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Newbie On The Deck!

Posted on Fri Oct 14th, 2011 @ 7:50am by Lieutenant James Holbridge


Leading by example was the best way to inspire your troops, and Jim jumped right in with both feet. He knew he was still very new at this job and had the good sense to let his chiefs run things until he got a feel for what was going on. Chief Xann, a joined Trill female and a friend of Jim's, had made it her official duty to take the new officer under her wing lest he foul up in spectacular fashion. "Our main function is to make sure that this base is well defended. In order to do that we have to deploy Fleet assets in the sector plus utilize our own in house assets in order to stay secure," Xann was explaining to the younger man. "The Hammond and the Takei are both deployed, which has created a rather large hole to fill. I have taken the liberty of having three scout ships placed on standby in case they are needed."
"That is basic operations, chief," Holbridge nodded his head. "But why three and not six as per procedure?"
"Good question, young man!" Xann smiled. "To answer that, let me pose this question to you: what are we in right now?"
"A starbase," Jim replied.
"Correct, a godawful big, armed-to-the-teeth, for real starbase that nobody in his right mind would attack. This floating hunk of machinery in space carries some of the most advanced weapons ever put on paper by the eggheads in R+D. Sooner or later, some species is going to decide to see just how big and bad they are and come after this base and when they do, they will get pounded back into the stone ages. Now, having said that, do you think it's wise to let potential enemies know just how many scouts we have? Or fighters?" Xann asked, looking at Jim. "Strategy, lieutenant; we draw them in and then sucker punch them. Ain't nothing says war is fair, is there?"
Jim stared hard at the master situation display. "Guess not, chief."
"Don't get the mopes now, lieutenant," Xann admonished her pupil. "You have one of the most important jobs on this base. You function as backup for the three most used departments in the Fleet, Operations, Intelligence, and Security, as well as titular control of Tactical. When the spooks are sent into a hot zone to gather information, who you think they gonna call to bring 'em home? I guarantee you, when that call comes you best have an exfiltration and exit strategy ready and waiting cuz Commander Hawke likes to be prepared. Commander Zeferino is one of the best security officers I have ever seen, and Sakkath is one of the best in Ops ever. They will depend on you to back them up in case something goes haywire."
Jim shook his head, wondering what in the hell he had gotten himself into. He focused on a blinking section of the MSD. "What's going on here, chief?"
"Good eye," the chief smiled in a motherly way. "What do you see, sir?"
"A section scan of the base at deck 331," Jim answered.
"That's right. Our MSD is tied into Main Ops sensors and gear, so whatever they see we see. Right now, we are assisting Security in the search for Commander Kh'ali. So far, sensors have turned up nothing. We're working with Operations to increase internal sensor sensitivity so we can scan spectra we haven't done before." Xann waved her hand. "However, this is all busy work. Our real function is to get this station ready for a fight. In the absence of dedicated departments, Strat Ops handles a lot of what Cmdr Oz and Cmdr Li do.
Jim looked lost. "So what do we do in the meantime?"
"We stay prepared, lieutenant. We are constantly vigilant. No worries, you'll get the hang of this job!"
Jim smiled at the chief. "I hope so."
Xann brought up a section of space. "We're not covered as well as I'd like aft of the stations position. I was thinking maybe we could deploy a few stationary sensor platforms along the edge of the sensor range. That way we can get better pictures of what we're dealing with."
Jim just nodded. "Good idea. Have Operations get some new sensor platforms ready and we'll deploy them at 1400 hours."
Xann smiled at her newest protg. "Now you're thinking like a Strat Ops officer!"

1600 HOURS

Jim came into his new, more spacious home and flopped down on the couch. "What a day!"
Tricia Holbridge came into the living room with a glass of OJ in one hand and a tray of summer sausage and pepper jack cheese in the other. "How was work, darling?"
"I felt like a damned newbie in there! Fortunately, my new chief, Senior Chief Kendara Xann, saved me from looking too stupid." Jim took a long swig of his juice. "Where are the brats?
Tricia smiled at her husband. "The girls are at volleyball practice and JJ is asleep." She crawled across the couch into Jim's waiting arms. "This is nice!" she purred.
"Last time we had time alone like this, JJ was born nine months later." Jim leaned down to kiss his wife.
After the pair came up for air, Tricia looked at Jim. "What happened with David?"
Jim exhaled loudly. "He lost it, hun. His Betazoid telepathy was causing him pain and he has been using that formula his grandma made him forever, but Captain Fulton, the Marine XO, decided to stick it to Dave after reading Sakkath's report."
"Why didn't Sakkath stop him?" Tricia asked.
"I don't know, but I will make sure to ask him." Jim said. He didn't want to say it aloud but he missed his friend badly. He felt naked in the Delta Quadrant without him. Ever since they met in a Cardassian prison camp, the two men had forged a deep bond of friendship. Jim had made a few calls to his father asking him if David could work for him in some capacity, but he seriously doubted that Lorenz would take to being cooped up in an office.
Tricia hugger her husband close, wondering if Jim would be okay as a regular Fleet officer.

A Personal Log BY:
LT James Holbridge
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
Starbase 900


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