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First Date

Posted on Sat Dec 22nd, 2012 @ 8:41pm by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Lao's Chinese Restaurant

* * * Nick’s Quarters * * *

“Absolutely fucking ridiculous!” he growled. “I can’t believe I’m this nervous!”

He shook his head in disgust at himself. He’d been with Nenit--er, Leto for quite a while now. They had intimate knowledge of each other’s bodies, inside and out. But for some reason, and solely based on the fact that she didn’t look like herself anymore, he was skittish, had what one might refer to as ‘the dropsies’ and broke out in a flop sweat about twenty minutes ago, requiring him to take yet another damn shower.

Finally, it seemed that he’d gotten ahold of himself and was settling down enough not to have to change clothes, take another shower or change his damn socks for the fifth time from the sweating. He’d never sweat from his feet before!

He let out a big huff of air and checked himself in the mirror for the millionth time. He wore a black button up long-sleeved shirt with faint silver scroll designs in it, dark blue jeans and his ass-kicking boots--black, steel-toed boots that were very comfortable after years of schlepping around in them while off duty. He’d spritzed just a bit of cologne on, something new that he hoped she would like and finally decided that the five o’clock shadow on his face looked just fine. It gave him that rugged look that he liked anyway.

“Time to go, you damn sissy,” he said to the mirror. “Don’t screw this shit up.”

* * * Lao’s Chinese Restaurant * * *

When Nick arrived at Lao’s, the owner’s son showed Nick to a table by the large aquarium, then told him he’d return with dumplings in just a few minutes. He departed leaving Nick alone at the table with the fish for company.

He sat, not entirely comfortable with the surroundings, as he'd left any manner of weapon in his quarters. That was not something he normally did, but he thought it best to remove any potential ways to screw up the date from the equation. Turning to the tank he saw several of the fish and took interest in a black, spiky sea urchin. He liked the way it looked and that it had its own built in defense system. And a few lionfish swam past, also with venomous spines. He was beginning to like the theme of this tank.

It wasn't long before the dumplings were placed in front of him. "I'm gonna' need a big ass bottle of sake and an equally as big bottle of plum wine," he said to the server and held up two fingers. "Two glasses for the wine and two of those tiny cups for the sake."

Scanning the crowd and focusing on the doors, which he could barely see from the fairly private table at which he'd been placed. He was hoping to find Leto before she came in, but he was suddenly nervous again. He was looking for Nenita, not Leto. "Oh...shit..." he said, nervous that he'd forget what she looked like and not even see her if she were standing right next to him.

“Waiting for someone?” Her voice reached him from a bit away, where she sat at a table alone.

He craned his head, easily recognizing the voice but taking a few moments to find her face. When he did he smiled immediately, then frowned in embarrassment. "How long have you been sitting there?"

“A few minutes, just enjoying the atmosphere.” She smiled back at him. “Mind if I join you?” The question was one a stranger might ask, but was purely for effect in case anyone was listening. “The aquarium fascinates me and your table is closer.”

“I would love it if you would,” he said, sliding out of the large, curved bench seat to allow her to slide in. As she sat he followed suit and still looked a bit concerned. “I’m sorry if I missed you coming in,” he said. “I have to be honest, I was looking for, well, her, not you.” He shook his head. “I’m usually very good with faces, you know that. I guess this particular one is affecting me more than usual.” He fidgeted with the noodle bowl and his chopsticks. “I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologize. Thank you,” she said to the waiter as he appeared with the wine and sake and more dumplings. She ordered dinner for both of them, knowing what Nick preferred and once the waiter was gone, she looked back to Nick with an understanding smile. “You’re nervous.”

He downed three cups of the warm sake, one after another. “How could you tell?” he smirked. “Yeah, quite a bit. I told you this would take me some time.” He filled the small cup again and just held it, looking at it. “I’d already forgotten what you looked like, Ne--” he caught himself. “Leto, sorry. This isn’t like our work. This is personal.” He looked at her, now beginning to really enjoy the new look. Her hair was silky smooth, straight and hung to one side. Those eyes were captivating and she had a gorgeous smile. “I think it’s because I’m so completely engrossed with you. I love you and, well, you know this whole thing is messing with my head a bit.”

He downed the sake again, enjoying the warmth of it as it went down.

“There’s no way it couldn’t, not if you have any feelings in you whatsoever. It will just take some time, and I’m being careful, obviously.” Her voice was soft and her posture casual as it might be with someone she didn’t really know well. “You never know who’s watching.”

"You know," he said after he swallowed a dumpling, "this first date business with you is going to be tough. I know we can't act like we've been together as long as we actually have been, and I know why, but...we only have to do that in public, right? I mean, can we still give it a go, if I can get past these mental blocks, in private?" He laughed at that. "For fuck's sake, I talk like a man who's not sure he can even get it up anymore."

That got a laugh from Leto, a full hearty one. “That’s never been your problem, Nicky.” Leaning a bit closer she answered the rest. “What we do in private? Is our business. Well, aside from that one time down on Cestus III but they promised me that would never make the news.”

For the first time during the date his laugh was sincere. "Yeah, that was...damn that was fun!" He popped another dumpling into his mouth. "So, uh, did that hurt?" he asked, wanting to caress her face but thinking better of it considering most women would be creeped out by a man being all 'handsy' on the first date, and he had to keep up appearances. "It looks like the doc even had to do some bone reconstruction because your face is a bit slimmer."

“He did. And I suppose if I’d been awake at all, it woulda been hell. Ophelia said she brought out the good stuff for this. Based on how I felt when I woke up? She wasn’t kidding. I’m glad she’s on our side.” She refilled her sake, then had a sip. “She was a little worried about you, too.”

Hanging his head in shame he answered truthfully. "I didn't handle it well, I know." He filled his glass with the plum wine and sipped at it. "I'm sorry. I felt horrible about leaving you alone right after the surgery. I actually thought you'd hate me for it, for not immediately accepting the new you." He looked back up at her. "I'm getting there, more and more every day."

“You forget....I know you inside out. Even high as the sky, I knew what was bothering you. Don’t sweat it, okay?” she finally dove into the dumplings and moaned with pleasure as she ate the first one. “Geez, no wonder Jackson is such an addict over these.”

"They are pretty damn good," he said. "I think this is the first time I've actually eaten them. I normally get some lo mein dish." He swallowed the dumpling. "I like the noodles."

“What do you think I ordered for you?” She smiled brightly at him. “I think something that might help is spending as much time together as we can, at least in private. The more you see me, the easier it will get.”

The server came back with their orders. She sat down a platter of shrimp lo mein in front of Leto and an order of house special lo mein for Nick. He smiled and shook his head. She really did know what he liked. "I guess I wasn't paying attention when you ordered. You know me so well."

His dish was the lo mein noodles and bean sprouts like Leto's, but his had chicken, beef and shrimp with some assorted veggies. He loved the noodles but he also liked the variety of meats. Nick Marcinko was definitely a carnivore.

"And I am all about spending time with you. I definitely want to get back into the groove of things. It's like I'm missing a bit of my life and I need to get that back."

She gave Nick a wry smile. “Get back into the groove?” A snicker followed her question.

It took a moment for him. Normally Nick was the one with the double entendres, but he completely missed this one. A large, toothy grin spread across his face. "Yeah...that is definitely something I want to do. Oh, hey! Don't think I’ve forgotten about that shuttle ride you owe me.”

“Oh I haven’t,” she answered. Pausing to take a few bites, she finally spoke again. “So, this mean you want to stay over tonight? I have a bottle of wine I’ve been saving....” She gave him a slow, sultry smile. “I have a little something else I’ve been saving too.”

He was beginning to feel his mojo again. "Is it big and floppy, or does it vibrate?" He waggled his eyebrows at her.

“Neither I hope.” She lifted a bite with her chopsticks and slipped it into her mouth, her eyes never leaving Nick.

He loved that look in her eyes. He wanted to pounce on her now and have his way with her, in front of the whole damn crowd--he didn't care. The fact was that his spending time with her was working and that old flame was beginning to turn into a bonfire.

"I feel the need for a to-go box," he said as he ate a few pieces of shrimp quickly and downed the glass of plum wine and wanting to get her in private as quickly as possible.

“Do you now?” The question was asked in a husky voice. She raised her hand and the waiter appeared. “We’d love this to go so we can heat it up later.” The waiter nodded and trotted off to get the boxes.

"Screw the food," he said as he took her hand and pulled her out from behind the table. "Let's go!"

Passing the server who wasn't moving very quickly, he swatted her bottom and said, "Have that delivered to my quarters, okay? Marcinko. Master Chief." He winked. "Thanks, doll."

The waiter nodded, unsure why he’d been called doll, but then he’d heard stories about Nick and let it go. Leto actually giggled and darted out through the doors.

“So, Nick, gonna take me home and show me your dumpling?” More laughter came as they hurried along the Promenade.

"There'll be a hell of a lot more than just showing it," he said with a vicious grin as he pulled her at a jog to the lift. "And was that waiter a dude?"

Lt.(jg) Leto
Sake To Me

Master Chief Nick Marcinko
That's not your mother, it's a man, baby!


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