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New Girl

Posted on Thu Oct 11th, 2012 @ 1:42pm by Marina & Major Patrick Smith

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Blackbird - Patrick's ship

OOC: This happens after ‘Home Again’ (the one with Suresh, Nine, Jade & Marina)

* * * Blackbird | Hanger | Starbase 900 * * *

Pat Manipulated the controls when they docked to split up the two girls using the force fields and then to allow Suresh to leave with his. Using the console Pat sealed up the aft door and turned around in his chair to face her. “Well then Marina, looks like today is your lucky day.”

She’d heard the threat the Romulan had made to Jade about talking without permission and had remained quiet since then, but the pilot was speaking to her now and he looked as if he were waiting for a response. “How so?”

“Because your here and not outside with my boss,” Nine replied, still trying to decide in his head what to do with the girl. Suresh would definitely ask questions about her, and keeping her outside down below would save any awkward ones there that might blow his cover. On the other hand she could always say he traded. He reached behind him and dropped the forcefield. “Replicator is there. Grab yourself whatever you want while I send a few messages to sort out what will happen with you.”

That was true. It was a blessing she hadn’t been the one the Romulan had taken, but she had no idea what this one was like. What exactly did he mean when he said he had to sort out what would happen to her? Did he not want her? If only she hadn’t been given a hypospray of medication to block her abilities, she could read him and know what he had planned for her.

“Thank you,” she said quietly and moved to the replicator before he changed his mind about letting her use it. Wasting no time, she ordered a large glass of water and a plate piled high with a variety of fruits. Leaning against the bulkhead, her hands shook slightly as she lifted the glass to her lips. The water was gone within seconds, then she started in on the fruits, her black gaze locked on the pilot.

Nine sat typing a message to Nenita in intel about the trip, although he knew she probably had managed to get a bug or two past him under Li’s orders before she left. Sending the message asking her to start looking into some accommodation below the equator and also ones above it he turned to Marina. “So, what I need from you is anything you remember really. Race would be a good start.”

She paused, a piece of fruit raised halfway to her mouth. “I wasn’t the one with the memory problems. That was Jade,” she informed him, then grew very still as she realized her answer might have sounded sarcastic. It wasn’t; nor was the tone meant to sound snooty. “I’m sorry, that’s not what you asked. I’m Betazoid.” Marina pointed to her black eyes, but withheld any comments beyond that.

All the Chief of Intelligence Officer could do was chuckle and roll his eyes. “Only me could get a telepath as a bonus. On the plus side I know exactly what to do with you, and in all seriousness. This really is your lucky day,” he added as he turned and sent a follow up message up to intelligence informing them of that last tidbit.

A telepath as a bonus? Oh no, she thought with a delicate shudder. Was he one of those guys that had heard about the additional bonuses came along when being intimate with a telepath? Without being aware of it, she moved a few inches further away before she stopped. “You already told me it was my lucky day, so what do you mean ‘on the plus side’ of knowing what to do with me?”

“Well I see no reason not to just drop the bombshell as they say. You are now a resident of Starfleet Intelligences secured quarters on board Starbase 900,” he informed her giving it a moment before finishing. “Lieutenant Patrick Smith. Chief Intelligence Officer here on 900 and no, I’m not taking the piss.”

Marina simply blinked for a moment. Chief Intelligence Officer? He wasn’t a smuggler? This certainly changed things. Looking at him in a new light, her keen mind processed everything he had told her. Patrick Smith? That was a much better name than the one she’d heard the Romulan calling him. Nine. That wasn’t a name, it was a number. While she didn’t quite understand the full literal translation of ‘taking the piss’, she got the main idea of it. His expression conveyed how serious he was. “Intelligence secured quarters?” She blinked at him. “Will I be locked up?”

“Yes and no. Until things are sorted with this operation I rather suspect letting you walk around the station wouldn’t be terribly beneficial. The other option was to move into civilian quarters however you would have worked it out eventually and at least this way we can make sure no one gets that information, either voluntarily or not.” He walked over to the replicator and replicated yet another can of cola. “I need to stop drinking this stuff, but then its a damn sight better than the coffee.”

“So you’ve been investigating him...that’s why you were here.” Marina turned the fruit in her hand idly. “In case you were wondering, I can’t read you right now. I can’t do anything I normally can.” She shrugged. “I was given a hypospray to suppress my abilities, but I wouldn’t have told anyone anything.” Her attention was snagged when Patrick cracked open the can of soda. Like before, her gaze settled on the red can with the white Coca-Cola name on the side. “I haven’t had one of those for a long time.” Biting her lip, she gazed up at him, looking hopeful.

Pat stopped just short of drinking from the can as he spotted the look. Sighing he handed it down to her, “Here. I daresay the Doc’s will murder me if had another. Speaking of which I’ll get someone to see if we can’t get that hypo to wear off earlier.”

She hadn’t truly expected him to let her have a soda, his own, no less. Giving him a grateful smile, she raised the can to her lips and took a sip, savoring the taste and fizz as it went down. Just as good as she remembered. No...better. “Thank you, Patrick.” Her fingers curled around the can. “While I wouldn’t mind having the hypo reversed, I’d be forever in your debt if you could get this removed, please.” Reaching up, she carefully touched the collar on her neck. “Well, more in your debt than I already am.”

“My Engineering experience stops at fighters I’m afraid but I will get and engineer up to take it off,” he answered as the console behind him. “As for the debt I wouldn’t worry about it. If I tried to collect on every person I’ve saved or helped since I started as a Pilot I’d be there rather too long. Especially those in the magic black box of I can’t tell you what happened.” Pat turned and checked the console behind him. Reading the message from intel he smiled and turned. “Alrighty then. Lets replicate you something warmer and then we will beam from in here to a padd higher up the base where we won’t be asked any questions.”

Finishing off the Coca Cola, Marina watched Patrick over the top of the can. She was mildly disappointed about him not being able to remove the collar right away, but relieved nonetheless. He would get it taken care of. Disposing of the empty soda, she moved to the replicator again, inputting the sizes she would need and choosing an outfit of tan flare-legged pants, a white v-necked sweater, a soft red scarf and simple leather boots. Even though he said they’d be beaming to a different padd further up in the station, she didn’t want anyone seeing the slave collar; hence the red scarf artfully draped around her neck, cleverly concealing it. Once dressed, she ran her fingers through her long hair to smooth out any tangles and walked over to stand next to Patrick. “There...this is much better,” she said, smiling shyly up at him. “I’m ready to go when you are.”

“Excellent,” Pat replied, tapping one button to lock the ship and another to send the teleport request to intel as he had no comm badge. Within seconds the world shifted around them and they found themselves standing way above the docking bay.


Lt. Patrick Smith aka Nine
Surprise! Ima Spai :D

Marina Tam
Very Surprised & Grateful It’s Her Lucky Day


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