking that this would only end in disaster, and hoping it wouldn’t, Jan nodded slightly and smiled. “Just let us know when and where.”

“When and where for what?” A voice spoke up from behind Jackson and Cassidy. Chance Conradi, with an arachnid accessory, stood there, smiling.

Hello, all, Iggy added.

Turning around, Cassidy spotted Oralia’s brother and the giant spider. “Hello Chance, hi Iggy,” she smiled. “You haven’t heard yet?” She glanced at Jackson and wondered how it was that Oz hadn’t told her brother the happy news yet.

Chance glanced at Eli then Iggy then Cassidy and shrugged, “That Oralia’s out of jail and back on the Station, yeah.”

Smirking, Cassidy shook her head. “Oh, I think I’m gonna leave that one to Mr. Ego to enlighten ya, while I go cozy up next to Mr. Unclean Thoughts.”

Mr. Ego?, Iggy questioned while she watched Cassidy move to Vic’s side. At least she now knew who had unclean thoughts. That really left only Jackson as ‘Mr. Ego’. Jackson? What news have you?

“What the spider said. Spill it,” Chance echoed.

“I asked Oz to marry me a few hours ago.” He focused his attention on Iggy. “You were right.”

Iggy and Chance spoke over each other, an easy thing to do since Chance had to vocalize his words and Iggy could ‘speak’ directly into people’s heads. I am? I mean, I know I usually am, but what am I right about this time?

“Marry! And...,” Chance was scandalized, “...she said no, right?”

“Seriously Chance? Do you really think she would turn him down?” Eli looked almost indignant.

“Knowing Oz, yeah,” Chance nodded. He’d witnessed her sowing her wild oats during college and the Academy; he knew she had avoidance issues when serious subjects arose. And marriage? Pretty damned serious stuff right there.

“Hmm...good point,” Eli conceded.

“Umm, hello? Future groom standin’ right here boys.” Jackson waved Chance and Iggy over to the bar. “Come on you two, have a drink to celebrate.”

Chance grinned, still a touch disbelieving, but went over to accept a glass. He leaned close to the bar to let Iggy crawl off his shoulder. She’d been quiet for a moment too long and he asked, “Well?”

Well what? I am still waiting to hear how I was right this time, Iggy answered and dipped a leg in the amber liquid in Chance’s drink. Chance grimaced while Iggy cleaned the alcohol off her leg. OH!, she grunted mentally, That... that stings going down!

“Some of Jackson’s family’s finest, Iggy.” Vic dug out a small dish and poured some beer into it and slid it over to Iggy. “That better?”

“You remember that talk you an’ I had in my office Iggy?” Jackson passed his glass back to Vic for another.

I do, yes, Iggy moved to the saucer. Thank you, Vic.

“I just figured it was time. We’ve waited long enough. An’ before you ask, no, no one is gonna eat anyone else after the weddin’.” Jackson glanced from one to the other of the assembled group. “No comments from the peanut gallery.”

“Hey I wasn’t going to say anything but now that you mention it....” Vic simply smiled.

“Shut it you.”

Eli shot a glance at Chance and was suddenly overcome by a coughing fit. He reached for the water he’d been drinking earlier and drained down half the glass. “I’m okay,” he informed them, but shot a wary glance at Iggy. Hopefully, she’d been too interested in her beer.

The eating happens after the mating, Jackson, Iggy schooled the new groom then stopped and looked over at Eli. Wait, which eating are we talking about?

Sipping at the heavy bourbon, Chance just about choked then started laughing. “Iggs, let it go. No more eating comments.” He shook his head and only laughed when Janice shot him a dirty look.

“So, the news is out, I don’t suppose it’s any secret, and we have work to do. It’s getting to be that time, isn’t it?” Jackson finished what was left in his glass and passed it back to Vic. “And in honor of the occasion, free champagne tonight.” He winked at Janice. “On me.”

Sighing and rolling her eyes, Janice started to pull out a bottle of the bubbly stuff then paused and asked, “Free champagne for whom? Us or anyone who comes in the door?”

“Everyone.” He turned to Cass now. “Get with the wait staff, and have them give everyone a glass as they are seated. Any refills, they pay for. That better Jan?” Jan responded by simply raising a shoulder; it was as close as she’d get to saying yes.

“You got it, darlin’.” Cassidy smiled and came over to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Congratulations, Jackson. I’m happy for ya.”

Jackson hugged her back tight. “ Thanks, sunshine. I’m pretty damn happy for me too.”

“I need to go and bug Oz now,” Chance said. “Iggs, you wanna stay here or go with me?”

I will go! This is big news!, Iggy chirped, having already emptied her saucer of beer. As Chance picked her up again, she added, Jackson! Welcome to the Zeferino clan!

“Thanks, Iggy. Oz is joining the Banning clan, too. I’m not sure whether to be happy or pity her.” He grinned and waved to those gathered round. “Alright folks, let’s get movin’. I need to go change.”

“See you at home, Eli!” Chance waved and headed out while the others dispersed to get to work.


Jackson Banning V
Owner & Happy Man
The Nexus Club

Cadet 4th Class Eli Ziyad
Not Discussing The Menu

Vic, Bartender
The Man Of Unclean Thoughts

Cassidy Wilde
Hostess & Sunshine In Red
The Nexus Club

Chance Conradi
Iggy Transport

Mindful of the Menu

Janice Gree
Owner & Happy for Him
The Nexus Club


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