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A Fine Howdy-Do

Posted on Fri Jan 24th, 2014 @ 11:51am by James Holbridge & Major David Lorenz & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison
Edited on on Sat Jan 25th, 2014 @ 7:50am

Mission: Breaking New Ground


Ninety percent of all research, analysis, or any other field that requires the dissemination and scrutiny of information is done in the archives, or library. Holbridge knew that his job, his very life, could depend on a small piece of information at any given time but there was no way he could physically remember ever minute detail, so he had consulted a member of his Ghost team, Aric Rockenfield, and the pair of them had designed the first portable datalink software that would allow a combat tricorder to successfully interface with and pirate data from any secure data storage device or facility. Jim now sat in a workshop putting the finishing touches on the program before presenting it for approval to Commander Nalas.

The Leech program was designed to work with standard issue Intelligence gear, or standard tricorders with a built in safety buffer that scrubbed and redacted sensitive information automatically, even delted the data after a preset or custom time frame. If an operator possessed compatible eye-worn HUD’s, the data would be displayed normally, then erased unless authorized by command-level Intel staff. In the event of capture or loss of equipment, anti-theft measures included self-destruct via dispersal transport.

Jim admired his handiwork, and then ran a test of the program. The software achieved download of a test program in just under thirty nanoseconds, given the ease of the intrusion. Computer projections estimated acquisition of other data from Allied and Threat force equipment in one to two minutes, an eternity if in a firefight or trying to hide from counter-intelligence operators, or some dumbass who stumbles onto your location. Oh, well, that’s what hand-phasers were for.

"You've done it again," Jim smiled. He left a quick memo for Commander Nalas to review the specs for his toy, making sure to note the differences in both his and the standard software's coding. Once that was done, Jim headed for the exit and the offices of HMC.


Jim breezed into his wife's office, smiling warmly at Tricia as she looked at several reports on her desk. "HI baby!"

"Hello, sweetie, have a look at this," She tossed him a PADD and waited for his reaction.

"This can't be right," Jim muttered after a few moments, stared at the readouts. "That much dianthrocin (OOC: made up element, bear with me) in one place doesn't happen naturally. It has to be a stockpile, and if it is, someone needs to tell the Archacadeans they will blow themselves to kingdom come...."

"Jim, the source of the dianthrocin is an underground chamber approximately 300 meters wide by 135 meters deep, and what's more, it appears to be stable." Dianthrocin was a rare, notoriously unstable mineral that was used in the manufacture of commercial explosives, primarily mining and demolition when directed-energy weapons couldn't be used safely. The more "DC" you stored in the same place, the greater likelihood of an explosion.

"Where is the DC pool at?" Jim demanded.

"A pool of it is located thirty-six miles beneath the Archadean surface a few hundred kilometers from a where there is a Starfleet excursion," Tricia said, staring at the PADD in her hand. "It's not in a heavily populated area but there are some beings who use that area for recreation. That's why I had you come up."

Jim was an executive board member of the HMC, which meant that he was the one who would be blamed if adequate safety precautions weren't implemented in any HMC facility. "I'll run it up the chain of command. In the meantime, let's get an extraction team and tanker prepped for a HAZMAT operation. Also, area out. If there are any Starfleet personnel down in that area, we evac 'em." Jim said firmly.

Tricia realized that Jim was giving her an order, not because he was a jerk, but because he was genuinely concerned about the safety of all the people who lived near a possible disaster just waiting to happen. She very quickly issued the proper commands. "Team Two standing by, and Ghost Team is waiting authorization to depart."

"Have an Archadean guide join the Ghost Team," Jim smiled crookedly. "Dave's had it too easy lately."

Tricia's grin matched his as she made the request.


Jim and Tricia Holbridge loved Klingon cuisine and when they were free of the kids they often ate at the Klingon eatery. Bad manners, no sanitation, and a fat Klingon chef...who could ask for more? Besides, the big Klingon was also classically trained in French and Asian preparation techniques, which made for some interesting food.

Dave Lorenz and a grinning Quentin Harrison ambled over to the Holbridge's table and sat down. Lorenz looked less than happy, much to the amusement of all.

"What's up, Dave?" Jim asked innocently.

"You now goddamned well 'what's up', you jerk!" Dave retorted. "You had that damned woman assigned to the scouting mission, didn't you?"

"We felt that a local guide familiar with the area would be a boon, Dave." Tricia smiled. "Kiriana is a more-than-able guide and has expressed interest in working with humans."

"Not to mention a beautiful woman with eyes that could melt through duranium, lad!" Quentin added slyly.

Lorenz gave the smiling trio a withering look. "I don't need laid, I have a fucking job to do!"

Tricia laid down her fork, her eyes flashing.

"Uh oh!" Jim and Quentin said in unison.

"Mr. Lorenz, I need you to secure an area on that planet that represents a potential disaster for the native population and the Holbridge mining Consortium, to which you are contracted for security services and other duties as assigned. Do we understand each other, or would you like to have me request your return to active duty?"

Lorenz glowered, clearly disliking the direction the conversation was going. "We'll be ready in an hour, maa'm," he said shortly, then left.

Jim only stared after him. "Ever since he lost Donna he's been distant and downright avoiding his own social life."

Quentin nodded. "The man is a time bomb, to be sure. His wife was the one woman who could have kept him sane, and off the bottle, sure."

Jim nodded, remembering the drunken wreck his friend had become after his wife left him for another man. Holbridge had patiently worked his friend back to fighting form and rewarded Dave with command of Ghost Team. "All I have to say, both as his friend and employer, is if he screws this up, I will ship him back to the Alpha Quadrant and he can be the captain of his brother's guard force on Dormeil Prime."

A Post BY:

Master Chief Warrant Officer James Holbridge

David Lorenz
Annoyed Flunky

Quentin Harrison


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