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New Chapter

Posted on Mon Jul 18th, 2011 @ 3:14pm by Lieutenant Valkris Edwardson- tSepeS
Edited on Wed Aug 3rd, 2011 @ 4:04am


I think back to almost a year ago when I transferred from the Kearsarge to the Hera and thought that i'd fianally achieved some measure of success when named XO and Chief Tactical Officer. Events back home within the Empire forced me to take a short leave and it was then that I'd learned that the proverbial deck had been pulled from underneath me.

Operations had decided to mothball the Hera and since my promotion was a conditional one, I was relegated to serve on board the Marconi as it's Chief of Strategic Operations. Not that I minded the change but it had meant that my field promotion to Lieutenant Commander had been....rescinded.

Still, it was good to at the very least spend some time on the Emperor's Fist, a new D-70 class Battlecruiser, with my former comrades and family at her helm.

[End notation]

[New entry]

Today I stood on the observation deck and watched as the Iapetus cleared her moorings and departed space dock. A part of me felt some remorse at not having stayed on board but given my introduction to the crew, the arguments and such, I am releived to have put that chapter of my life behind me. Perhaps sometime in the future, when my time here on the 900 is completed, I may return. It won't be in the same position as I left her and it will definitely be on my own terms. I look forward to begining my Graduate studies here at the academy. After my meeting with sa' qeraQ', I was convinced that I needed to reclaim my life, reclaim the warrior that I had become and rekindle that fire that had been...tempered by recent events.

Still, I wonder how things would have differed had I stayed on the Hera as her Executive Officer? Would Mek'tor and I continue to plan our joining ceremony? I cannot begin to think about those questions with so much going on in my life. Tomorrow I will take some time and see more of the station before classes begin. I still have other letters to write home to mother who I haven't spoken to in almost 9 months! I'm sure she will be happy to hear that i'm finally settling down, both professionally and personally.

Next she'll be asking about grandchildren.


-log terminated-


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