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Character Development Ribbon - OOC

Awarded to the writer who has taken the time to develop their character into a richer and more realistic person during the course of a mission. The writer also continuously develops their character through interpersonal relationships with other characters whether they be NPC or played-characters.

Category: Both
Awarded: 29 times

Wed Nov 11th, 2015 @ 2:19am

Suresh (II) - The new Suresh jumped into the action with both feet. Following the hunt for the escaped (old) Suresh, he returned to 900 to step into the shoes left by the former crime lord’s absence. He’s given up his ‘real’ life to play the part and assist Intel and Security in maintaining the peace below the equator. Since then, he’s married and is having to keep it under wraps, as well as facing the plotting of the Old Suresh’s wife who almost caused him to lose Six. He’s become a force in his own right and continues to tread a fine line every day down in the Pit.
Wed Nov 11th, 2015 @ 2:19am
We’ve seen Vic go from ‘just the bartender’, to re-joining the Fleet and taking up his former position as an undercover officer. He’s gradually expanded his role and is now a partner in The Nexus Club. On the personal front, his life has been up and down and so far he’s had bad luck in the romance department, but is still smiling. He’s come a long way and turned into a very complex character. Well done!
Ensign Reva Madhava
Wed Nov 11th, 2015 @ 2:19am
we’ve watched as Reva went from a fun-loving and happy-go-lucky young officer to Fisher’s victim in an instant at the hands of a jealous lover who sold her out. She’s endured a nightmare and is back safe and sound on 900 and, like Desta, trying to put the pieces back together again. She’s making good progress and is now assisting at the Academy as well. It’s been a wild journey for her, but the future looks bright!
Lieutenant Hope Beckman
Fri Oct 9th, 2015 @ 11:59pm
Character Development Ribbon - OOC: Lt. Hope Beckman, Lt. Raj Amani, Lt. Riley Sukotav

This month’s Character development Ribbons are given to three characters who have definitely moved out of the background and into the spotlight. All three have faced tragic circumstances as well as some bright lights along the way as well. For Hope, it was the loss of her parents and her newfound friendship with El’Shar Blackhorse; for Raj, it was discovering the hell that was Fisher’s ship and becoming one of the heroes; and for Riley, it was his unwitting part in the near-death of his closest friend, almost losing the woman he loved, and finally, being the one to avenge all the wrongs done to Reva by Fisher. What an incredible month it has been for these three characters!
Lieutenant Raj Amani
Fri Oct 9th, 2015 @ 11:59pm
Character Development Ribbon - OOC: Lt. Hope Beckman, Lt. Raj Amani, Lt. Riley Sukotav

This month’s Character development Ribbons are given to three characters who have definitely moved out of the background and into the spotlight. All three have faced tragic circumstances as well as some bright lights along the way as well. For Hope, it was the loss of her parents and her newfound friendship with El’Shar Blackhorse; for Raj, it was discovering the hell that was Fisher’s ship and becoming one of the heroes; and for Riley, it was his unwitting part in the near-death of his closest friend, almost losing the woman he loved, and finally, being the one to avenge all the wrongs done to Reva by Fisher. What an incredible month it has been for these three characters!
Lieutenant Riley Sukotav
Fri Oct 9th, 2015 @ 11:59pm
Character Development Ribbon - OOC: Lt. Hope Beckman, Lt. Raj Amani, Lt. Riley Sukotav

This month’s Character development Ribbons are given to three characters who have definitely moved out of the background and into the spotlight. All three have faced tragic circumstances as well as some bright lights along the way as well. For Hope, it was the loss of her parents and her newfound friendship with El’Shar Blackhorse; for Raj, it was discovering the hell that was Fisher’s ship and becoming one of the heroes; and for Riley, it was his unwitting part in the near-death of his closest friend, almost losing the woman he loved, and finally, being the one to avenge all the wrongs done to Reva by Fisher. What an incredible month it has been for these three characters!
Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad
Mon Sep 7th, 2015 @ 7:42pm
He has consistently posted good stuff involving Iggy and the lesser known elements of our missions. Very good character fleshing out.
James Holbridge
Mon Sep 7th, 2015 @ 7:42pm
I'm happy to see how Shawn is developing Holbridge lately. He's a great character who wound up getting the crap end of the stick recently with the death of his wife. Having to come to terms with that, the affair he thought she was having with Quentin (again) and being voted off the board of his own company at his wife's behest, is enough to potentially break anyone down. It's not always sunshine and unicorn farts for Holbridge and seeing him try to move on past the setbacks makes for interesting reading.
Lieutenant Hope Beckman
Mon Aug 3rd, 2015 @ 8:59pm
This month we saw a dramatic change in the life of Lt. Hope Beckman - the death of her parents. Hope began life as an occasional name in Admiral Wegener’s posts and slowly took on a life of her own. She has long since left the world of the NPCs behind and become an enjoyable, complex, and often humourous character in her own right. This change in her life marks a new beginning for Hope as we see her life and career continue to develop.
Wed Jul 8th, 2015 @ 1:50am
For the several posts with Dr. Harding.

Making the step from 'Soiled Dove' of the Frontier to just 'Dove' deserves great attention and, even if this nomination is given with some reserve (for one never knows... as the saying goes "old habits die hard" ;-) ), at the moment this is a big effort into a positive change Seyla's taking.
For sure many a guy on SB900 will mourn the "loss" of the local Madame. [And probably pray for her return :-P]
Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin
Wed Jul 8th, 2015 @ 1:50am
Darwin has developed some fascinating facets to his personality over the past couple of storylines. We've seen him on the hunt for the old Suresh and learning to overcome his ingrained prejudice of the new Suresh and now we see yet another side to the big tough guy as he plays watchdog for Reva, a young and impetuous ensign. He's done it all with both courage, ingenuity, and humor.
Admiral Ricky Wegener
Wed Jul 8th, 2015 @ 1:49am
For "A Surprising Cease Fire"

As many of you may know, Admiral Hawke's ex-wife, Marianna, has never thought fondly of Wegener, or vice-versa. They both have a bit of mutual respect for each other over their care for Li, but that's where the line had always been drawn. Now that Marianna has finally moved on and met someone else, and after so many years of she and Rick always spitting acid at each other, they finally managed a cease-fire with congratulations all around for both Rick and Marianna's betrothals. I think Lucius almost fell out of his seat when this happened, but it's been a long time coming.
Admiral Lucius Hawke
Wed Jul 8th, 2015 @ 1:49am
For "A Surprising Cease Fire"

As many of you may know, Admiral Hawke's ex-wife, Marianna, has never thought fondly of Wegener, or vice-versa. They both have a bit of mutual respect for each other over their care for Li, but that's where the line had always been drawn. Now that Marianna has finally moved on and met someone else, and after so many years of she and Rick always spitting acid at each other, they finally managed a cease fire with congratulations all around for both Rick and Marianna's betrothals. I think Lucius almost fell out of his seat when this happened, but it's been a long time coming.
Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD
Mon Jun 1st, 2015 @ 12:42am
Robin has come a long way in his development and become an essential and entertaining part of the 900 crew. We've seen so many facets of him and while we've seen parts of his inner self, it's clear there is much more to learn about the Counselor.
Lieutenant Commander Nicolao
Mon Jun 1st, 2015 @ 12:41am
This mission has obviously been all about Nicolao as a character, but he's done a tremendous job of bringing the character to life both in his personal triumphs with Dru and in his darkest moments with the grey landscape and Azoulay. Bravo!
Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD
Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 7:48pm
The third character for the CD award is the station’s Chief Shrink, Robin Swift. Since being thrust into the intel world, so to speak, in his hypnosis of Leto, he’s become quite involved in the fallout that’s occurred between she and Nick. Marcinko has always been one tough nut and has avoided counseling, of any type, like the plague. But in his one moment of need, Robin rose to the occasion to provide the assistance that may have helped Nick on the road to recovery. He stood up to the man and even slapped the piss out of him! (figuratively, of course). He’s shown to us all that he’s much more than the normally soft-spoken and docile healer of minds that’s been written in the past. He can be fierce when he needs to be and isn’t afraid to make that stand, especially when it involves his patient’s welfare.
Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 7:46pm
This month’s award will be given to three characters. The first two, Suresh and Seyla, have storylines that intertwine quite often. The emotional interaction is highly prevalent but it seems that there is always a hint of “it’s just business” from Seyla’s point of view. However, once Suresh went missing, Seyla seemed to put on her big girl panties and grow quite a bit in his absence. Even now, with his return, things aren’t the same as they were. She knows that he will be going away for a long time and has seemingly changed her business skills to suit a station with Suresh. He, on the other hand, seems to have lost his super-villain persona--just a touch, and has been worn down by his love for Captain Hawke, realizing that he doesn’t think he can go on without her and not really focusing at all on his former business dealings.
Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 7:46pm
This month’s award will be given to three characters. The first two, Suresh and Seyla, have storylines that intertwine quite often. The emotional interaction is highly prevalent but it seems that there is always a hint of “it’s just business” from Seyla’s point of view. However, once Suresh went missing, Seyla seemed to put on her big girl panties and grow quite a bit in his absence. Even now, with his return, things aren’t the same as they were. She knows that he will be going away for a long time and has seemingly changed her business skills to suit a station with Suresh. He, on the other hand, seems to have lost his super-villain persona--just a touch, and has been worn down by his love for Captain Hawke, realizing that he doesn’t think he can go on without her and not really focusing at all on his former business dealings.
Lieutenant Nick Marcinko
Tue Feb 5th, 2013 @ 8:03pm
Nick Marcinko has been something of a revelation. He's always been the station's bad boy of Intel, uninhibited, smart-mouthed, blunt as a sledgehammer, but fearless in the line of duty. His recent acceptance of his feelings for Nenita revealed facets of Nick that had never before been seen and we learned he had a tender side. Their relationship was sorely tested when she underwent her change to become Leto and later went undercover with the Prime Minister's aide. We learned then that the man of steel did, in fact, have a breaking point. We cannot wait to see where he goes next. IN the words of Dario: "For showing an _endurance_ going well above and beyond Call of Duty... ...regarding Leto ;-) (I would have taken a phaser and dried up mr. Veist bodily fluids. All of them...) "
Tue Feb 5th, 2013 @ 8:02pm
Seyla began life as just a name, then morphed into a very occasional NPC bent on making Jackson's life hell. She became part of Suresh's organization, and over the past year has turned into far more than an occasional character. She's now involved as part of the underworld of the station, and a sometimes informant for Security through her association with Darwin and her unique 'friendship' with the station's CMO. She treads a fine line that could bring her danger should she run afoul of Suresh. And yes, she still loves to do her best to annoy Jackson.
Elijah "Eli" Samuels
Tue Jan 1st, 2013 @ 6:24pm
December’s Character Development award goes out to Eli Samuels, our very own smuggler/pirate/rouge/anti-hero just trying to make a living any way he can. We’ve enjoyed reading about his exploits and seeing his character become more fleshed out as we go along. I, myself, am very interested to see how Samuels continues with his life of getting by how he can! And doesn’t his character image just look badass?? lol Keep up the good work!
Commander Sakkath
Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:28pm
This character has had to overcome some major issues recently and, in the current setting, has had to both rise to the occasion and deal with the possible loss of a loved one. But the whole time he has shown that even a stoic, green-blooded Vulcan can have compassion and is made up of many more complex emotions than they will show on the outside. Most notable were the posts "Proxies" and "Understanding Condolences".
Jasper Crayton
Thu Sep 6th, 2012 @ 2:17pm
Commander Oralia Zeferino
Thu Sep 6th, 2012 @ 2:15pm
Commander Sakkath
Thu Sep 6th, 2012 @ 1:57pm
Jackson Banning V
Sun Aug 5th, 2012 @ 4:44pm
It's been a rollercoaster ride for Jackson, and while much of his life of late has been less than ideal, he had rolled with the (many) punches and in so doing, revealed many more facets of a very complex personality.
Ignatius Reilly
Thu Jul 5th, 2012 @ 5:21pm
Too many to list in the process of a spider becoming sentient.
Sat Nov 5th, 2011 @ 8:16pm
Since first joining the Berkeley, and through the subsequent move to SB900, we have seen LCDR Zeferino and LCDR McKinney go from accidental shuttle mates, to working together to survive, to friends and more. Over the months, they have delved into both the good and bad aspects of their characters' psyches, never hesitating to portray the ups and downs, the real problems people face in life on the frontier. They have given us a close look and keen insight into what makes these characters tick and have portrayed them with an exacting observance for detail that makes the characters truly come alive.
Commander Oralia Zeferino
Sat Nov 5th, 2011 @ 8:16pm
Since first joining the Berkeley, and through the subsequent move to SB900, we have seen LCDR Zeferino and LCDR McKinney go from accidental shuttle mates, to working together to survive, to friends and more. Over the months, they have delved into both the good and bad aspects of their characters' psyches, never hesitating to portray the ups and downs, the real problems people face in life on the frontier. They have given us a close look and keen insight into what makes these characters tick and have portrayed them with an exacting observance for detail that makes the characters truly come alive.