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Round Two

Posted on Sat Jan 25th, 2014 @ 8:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Petty Officer 1st Class Drusilla Dupree
Edited on on Sat Jan 25th, 2014 @ 8:41pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Saturnalia

Nico’s flight from Robin’s office took him down the corridor and blindly around one corner, then another. He recalled entering a turbolift, then exiting it several decks later though he wasn’t sure if the lift had gone up or down. He had now completely lost his way. Looking around, he had no idea where he was.

Not that it mattered much. He could see, however, that this wasn’t exactly the bright, shiny Promenade, despite being full of people. It seemed to be a darker, seedier copy, however. Those moving past him were not Fleet and several females, likely Seyla’s girls, slinked through the crowd and towards a set of double doors.


Interesting choice of names. He stepped inside, gathering a few looks as he passed through the noisy crowd. He managed to find an empty table and took a seat,This place reminded him of so many other underworld bars he’d spent so much time in over the years. It was strangely comforting and he began to unwind, just a little, but not enough. An attractive blonde, seated at the next table eyed him appreciatively but his strong ‘leave me alone’ vibe kept her at bay. Thankfully. When a drink arrived before him, he downed it and ordered another. The waitress hurried off, glad to be away from him he knew. The voices around him gradually blurred into a background hum and he closed his eyes.

Using the station’s sensors, Dru was able to locate Nicolao and found him in Saturnalia. She stood back from him to watch him a moment before approaching. He didn’t seem to want any company but, Doctor’s orders.

“Hello,” she said as cheerfully as she could muster. She’d never been a big fan of Saturnalia, or Nicolao for that matter, but she had to try and help. “Mind if I sit?”

He opened one eye, regarded her balefully for a moment, then motioned to the empty chair beside him. “If you must.”

She sat and waved over a waiter. “Bloody mary, please, add some hot sauce to it.” With a nod the waiter left them alone. “So, how are you doing? You seemed a bit distressed earlier.”

He countered that with a question of his own. “How’s Robin?”

She looked at him curiously. “How’s Robin? He’s not the one who bolted from the office. But he’s fine. Now, don’t dodge my question.”

She began to squirm in her seat, and couldn’t figure out what was putting her out of sorts, but when the waiter returned with her drink she calmed some. She took half of it in moments and pulled the bit of celery out for a munch.

“Another round,” Nico ordered, then looked back to Drusilla. “You’ll need it. And I wanted to check, my moods can be..contagious.”

Taking another gulp of her drink she looked to him. “So that’s what’s going on,” she said. “But you still haven’t answered my question. What happened back there?”

“How about we say that we edged towards a subject that neither he nor I were prepared to look into just yet. He seems like an okay sort, I didn’t want to drop that on him.”

“Maybe it’s just me, but you could have warned him, or just said you preferred not to talk about it yet,” she said, looking into her drink. “He sent me after you, you know. I think he may have been a bit concerned that he’d done something to upset you in that way.”

“Then you can put his mind at ease and I’ll apologize now for your having to come down here. I can also tell you that you’d have like me better in past days.” He took a drink, emptying his glass and set it aside.The next round came and he pushed Dru’s drink towards her. “Drink up.”

She drained the last of her first glass and pulled the second one closer. Suddenly she felt confused and wanted to leave, quickly. “Wow. Whatever the hell it is you’re doing, it’s...well, it’s effective.”

“Sorry, it’s unintentional. You know, I’m sure about the effects we can have.” He felt sorry for her suddenly. “Tell me, how strong is Robin? He’s human isn’t he?”

“He’s human, but I don’t know how well he’d fare against something like this.” She looked at him. “Does it affect everyone the same? I know he’s dealt with Betazoids and others with their type of ability. I just don’t know if it was like this.” She caught him eyeballing her glass then her again. Taking the hint she took another drink.

“How much of my file have you read, Miss Dupree?”

“As much as Robin, I believe. Although, I assume he has more clearance and would have been able to see a bit more of it.”

Did you happen to note how many counselors I’ve had? And how quickly I ran through them?” He twirled his glass slowly between his fingers.

“I seem to remember quite a few. Nine, or so? More than I’ve seen anyone have to use, that’s for sure.”

Nico nodded. “You’re a smart woman, Miss Dupree. You’ll have figured out then that I am here because they were at the end of their rope. Robin’s inherited me either because they think he’s the only one capable of dealing with me, or they dumped me on him because we are as far from the Fleet as we can get. Which theory do you favor?”

She thought a moment as she drank more of the Bloody Mary, which was really very good. “I honestly don’t know. Robin and I have come to the same conclusion, though. He’s very concerned for you, you know. He may have told you already, but he’s going to make sure that you get the same chance as anyone else.” Another drink. “I mean, it would be easy for him to see you a few times and have you shipped off to wherever Starfleet would have you go, but he’s not like that. He’s really hoping to help you. Somehow.”

Looking at him a moment, she wasn’t entirely sure she was supposed to divulge all of that to him, but it seemed more like something Robin would have wanted him to know if he hadn’t already told him. It was then that her vision blurred for an instant. She closed her eyes and then reopened them, trying to focus on the glass in front of her.

“And I appreciate that. The problem is, Drusilla, that when I am not on duty being anyone but myself, I have no idea what to do besides write in my new journal that is. I hate being alone. It leads to too much time remembering things I don’t want to remember, but that I likely will have to.” He studied her a moment as she stared at her glass.

Finding focus, she looked back up. “Well, then, it seems like you’ve already figured out one part of the problem. Make friends. Keep busy. Go do...things. But that will only work for a while. You’re going to have to square with all you’ve done at some point before you can move on. It won’t be fun, by any stretch of the imagination, but it will have to happen at some point.”

She waved the waiter back over. “I’ll have two more,” she said, turning back to Nicolao. “You’re right. I definitely need these.” She waved the waiter off. “Anyway, as I was saying, friends. Make some.” Feeling a bit uncomfortable, she paused a moment before continuing. “I know we kinda’ put each other on edge, but I, um...well, I guess you could start with me. We’re going to be spending time together anyway. Doctor’s orders.”

Her order brought the first hint of a smile. “On the contrary. I put you on edge. You are the only one I’ve been able to tolerate since I arrived, aside from one old colleague I ran into. You’re certainly far more appealing than Seyla or her brainless minion.” He paused as more drinks arrived, wondering what Robin would think when he returned a semi-liquid Drusilla to the counselor.

“Hmmm, well in that case, you’re already a step ahead. What about Robin?” she asked, then waved him off, her hand showing signs of the oncoming intoxication. “No, no. That has to be professional. Can’t get personal with the patients. Wouldn’t be right.”

Diving into her next glass she seemed to have a permanent smirk on her face now. “Other than this...this thing you have going on here,” her hand going back and forth between them, “you’re actually rather interesting. And I don’t just mean your job stuff.”

So she’d caught a hint of this thought of Robin. Interesting. He’d have to watch those random thoughts for now. “Thank you. There’s just one small flaw in your logic. You’re on your third drink. I think the professionalism departed somewhere in the middle of number two.” He leaned closer. “One other small correction. It’s not the things I’ve done I don’t want to recall, it’s the things done to me.”

“Pssh,” she said, a little more spittle erupting from her mouth than she had wanted. “I’m not your doctor, so professionalism be damned.” She wiped a bit of saliva from her chin with her sleeve. “I just have to keep my mouth shut when it comes to what I see and hear back at the office. Which is something I pride myself on, buster.”

Her eyes widened. When had she ever called someone ‘buster’ before? “Yep. I’m getting drunk.” She began to giggle.

He summoned the waitress and spoke to her briefly, though his voice was soft and drifted just beyond Dru’s hearing, given her state. “Alright, it’s time to go.” He stood, slipped an arm around Dru and hoisted her to her feet and against his side. “We have places to go.”

“Whooo!” she said as he pulled her up. “Not,” she drank more, “without,” one more gulp, “my drink.” She grabbed the glass and drained it before they had taken ten steps. Well, she was being more dragged than anything. “Where are we going? We were just getting talking.”

“I was thinking...the beach. The counselor did say I should see the planet and that I must take you along as my watchdog. Besides, it will be a good place for you to dry out.” His smile returned, though it was brief.

“How do you dry out on a beach? All of that water?” She poked him in the chest. “I think you’ve had too much to drink, mister. Oh! Do you have any of those little floaty things? I like floaty things. They’re so...floaty.” She giggled then looked at the side of his face. “Sunscreen. You need it.”

Nico stopped at a public terminal to send a message to Robin. “There. He’ll either be relieved to know where you are or worried sick. At least he knows where to find you.”

“He knows I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself,” she said as she began to walk away, which was not a good idea at all. She wobbled all across the corridor and thought better of it. “On second thought, a little help wouldn’t hurt,” she said, wobbling back for Nicolao’s help.

“Of course.” He regarded her a moment and given the circumstances, he scooped her up in his arms. It gave him pause as he normally avoided touching people at all. It had been a long time and a wave of unease swept through him.

“Nothing like travelling in style,” she said, her head flopping around. “I have to tell you something. I may throw up.”

Lt. Nicolao
Making A Friend

PO2 Drusilla Dupree
Having a Sudden Onset of Dipsomania


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