View Awards - Michael Darwin

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Out Of Character Awards

Award Reason
First Mission Completion - OOC First Mission Completion - OOC
Awarded Sun Aug 5th, 2012 @ 4:41pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
Dedicated Service - OOC Dedicated Service - OOC
Awarded Sun Aug 5th, 2012 @ 4:42pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
Post Of The Month - OOC Post Of The Month - OOC
Awarded Fri Nov 16th, 2012 @ 8:06pm
Nominated by Captain Li Hawke
"Fall On Me" (With Seyla and Suresh)

This post turned out to be pivotal in the storyline when a seemingly innocent question from Suresh led to a discovery that would affect the station at the highest levels. A good example of how actions by even those in the lowest level of station society can have far-reaching consequences.
Post Of The Month - OOC Post Of The Month - OOC
Awarded Tue Jan 1st, 2013 @ 6:21pm
Nominated by Captain Li Hawke
O Brother Who Are Thou? written by CMDR Hawke (also for Nahi Hawke), VADM Wegener, CMDR Sakkath and LCDR Zeferino (for Lt. Darwin). This particular post reveals the existence of someone from our Li’s past who is currently alive in the alternate universe--her brother, Nahi. However, not only is he alive in the AU, he is also a collaborator with the Archadians in the attack on AU SB900. His existence is also quite a surprise to Wegener who is very close to the Hawke family, so much so that the Admiral literally stands in shock in the middle of a firefight as the realization hits him, along with a phaser beam from Nahi’s weapon. Our intrepid Lt. Darwin also has his hands full having to deal with Wegener’s cavalier attitude toward the search and in the battle. Not only is Darwin a senior security officer with quite a bit of experience, he winds up a frustrated flag officer babysitter, trying not to get himself killed while trying to keep Wegener from doing the same. Once Nahi is captured and taken to see Li and Sakkath, his being alive and the fact that he is a traitor responsible for numerous deaths on 900, including AU Li Hawke’s--his own sister!, hits everyone like a ton of bricks along with his seemingly uncaring attitude. This entire post is one big reveal after reveal after reveal and was well written by all involved.
Meritorious Service Medal - IC Meritorious Service Medal - IC
Awarded Wed Jul 8th, 2015 @ 1:49am
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
"Awarded to members of Starfleet who distinguished themselves by outstanding non-combat meritorious achievement or service to the Federation." Awarded to Lt. Darwin for his assistance with the pursuit and recovery of the fugitive Suresh, escapee from Elba II.
Post Of The Month - OOC Post Of The Month - OOC
Awarded Wed Jul 8th, 2015 @ 1:50am
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
The homecoming of the quartet sent to retrieve evil Suresh after his escape from Elba II was a great end to an amazing story. Not only did we actually manage a somewhat-happy ending, albeit marred with some scrapes and incarcerations, we got to see some very happy reunions in the docking bay. Oh, and the one not-so-happy reunion of Lazan with noveau-Suresh and Darwin.
Character Development Ribbon - OOC Character Development Ribbon - OOC
Awarded Wed Jul 8th, 2015 @ 1:50am
Nominated by Captain Li Hawke
Darwin has developed some fascinating facets to his personality over the past couple of storylines. We've seen him on the hunt for the old Suresh and learning to overcome his ingrained prejudice of the new Suresh and now we see yet another side to the big tough guy as he plays watchdog for Reva, a young and impetuous ensign. He's done it all with both courage, ingenuity, and humor.
Whose Line Is It Anyway? - OOC Whose Line Is It Anyway? - OOC
Awarded Sun Sep 13th, 2015 @ 11:11am
Nominated by Captain Li Hawke
August Award:
In the post "Game, Set & Match", but not for the entire post... Just a couple of lines he said:

"But, anyway, the whole thing with Suresh dating Ensign Six of Ten? That has the potential to be a problem for us. She's told a few people that Suresh is the new one and is a super sweet, awesome, kitten-loving, non-violent, puppy-hugging all-around-good guy."

To me is the kind of ironic and/or cynical view of some facts of life (like love) that I find amusing in movies and books.

I made the mistake of reading this one in the office causing a burst of laugh which brought enquiries from curious colleagues. Enquiries which, of course, I could not satisfy leaving them puzzled to this day.
Departmental Service Ribbon - Service Departmental Service Ribbon - Service
Awarded Mon Aug 3rd, 2015 @ 8:59pm
Nominated by Captain Li Hawke

When Commander Zeferino passed Lt. Darwin a padd containing orders to be the coordinator of the new operation in the Cherry Pit, he certainly got more than he bargained for. He’s now dealing with a wayward Ensign Madhava; a new version of Suresh posing as the old to maintain the status quo; a Borg, Ensign Six of Ten, who is undercover and supposedly resigned from the Fleet; a Madame who is only somewhat on the straight and narrow; and two contacts from Intel, one of whom seems intent on either thrilling him or breaking him in half. Through it all, he’s maintained his control (mostly) and his sense of humour (generally) and proven that he’s worthy of Oz’s faith in his abilities.
Whose Line Is It Anyway? - OOC Whose Line Is It Anyway? - OOC
Awarded Sat May 5th, 2018 @ 9:57am
Nominated by Captain Li Hawke
Darwin glared at her then put the weapons down and handed a hand weapon to Six and Julisa. “When we get back to SB900, I quit. I’m done with the weird shit.”

- A Ship Darkly, Part II
Whose Line Is It Anyway? - OOC Whose Line Is It Anyway? - OOC
Awarded Sat May 5th, 2018 @ 9:59am
Nominated by Commander Patrick Leroy
in the post: "Homecomings - Part II"

“I’ve told you what I know, Suresh. I’ll say it again: Niro had time alone with Six while I was incapacitated and Julisa was in a Cardassian’s bed - unwillingly. Jules was my top concern... well, surviving a disruptor blast was my top concern, Jules came a close second, though! Six and what Niro was doing was a distant third. If he erased her memory, sorry! but she’s alive and she’s here and you can start showing her why she loved you all over again.”

Even when recovering from a grievous wound and pissed off... He doesn't lose his sarcastic touch. Bravo! ;-)